Article by Haripriya Suraj, Reiki Master
Are you highly sensitive to external energies?
Do you absorb energy like a sponge?
Do you feel drained after spending time amidst large gatherings?
Does negative stimuli such as gossip, sensationalism and the like leave you feeling drained?
If yes, know that you are not alone. Many people, by nature, are highly sensitive to the energies surrounding them. Energy sensitivity is not to be viewed as a defect in the personality nor does it indicate that one is superior in the egoistic sense. Just like everyone else, sensitive people are also beautiful souls. It’s just that they are different in the way they respond to the energy around them and this characteristic is most often inborn in them.
Many in the Reiki community are highly energy sensitive and find themselves drained of energy periodically. If you are energy sensitive, the following three tips may help whenever you find yourself drained of energy.

Image by condesign
Water is a powerful energy cleanser. Though we view water as a cleansing agent for the physical body, it can help with cleansing the energy body as well. Whenever you find yourself drained of energy, one of the quickest ways to acquire some relief is to take a nice warm shower. You may also use some bath salt if you like. The water will help clear up a large proportion of picked up energies from the energy field. We are only referring to the fragments of negative energy that we may absorb during the day and not to deeper blocks/karmic blocks in the energy field. If you go out to work every day, taking a relaxing shower once you’re home can be a helpful practice to support energy health. It can help clear any negativity that you may have picked up at work or during your commute to and from your workplace.
Full Body Reiki
Full body Reiki is another wonderful way to clear negative energies from the energy field. And it fetches even better results when practised post a warm shower. So, whenever you feel drained of energy, treat yourself to a nice relaxing shower followed by full body Reiki. Observe how this helps you. If you are regular with practice, you may notice that a Reiki treatment feels extra relaxing on the days that you feel energy drained. Reiki reaches the very core of our cells and literally washes over our chakras. It brings much needed relief and healing to the entire system and restores our energy to a state of balance.
Nature Walk
This step is optional but if you can include it, it will bring additional benefit. After a shower and full body Reiki, see if you can spend some time outside in nature. The best place to be in would be your own garden. If you do not have a garden, a neighbourhood park would work just as well. Nature has a powerful cleansing effect. Walking in natural surroundings will help shake off residual negative energy from the system.
Following the above three step approach in the order described would fetch the best results. However, depending on the circumstances, each of the steps can be practised independently as well.
Energy health is as important as physical health. It is all the more important if we are energy sensitive. Fortunately, a few simple measures can ensure that we do not stress ourselves out and suffer needlessly. All we need to do is acknowledge that we are sensitive to energy, become aware when we have absorbed negative energy into our field and then take a few simple steps to balance it out.
Love and Light!
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Haripriya Suraj is a Reiki Master, Angel Healer and Starseed Lightworker. Reiki is her constant companion from which she derives peace and contentment. She is deeply connected with the Stars and Angels and they form an integral part of her Reiki practice. Her core mission is to help bridge the worlds of Spirit and Science and to help people connect with their unique soul missions. Haripriya offers Reiki healing sessions and training programs in Bangalore, India. Reach Haripriya at, on email at and on Facebook at Angel Light.
Very nice will do this.Thank You