Antahkarana is an ancient healing symbol which does not need any attunement nor does it belong to any particular Reiki system. Merging this powerful symbol with Reiki brings profound outcome. It is known to be the bridge between the physical self and higher self. For more information, refer to Ananya Sen’s beautiful article about Antahkarana. Listed below are some ways to use this symbol for healing purpose.
1. Simply sticking or placing Antahkarana in any room is enough to create an illness free and healthy atmosphere.
2. It is most effective in fighting any illness.
3. Any object or anything placed between 2 Antahkarana symbols will be cleared of all negativities.
4. Male and female Antahkarana symbols neutralizes any kind of energy.
5. Crystals can be cleansed by placing them between 2 Antahkarana symbols.
6. Place Antahkarana symbol under bed or mattress to promote better sleep.
7. Place Antahkarana symbol on chakras to balance chakras.
8. Charge your food and water to purify by placing it on Antahkarana. It acts as a detoxifier.
9. Place near electronic gadgets to reduce EMF effect.

Image by Spirit-Fire
10. Meditation with Antahkarana symbol gives inner clarity, improves immunity and establish stronger connection with spiritual realms.
11. If you are going through unbearable heartache, placing a Cosmic Cross symbol helps release the pain.
12. Sticking or placing it anywhere in room neutralizes negative energy as well as transmute it to positive energy.
13. Dispels negative effects from medicines when placed beneath medicines or in first aid box.
14. During Reiki sessions, place symbol directly face down on chakras or organs and give Reiki by placing palms few inches above it. It amplifies Reiki healing.
15. Keep symbol on or under working desk to keep negativity and psychic attacks off from colleagues.
16. Make a sandwich of 2 Antahkarana symbols and your/client’s pic/name for faster and optimize healing.
17. A printed cloth of Antahkarana symbol is helpful in healing as you can easily place it on client.
18. If you feel blockage in any chakra, you can opt for square Antahkarana symbol and give Reiki.
19. Sit on any Antahkarana symbol to ground yourself.
20. Take a printout of the symbol and use it as a crystal grid base.
21. Just keeping it near your aura can bring positive effects on aura and chakras.
22. Put along with your angel/tarot deck to cleanse the decks.
Ever since I have put Antahkarana symbol in my crystal box, I notice the crystals getting cleansed and charged faster- Piyusha Sinha
There are 4 versions of Antahkarana Symbol: Male, Female, Cosmic Cross and Squares.
Male – Direct, intense and penetrating energy. Use when you need fast healing.
Female – Nurturing and gentle energy. It is not as intense as Male Antahkarana energy. You can use this for subtle and relaxed healing.
Cosmic Cross – Opens heart chakra to positive energy and accept love.
Squares – Removes negativity, blockages and stagnant energies. Helps energy flow freely. It is advisable to ground yourself with Male Antahkarana symbol after using square symbol.
My personal use – I had terrible back pain and I was on bed rest. I used to tape Antahkarana symbol on my back. My son and hubby carries the symbol in wallet even though they don’t know anything about it. They just know that it is for their good and they are happy to carry it. I always have it in my purse too.
Article by Rinku Patel
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Rinku Patel is a Reiki Master Teacher, Doreen Virtue certified-Angel intuitive, Fairyologist, Realm Reader, Crystal healer, Angel card reader, and Indigo card reader. Other than that she is a Certified Tarot card reader and spiritual writer. Rinku can be reached via her email address [email protected] and on Facebook at Magics n Miracles
Awesome article! I am adding one more point in the list… you can keep anthakarna symbol in your reiki box, it balances the energy flow and make it more effective while healing, it makes the cleansing process much easier than we think!
Please sugest Which of the 4 Antahkarana symbol we should put in reiki box? Thanks 🌈🌈
Preity Mauritius island
while keeping in a reiki box its amplifies healing and cleanse your reiki box too.
Yes Saumita!! Thanks!!
I have a query. If I place antahkarna at the base of my wooden reiki box would it form a grid? And if yes then I would be moving the box for giving healing. In grids we cant move I guess. In that case what to do?
U mean along with crystals?
1. How to draw this symbols.
2. male symbol !
3. female symbol !
4. what is square symbol ! you mentioned ( need first draw the suqare and then in side need to be draw the antakarana.. how to start antakarana, dint given directions.)
You dont draw the symbol you just print the symbol up. Then place it where you want.
Please,tell me how to recharge pencil crystal with a master crystal is it in clockwise direction or anticlock wise direction, first we rechage center pyramid crystal with master crystal and come back pencil crystal again pyramid crystal like this please clarify my dout…..
It is intention. If you are intending to recharge something. You will recharge it by moving how you are called to move while intending to recharge it. Technically it wont matter which direction you move.
Hi, Let your intuition guide you… wrong procedures with right intention will give better results…
Beautiful information, very much appreciated! However, I have the same request as RK.
You don’t draw.. Simply take a print out n use..
From where I can get the pictures of Antahakarna symbols of all types.
Can I use the male symbol to heal my father?. He is 80 yrs n suffering from spinal compression…. He is in a lot of pain. Kindly guide me
You would find the female symbol better for him. I’d place a single female under the bed to start with and perhaps place one under the water jug and under the place mat when he eats. You could also place one under any box of tablets he maybe taking.
