Article by Johannes Verheijden, Reiki Master
Editor’s note:
This is Part 5 (last part) of a multi-part guide for Reiki practitioners.
The series starts here.
Reiki fun and games
Group session
A group of eight Reiki practitioners will be sitting in two circles of four. An inner circle of four practitioners holding their arms crossed so that the left hand will hold the right hand of the neighbour and vice versa. Their own feet touching each other with the soles of their feet. Four persons in the outer circle sitting behind the four people in the inner circle holding each other with their arms spread and their legs wrapped around the person in the inner circle. The soles of their feet touching each other as well. The beauty of this group session is that everybody in the inner circle and outer circle is connected and the energy flows beautifully from one to the other.
The circle
Seven Reiki practitioners, one of which is the “victim” to undergo it all :).
The circle originates from Richard Gordon’s book “Your healing hands”, in which he describes the theory of Randolph Stone. What you do is the following: one person is on the floor or on a table.
Person no. 1 holds his/her hands on both sides of the person’s head, not touching it, but a few inches from the head.
Person no.2 stands on the right side of the person and holds the left hand softly on the forehead of the person and the right hand gently on the hara, just below the breastbone.
Person no. 3 stands on the right side of the person. Place your right hand on the left hipbone and your left hand on the right shoulder. Gently pulse the person for ten to fifteen minutes.
Person no. 4 stands on the left side of the person. Place your left hand on the right hipbone and the right hand on the left shoulder. Gently pulse the person for ten to fifteen minutes.
Person no. 5 stands on the right side of the person. Hold the person’s right hand with your left hand and the person’s left foot with your right hand.
Person no. 6 stands on the left side of the person. Hold the person’s left hand with your right hand and the person’s right foot with your left hand.
The circle is wonderful and even more special when the mantra Om is being sung!
Reiki throwing
You are standing opposite each other, or in a circle, depending with how many people you are. Rub your hands, close your hui yin and let the energy build up between your hands. When it is the size of a ball, throw it to the next person, who will receive it (catch it) and will with the energy that is received will create another ball, and throw it to the next person.

Image by Rhys Asplundh
If in a circle, make sure you first have thrown the energy balls to everyone, before starting again, or making new connections. Connect everyone energetically with everyone and weave a strong web among you.
Pushing and pulling
Work in pairs. One standing behind the other, placing hands of the shoulders of the person in front of them, but only if the person in front says she/he is ready.
The one who is at the front will firstly withdraw all the energy towards him/her and just feel the energy of the person behind him/her. To withdraw your energy, do this simple theatrical trick: focus on a point in the distance with your eyes and attention / energy, as if you were looking at the horizon. From there look withdraw your focus closer towards you and closer and closer until you look at your feet or chest. With looking closer your attention comes towards you as well and so is your energy. Go the point in which you look inside your heart with your focus and your energy and at that point the person behind you is allowed to put his/her hands on your shoulders. Once you feel the energy of the person behind you, will push your focus and attention and energy to a horizon behind you all at once. Really push your energy out and then withdraw again, pulling the energy of the one behind you towards you as if you are vacuum cleaning his/her energy. Feel the differences. The person who stands at the back of you should try to balance his/her energy and by doing so the two of you can play together and let the energy interact.
Who is who?
One friend is on his tummy while a group of other Reiki practitioners are standing aside. One Reiki practitioner after the other puts his/her hands on the person who is lying down. Her/his “task” is to tell who is putting their hands on him/her. But not by name, but by telling how the energy feels like and what it does and who it would correspond to before giving the name. The Reiki practitioners in the circle are not allowed to speak, until everyone had the chance to lye down and feel the hands of the others and to try to find out who is who…
Have fun!

Johannes Verheijden
Johannes Verheijden (1965) has been Reiki Master since 1998. He has been working with energy for as long as he can remember and over the years Johannes specialized in healing emotional issues. Ever since he first got in touch with energy work Johannes resonated to it. It “spoke” to him and over the years he learned to channel the energy and to heal people emotionally by using energy, often in combination with massage, or aura reading/healing. Johannes is initiator of the World Reiki Wave, which will take place for the eighth time with thousands of Reiki practitioners joining on the 21st of June. He is based in Zeewolde, the youngest village in The Netherlands. Johannes can be reached through Facebook by
Thank you , Thank you, Thank you
You are great …a really great master ,,,sharing your knowledge with others that’s all about being a wonderful soul .
I’m really attracted as you in working with healing the emotional problems. Nowadays people have lots of emotional problems and they don’t know what to do to release them . More of your knowledge about healing the emotional issues are very much appreciated.
Dear Ady,
Thank you ever so much for your very kind words! Much appreciated.
Yes, many people face many emotional challenges, but the good thing is that there is more attention and willingness to deal with them as well 😉
Tack tack för intressanta möjligheter i med Reiki för känslomässiga händelser..Tack för alla dina artiklar o kunskaper som du delar med dej av..
Tack i livets tjänst
Dear Marianne, You are unconditionally welcome! I was my pleasure to share this with you all 🙂
Best regards,