Article by Kriss Erickson
Many people are drawn to Reiki because of its calming, supportive, balancing frequencies. Life can be challenging, and Reiki is a great support in those times. However, it can be tempting to use energy work such as Reiki to avoid difficulties altogether.
But that is not the nature of Reiki. Many sources cite how Reiki goes to the root of an issue. This means that instead of allowing you to avoid challenges, Reiki helps you acknowledge them and work through them.
One source, Japanese Zen Master Shodo Harada Roshi shares wise words about the energies that flow through our lives:
“Massive clouds appear and then fade, one after the other, without end, and their waters replenish the whole universe without ever stopping. We have to know directly this Mind where we become the flow of the clouds. . . For one who has realized the Mind, there is nothing to fear.”
As you can see from this perspective, existence is simply waves of energy, nothing to fear, no real challenges. Only opportunities for lessons to be learned.
Psychologist Carl Jung says, “We meet ourselves time and again in a thousand disguises on the path of life.”
This indicates that even if we put a lot of effort into avoiding life’s challenges, we cannot escape them because they are all parts of ourselves.
The need to get to the root of an issue is why with a person who has frequent headaches, for example, a Reiki practitioner may be guided to place her hands on the lower back (as an unstable pelvis is often a source of pain higher up on the spine). Thinking through current life themes, such as boundary issues, can also help to uncover the root of the issue. Consistent, daily Reiki practice will also bring up issues that could reveal why the energy of the headaches is attracted to the person’s field.
As you can see from this example, receiving Reiki and practicing self-Reiki does not simply relieve the issue needing attention. The healing, balancing frequencies of Reiki help us to become more aware of the root of the issue so that we can clear that. Then the headaches or other dis-comfort can be released.
There are many other ways that Reiki helps us confront and clear, rather than deny and avoid, the difficult challenges of life. Here are five of those ways:
1) Reiki increases awareness. Awareness is simply the ability to see what is going on around us, and be aware of the available options to deal with it. Practicing Reiki helps us become more aware, which in some instances means being able to see far enough ahead to avoid pitfalls. But it also means we can work through any issues that come up with a more open mind.
2) Reiki strengthens our ability to create and maintain a peaceful mindset. Having a peaceful mindset does not mean we will never make mistakes or experience difficulties. Having a peaceful mindset provides clearer space to respond to difficulties.
3) Reiki helps us see each day for what it is. The ability to calmly assess the events of each day is much more empowering than resisting the thought of potential challenges. When stressful situations arise, name how you feel. If you are scared, or anxious, just say so. Then, send Reiki to those feelings. Follow the energy and see what you can learn.
4) Reiki helps us recognize the themes that challenge us. If challenging events regularly come up, send Reiki to them. Ask the Reiki Source and your Higher Self to help you recognize the themes contained in those events, so that you can work through them and release them. For example, if people regularly talk behind your back, instead of focusing on that aspect, think through the themes in your life. Some suggestions: Self respect, boundaries, sincerity. Send Reiki to the themes that come up to learn where you need to clear those areas in your life.
5) Reiki encourages us to stand in our integrity. This means simply being who we are, feeling what we feel and learning through that the lessons we need to learn in this lifetime. I have found that the more I can welcome challenges with the attitude of, “What will you teach me today?” the more I learn. As we truly learn the lessons of each challenge, we leave that particular challenge behind. There will be more challenges ahead in other areas, but our experience in dealing with and accepting with grace the challenges that come our way will help us in the future.
A Simple Daily Reiki Practice to Help Meet the Challenges of Each Day
Set your intention each day to take care of yourself before you take on anything else. You can’t drive your car with an empty gas tank. Neither can you take on the day’s challenges with an empty energy tank!
Here is a simple way to feed yourself energetically and set the tone for the day:
- As you wake up, open a Reiki channel. Place your hands over your heart or on another spot on your body as you are led.
- Send the Reiki Power Symbol to yourself for 5 minutes. Allow the Reiki frequencies to energize you for the day.
- Send the Reiki Mental/Emotional Symbol to yourself for 5 minutes. Allow your energy fields to become calm, stable and clear.
- Move your hands to other areas of your body as you feel led. You may find yourself placing your hands in the energy fields around your body as well. Become aware of the energies in each area and learn what you can about the needs of that area. If you are led to float your hands in the energy fields, imagine any turbulence or static in those areas being cleared and gently dissipating into the universe.
- Breathe gently and deeply while sending Reiki to yourself. Repeat all or parts of this exercise throughout the day if and when challenges arise.
As you can see, Reiki is always there to help us, no matter the circumstances.
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Kriss Ericksonn is an Usui/Tibetan, Atlantean. Crystal, Karuna®, Ra-Sheeba and Lightarian Reiki Master Teacher, a certified Acutonics Practitioner and the founder of the Elemental Frequencies Dragon Reiki system. She teaches and shares Reiki from her home in Everett, WA. Kriss also creates energetic art that she sells at art fairs, composes original music and is a published author. Reach Kriss at and at
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