Dear Rinkuji
I always appreciate your articles as I get rich insights there…. this one is no different.
Pl guide me as to how to draw this symbol on chakras while giving Reiki self treatment? or we just take the print and place it on all chakras?
Take wallet size printout n place on chakra directly..
Placing a copy of the female symbol and placing it under the healing table symbol side up against the table just stick it under in the middle and it will do the work from there.
co-incidently I gave a client a male and female Antahkarana symbols this afternoon after she said her granddaughters bicker and sometimes fight as I found they were amazing when I had teenagers in the house and they couldn’t pass on the stairs or top of the landing without trouble. I advised her to place them with white tac on opposite walls, perhaps even placing behind pictures, clocks or posters if she didn’t want anyone to see them.
I also used one to help a missing cat get home. it worked the next day and it had been missing for 3 weeks.
Thanks for the comprehensive print out – as usual, they are very useful and compact
Hi Rinku!
Very nice article.. Do we need to keep all the four symbols in the wallet? Also on the walls which symbol to place?
Regds, reena
I prefer the female symbol for my wallet as its much more gentle and caring.
Thank u soooo much rinku. These 4 symbols are life saving for me. After my breakup which happened 10 months ago i couldnt cope up with the situation. My life had crashed. I started healing mysrlf I would feel so relaxed after every healing. But emotionally i am still so weak. I hv to heal my heart a lot. But now i put antahkarna symb all the time pasted near my heart. I dont need healing at heart. But if any day i forget to put it, i feel my heart is drowing again. The moment i put them at my heart i sttart feeling relaxed. I hv got a new confidence with it. And may be one day i will be completly healed. I cant live without them. Thanks a lot. God bless u
So you need to be attuned to the symbol to use?
The symbol is not part of any Reiki so you dont need to be attuned to use it. Just print up a copy of the symbol and place it where you wish.
dear Rinkuji
please tell me the individual use of male, female and cross anthakaran symbols, because Kat has mentioned the use of female symbol more then the male one.
can the female symbol can heal my poor wealth condition also?
I tattooed it on my shoulders. The female aspect on my left shoulder, the male aspect on my right and I also turned it 60 degrees (for personal reasons). I’m always working on purifying what is between these two. 🙂
Millions of thanks.
1st time in the world.
We r Making a Bioenergy based Antahkarana healing Symbol, Meditation Mat.
Contact to email : [email protected], whatsapp : 9004128111.
I don’t have a printer. Where can I get both female and male symbols
5 years ago I was introduced to this beautiful symbol and that day I decided to ink it permanently on my body.
Since then, I have permanently tattooed it on the left side of my chest, signifying that, I will send and use the Antharkarna energy with love from my heart.
Thanks a lo rinkuji very helpful article
I traced this with an iron-on pencil. But of course, when i ironed if on, it was backwards. Does this make a difference in its effectiveness, or does it need to look like “7” s? Thx for your help
I so appreciate learning so much about Reiki Symbols and how they help us. I am having trouble understanding how to print antahkarana symbol; where do I go to print? Where do I find the symbols.
Thanks for your help and wise information
Google a good resolution image n print..
Hi ,rinku i want to know that i keep this symbol on my bed is it safe ?
Yes it is
Thank you very much Rinku ji. You directed me the wonderful way about Antahkarna Symbol. Can it be used coloured or black n white. Any difference of these
Colour is better.. for more queries reply on [email protected]
Thanks, Please check your mail box with
Thanks Rinku
If ‘Male and female Antahkarana symbols neutralizes any kind of energy’, does it mean that they also neutralize positive energy? Thank you Rinku.
One more question please. How do we meditate with the symbols? By placing the symbols in our hands? Would it not be kind of disrespectful sitting on the Antahkarana symbols placed under a mat? Thanks again Rinku
Antakarana symbol gives you lot of concentration during the meditation. This symbol is having some mysterious specialty, that it won’t allow you to think of anything else, while meditating. I used to draw this symbol continuously in my mind while I do meditation, and I can’t think of any other things or rather this symbol never allow me to think of anything else.
Hi Rinky ji, lovely article indeed. Can the weight issue be treated with any of these four Antah karana symbols. If yes then which symbol to use and which part of the body. Also which symbol is advised to use for knee pain or back pain. Thanks a ton in advance.
Thanks Rinku for such informative article.which one of those symbols is helpful in migraine? And how to use? Please let me know.
Thank you for this most informative article, but, which one is a square symbol?
I have the electric body box covering up some the instructions for using the symbol. I can’t find the x to close it out. I’m excited to learning how to use it.
Maybe I will suggest Antahkara symbols in sandwich with a credit card/Bank statement or a business card to heal finances private or business.
Maybe when you buy a lotto ticket put it as well in sandwich, the try cannot damage use it as your intuition says it is good and bring some cho ku rei and hon sha ze cho nen there too
hello Mam, thank you
For chakra blockage which symbol is useful?
For mediation which symbol should be used.
Can I use antakarna symbol for manifestation?
Please help by guiding on above points