Article by Justine Melton
Self-worth is something that many people struggle with. Low self-worth can affect every area of your life and can hold you back from accomplishing your most precious dreams and desires. Reiki has such amazing healing abilities and works beautifully to help self-worth issues. Reiki is different from many other healing therapies in the fact that it will partner with you in any way you want to use it for the greatest good. You can be as creative as you want or do as basic of a session as you want. It still works!
Here are the top five ways that I recommend using Reiki to aide in healing self-worth issues.
1. Perform a basic Self-Reiki session or go in for a basic session. Before your session begins set the intention that Reiki help you with your feelings of self-worth.
2. Make a list of self-worth affirmations and use them daily. A great way to do this is to make a point to repeat them to yourself every night before you go to sleep.
Examples of common self-worth affirmations:
• I am precious.
• I am worthy.
• I am deserving of all that is good.
• I am beautiful.
• I love my body.
• I love my soul.
• I am a beautiful being on the inside as well as on the outside.
• I am important.
• My words and what I have to say to others is important.
• I bring something unique to the world.
• I bring something special to everyone I meet.
• I am an amazing creator.
• I am special.
• When I look in the mirror I love the person I see.
• I am courageous and feel free to be myself.

Image by AdinaVoicu
3. Special Self Reiki Session:
Sit in a comfortable space. Start your session as you normally would by making the Reiki signs in front of your body. When focusing on self-worth I like to always make an emotional healing symbol over the center of my body at this time as well. Place your hands on the tops of your legs palms facing up to the sky. Picture yourself in front of you as if you are watching yourself on television. You have an incredible amount of self-worth. Allow yourself to feel this feeling for a few minutes. Notice how amazing it feels. Visualize that a white light bubble forms around you and the image of you with an amazing sense of self-worth. It seals in this energy and binds it together. Sit in the bubble of this healing self-worth energy for as long as you desire. When done draw one large grounding symbol over yourself. Do this routine 3 times a week in addition to your normal Reiki sessions when you are focusing on self-worth.
4. Mirror work: Look in the mirror and smile at yourself. Make whatever Reiki symbols you’d like over the mirror. Repeat positive affirmations while looking at yourself. Write down how you feel the first time you do this and every time after. You may feel ridiculous at first but notice how you feel at the end of a month. Have your feelings about yourself changed at all? Do you like what you see?
5. Work out and eat healthy. Taking care of yourself is vital to promote a healthy sense of self-worth. Get moving and cleanse your soul with Reiki, movement and good healthy food! Be sure to send Reiki to your workout sessions and to your food. 🙂
Sending love and light your way!
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Justine Melton is a Reiki Master/Teacher and an Intuitive Counselor. Reiki came into her life and changed it in amazing ways. It is her passion now to bring Reiki to others and help them to heal in a holistic way. Justine is lucky enough to be an Empath, Clairaudient, Clairsentient, and Clairvoyant. She is able to use these gifts with Reiki if asked to give extra messages during a session for the client’s highest good.
I believe number is the most important for our health. The power of the word, even the Bible starts with it.