Article by Haripriya Suraj, Reiki Master
The main purpose of the Reiki attunement is to activate the innate healing ability of the individual. But it is often so much more than that. Every time I attune someone, I experience a positive internal shift myself. Over time, I have grown to love giving Reiki attunements. Every attunement experience has been different. But what has been common to all is that I have benefitted as much from the ritual as the people getting attuned. Our vocabulary does not have the words that can describe the beauty of a Reiki attunement. In the early days of my practice, I did the attunements exactly as I had learnt them. I rehearsed the steps and practised tirelessly before I started offering them to others. With time though, I began to let the creative wisdom of my heart into the process. This decision changed the quality of the attunements being offered.
If you are a Reiki Master who attunes people, the following tips may help you offer the best to everyone who gets attuned by you.
1. Create a Divine Healing Space
It would be good to prepare a special space for the attunements. This is something many of you would be doing already. But for those who are new, it may help you to know that candles, lamps, incense, music, pictures of Higher Beings and the like invite pure loving energy into your attunement space and render it ready for the next step. Ensure the space is physically clean as well.
2. Surrender to the Heart
Do the attunement from your heart. Reiki teachers put in time and effort to learn the steps of offering an attunement. This is no doubt important. But once we are thorough with the steps, it is more important for us to surrender to the process and flow with the experience. If we are too focused on the steps alone, we would be operating from the mind. The best attunements happen from the heart centre. Use your mind to the extent necessary but allow your heart to take the lead. You will then create a more loving space. The heart is not as forceful as the mind. So, unless you are in a state of surrender, you will not be able to tune into the wisdom of your heart centre.

Image by Harold Laudeus
3. Trust your Intuition
Let go of the need to be mechanical and attune everyone the same way. You must certainly follow all the steps of offering an attunement but it is OK to add a dash of guided creativity along the way. If in the midst of an attunement, you intuitively feel that you must do something differently, trust your intuition and do it. Every person receiving an attunement is different and they may benefit more when they are attuned in a way that they need it. Remember you are tuned in to very high frequencies when you give an attunement. So, any positive guidance you receive during the process can be safely followed.
4. Call in Higher Beings
The Reiki attunement is always graced by Higher Beings such as Ascended Masters, Reiki Guides, Spirit Guides, Archangels, and Angels. Make a conscious connection with these Beings before the attunement. Request them to do the attunement through you. That way you can truly let go and flow with the experience. This will bring in more energies of love and raise the vibration of the space to much higher levels.
5. Take your time
Do not rush through the attunement. It is perfectly possible to effectively complete an attunement in as less as five minutes. But when you take your time and really put your heart and soul into every step, it takes on a different quality. This may take a few minutes more of your time but is totally worth it. No matter how many people you may have attuned already, do every attunement like you are doing it for the very first time. Connect with the learner from your heart and be very aware as you perform the attunement.
6. Allow Time for Integration
Once attuned, allow the new Reiki channel to integrate the energies and the entire experience. Rather than have them return to the happenings of the class immediately, give them ten minutes or so to relax and absorb the energies.
7. Meditate
Before you resume the class, spend a few minutes in meditation. This will help you integrate the experience and allow the high vibrations generated during the ritual to work on you. This practice brings in a deep sense of calm and helps you get closer to your Higher Self. Feel gratitude for this blessed opportunity.
These tips apply in the case of in person as well as distant attunements. In case of distant attunements, do the attunement exactly like you would if your client were present in person, because your client is truly with you in spirit. If you have a large number of people enrolled in a class, it may not be practically possible for you to spend a lot of time doing personalised attunements. The fewer the number you accommodate in each class, the more time you will have to offer the best. Every attunement we do is a great blessing for us. It gives us yet another opportunity to reconnect with our Higher Self and to consciously experience our innate state of love, peace, and bliss.
Love and Light!
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Haripriya Suraj is a Reiki Master, Angel Healer and Starseed Lightworker. Reiki is her constant companion from which she derives peace and contentment. She is deeply connected with the Stars and Angels and they form an integral part of her Reiki practice. Her core mission is to help bridge the worlds of Spirit and Science and to help people connect with their unique soul missions. Haripriya offers Reiki healing sessions and training programs in Bangalore, India. Reach Haripriya at, on email at [email protected] and on Facebook at Angel Light.
I am master of Reiki,live in Ahmedabad.I liked your ideas.I have done few attunement.I am practicing since10years .I always feel Masters are with me.thank you for information.May Masters bless everyone.
Perfect time to see this..Cant thank you enough!!
Thanks for sharing this Haripiya
Love and light,
Very nice article which will help all Master Teacher. One doubt I want to ask to clear my confusion. During my Level 1 and 2 I attended regular class. In Level 2 come across the symbols and not taught about the symbols relation with Archangels . Now I am Master Teacher and come to know that Archangel Michael with Dai Ko Myo , Archangel Gabriel with Cho Ku Rei , Archangel Uriel with Sei Hei Ki and Archangel Raphel with Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen. Why it is so and why these symbols not related with Hindu God or Deities? Your valuable reply is highly appreciated.
Very nice article, thank you!
I like this article. Thank you for sharing this information
Muthu Barathi – the Shirushi (Symbols) are not related to Jewish Deities at all and whoever has attached the Archangels to the Shirushi have done it out of their own opinion and nothing factual whatsoever. If you wish to know more about what deities are attached to the Shirushi (Symbols) then I suggest you read “The Big Book of Reiki Symbols” by Walter Lubeck & Mark Hosak for a real consideration of historical origins.
Thank you so much Haripriya 🙏🙏
For this wonderful information 🙏🙏
Thank you ❤️
Thank you Haripriya for this wonderful article as always…..
I am reiki master .. since my master teacher attunement I have started using divine guidance & intution more often than before…
This article regarding your insight about attunement has really helped me know that I am going on right path…
Thank you so much from my❤️
Here the points which are discussed by the people are really deep in knowledge…and for the new people it’s really helpful…thank you all…