Zibu Symbols are Angelic symbols channeled by the Angelic Realm to Debbie Almstedt. These are simple and beautiful symbols that are like cursive writing, each symbol has its own meaning and application. These symbols have their own translations and names and can be applied in healing in different ways. Each of them carries their own colour vibration as well. However, during energy work they could come to you with a colour vibration which is different from the one suggested, so go with the flow as angels know best about the energy that is most needed at any particular point in time.
Today’s symbol is that of Gratitude – “Anu” (pronounced – ah-noo) and its energetic colour is yellow. The emotion of gratitude is what keeps us driving forth in life. When we choose to express gratitude for our many blessings and gifts, we multiply them manifold. We set in motion the Universal Law of Attraction which in turn brings us even more blessings and gifts in life. Let us look at some more creative ways of using this symbol in our daily lives.
12 creative ways of Using the Zibu Symbol of Gratitude – Anu
- Begin your day with gratitude: You can draw this symbol in the air several times expressing your gratitude for this beautiful morning, for the sun, the stars and everything you feel grateful for. You can express gratitude for this wonderful opportunity to be blessed with one more day where you can rise and shine.
- Draw over your plants and pets: You can visualize this symbol in your mind’s eye or draw it in the air or on a piece of paper or your pet’s food bowl along with the blessings symbol and express gratitude for their perfect health and abundance; for all the oxygen and beauty your plants bring in your homes and lives and for all the love your pets shower in your life.
- Draw over your food: You can draw this symbol, over your food and drink, along with the blessings symbol, in the air or in your mind’s eye and express gratitude for its abundance in your life. You can also express gratitude for all the nourishment it provides you and your family for keeping you all healthy and vibrant.
- Draw on your cheque book: You may draw this in your cheque book and express gratitude for an unlimited supply of money and resources that help you live your life to the fullest.
- Draw it over your home: Visualize your home in your mind’s eye and draw it over your home expressing gratitude to your warm and cozy home for giving you shelter, love and protection and always bringing happiness and love in your and your loved ones lives.
- Draw it over your electronics: You may draw this symbol over your electronics like your refrigerator, laptop, air conditioning etc. and being grateful to them for functioning in an optimum manner and bringing in abundance and comfort in your life.
Image by Marisa04
- Draw it over your workstation/office/ desk: You may draw it over your workstation in the air or put it up in a frame and express gratitude to it for helping you bring in limitless ideas and productive work that help you run your homes comfortably.
- Draw it over your children’s study desk: You can draw this symbol over your child’s study desk along with the blessings symbol thanking it for helping your child gain knowledge and stay blessed.
- Draw it over your main door: You can draw it over your main door expressing gratitude to it for protecting you and your family and also bringing in opportunities, abundance, health, happiness, love and wealth and any other blessings you may wish to express gratitude towards. You can also club this with the blessings symbol for this purpose.
- Draw it over your day: Visualize all the highlights of your day at the end of each day being infused with the energy of this symbol expressing gratitude for all the goodness this day has brought into your life, thus multiplying it with a grateful heart.
- Draw it over your relationships and loved ones: Before you go to bed, you can visualize all you loved ones and draw this symbol several times, along with the blessings symbol, thanking them for bringing in their love and warmth in your life and blessing them with all that is for their highest good.
- Draw it over mother earth: You may also choose to visualize mother earth in your mind’s eye and draw it several times over her expressing your heartfelt gratitude for her love and blessings that she showers upon you unconditionally every day.
These are just a few ways that you can use this symbol. Please feel free to get creative and use it with any other symbols or alone, as you feel guided. These are angelic symbols and will only do good! So get creative and welcome Angelic energy in your life.
Article by Sneha Khanna
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Sneha Khanna is a Growth Catalyst and Angel Medium who fuses her passion for energy work and mindfulness with practical ways of living. She truly believes that we are all superheroes – it is just a matter of discovering your superpowers and talents and effectively using them.
You can drop her an email at snehakhannaofficial5@gmail.com for Intuitive Soul Therapy (Online), several Individual and Group Workshops (Online). You can also follow her page on Tarot Reader Sneha Khanna for uplifting and positive content.
I would like to make to make tattoo of gratitude symbol. Is it ok. Pls. reply
Have the same question. Is it good to make the gratitude symbol a tattoo? And if yes, are any restrictions on where to make it, meaning part of the body?
Dear Eirini,
We cannot offer an objective response because this is a personal choice; there’s no science behind it and each response it would be different, depending on whom you ask. You should do what you feel guided to do.
So our suggestion would be to perform a self-Reiki session with this particular intention and see the response you’ll get. If you feel to move forward with the tattoo, I’m sure you’ll sense the place where it “belongs” on your body.
Connecting with your inner guidance and intuition is the best advice we can offer in this situation!
Reiki Rays Team