Article by Rev. Dr. Tracy Cox, DD
Caring for the elderly can be a challenging task, either as a profession, or within one’s own family. As people advance in years, quite often they can be hit with senility, dementia or Alzheimer’s. This can make them difficult to deal with, as they can become angry or mean to their caregivers. Fortunately, as Reiki practitioners, we have a powerful tool to help smooth out the rough patches and work with these patients. Using Reiki brings us the ability to deal with what can be a very sad and difficult time of life for all involved. Let’s look at a few ways that we can take action to improve end of life care for our patients and ourselves for the highest good of all concerned.
Self-care is key!
It can be devastating to watch a once vital and healthy human being become forgetful and ill, and even have a complete personality change. It is exceptionally hard for adult children to have a parent who doesn’t recognize them anymore. All of this will take a toll on us as caregivers unless we take the time for self-care, and as Reiki practitioners that means daily Self Reiki. Make sure that you start your day with your own self-healing. My students and I find that doing our Self Reiki in bed before we get up sets the tone for the day. Daily Self Reiki heals and corrects our spiritual energy systems so that we can deal with stressful events in a calm and collected manner. You cannot give water from an empty well, and if your energy systems are not operating at full capacity it is very difficult to be a caregiver. Give yourself the gift of daily Self Reiki, and watch your ability to cope and be at peace during stressful times improve.
Send Distance Reiki
Before you even begin your journey to where you are caring for your patient, make sure to sit in quiet meditation for a few moments and send distance Reiki to them. I like to close my eyes, place my prayer hands over my Third Eye and say silently “Reiki, please heal (the patient’s name) in body, mind, and spirit for the highest good of all concerned” and then send the Reiki symbols to them. As the beautiful energy of Reiki flows to the person and situation, it will make the day to day work of caregiving so much more smooth and enjoyable. Make sure to thank the Reiki energy when you are finished, and watch the magic begin. I have seen real breakthroughs with elderly patients who have become much calmer and easy to deal with after sending distance Reiki. Try it yourself and see!
Use Reiki Immediately During an Emergency
One of the really stressful things about looking after the elderly is that you never know when a crisis or emergency will crop up. As people become more frail, devastating falls or health emergencies will inevitably happen. This is the reality of end of life care. To help you and your patient through these stressful times, make sure that as soon as an emergency strikes you begin to send the Reiki symbols to the situation, for the highest good of all. As you go about dealing with the emergency, visualize the Reiki energy flowing to your patient and yourself so that you can deal with the crisis in a calm and effective way. As you send the symbols to the situation, you will find that your decision-making process will become crystal clear and your calm and collected demeanor will help the patient and any surrounding people from panicking, which makes a bad situation worse. Reiki helps to ground us, and from this stable foundation comes the power to truly help those in crisis.
Using Reiki in these ways has helped myself and my students in the very challenging and rewarding role of caregiver to the elderly. Try these techniques yourself and enjoy the peace of mind that comes from the miracle of Reiki. You will be glad you did!
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Rev. Dr. Tracy Cox, DD is a Reiki Master Teacher, Spiritual Mentor and Coach. She works with clients and students worldwide by phone or webcam, and in person at her private office in Aurora, Ontario, Canada. She has an active spiritual ministry, and is an Ordained Minister who has been awarded her Doctor of Divinity degree. Her doctoral dissertation was focused on scientific research proving the power of prayer. She uses the information from her research to help her clients heal and overcome their challenges in all areas. For more info, please see or connect with her on Facebook at
Beautiful! One of the most precious things we gave give the elderly are our attention and touch. I have elderly dogs and they seem to really love the warmth and contact Reiki brings <3 <3
Thank you so much for your kind words! I really feel that using Reiki in every part of our lives lets us slow down and enjoy our interactions with all of God’s creatures.
Thank you for sharing this article. I am starting my reiki experience and nearing the end of my Level 1 21 day attunement. WOW. What a beautiful experience, transition and transformation this is. I also work in hospice and this article brings my heart such joy and advice on how to help where I can. Today I used distance reiki while hearing a resident at a facility having a difficult time with his caregiver. Even within a short period of time he calmed a little and stopped yelling out. It’s an incredibly grateful and humbling feeling to do any part I can to help others <3 Thank you <3
Thank you Amber, wonderful to hear that this article has helped you in your work!
I work with the old folk and disabled,I’d love to do reiki on lots of them,but it’s not allowed, protection of me and them. I wish folks were more trusting.
dear madam,
well, i am 67 years old and in total financial crises.
i am also a reiki practioner and tarot card reader, reiki and tarot helped many persons through me, but i dont know how to ask me to solve my problems.
once again i pray you, to pray for me and solve my sufferings for this 67 year old man.
i am in deep trouble, i am not a pensioner, my self and my wife have to survive till our end, of course
thank god i have fulfilled my commitments and my siplings are well and i dont want to distrub them for our bread, {they are helping me in many ways and i dont want to distrub more}and the suffering is for me and my wife only, and also we are hale and healthy.
i have full faith with reiki, hope your prayer will solve our financial problems till our end.
with thanks.
s.rajaraman cuddalore
tamilnadu 13/09/2022
i thank reiki to extend an oppertunity to write letter to you.