Article by Haripriya Suraj, Reiki Master
Everything in the Universe has a vibration. The vibration that is felt in a place of pristine natural beauty is very different from the vibration that is felt in a dirty and polluted city. All of us have our own unique vibration as well. Some people exude powerful vibrations of love and peace. Just being in the presence of such people can raise our vibration too. Some people exude a lower vibration. In their presence, energy sensitive people feel drained and lower their own vibration in the process.
Our own vibrations change from day to day. The vibes we exude depend on the choices we make in day to day life. When we choose to take good care of ourselves and make healthy choices, we raise our vibration. When we care little for ourselves and make unhealthy choices, we risk lowering our vibration. It is a good idea to be aware of factors that contribute to the state of our vibration. Reiki practice helps us tune into our vibrations easily. It can help us check our vibration levels from time to time and make positive changes as necessary.
Low Vibration Triggers
- Sensationalism and biased media reports.
- Violent movies, books and other entertainment.
- Company of gossip mongers.
- Company of people who are overly materialistic.
- Oily, greasy, high calorie foods.
- Overly spicy and coloured foods.
- Eating food cooked by people who are stressed or in emotional turmoil.
- Artificial beverages, packaged juice, colas and other soft drinks.
- Tobacco, alcohol and drugs.
- Refined sugar consumed in high quantities.
- Coffee consumed in high quantities.
- Chocolates, cakes, pastries and sweets consumed frequently.
- The need to compete and be better than everyone else.
- Negative attitude and constant complaining.
- Lack of self love.
- Unhealed anger.
- Unhealed hatred, jealousy and desire for revenge.
- Constant anxiety and worry.
- Unhygienic living conditions.
- Lack of personal hygiene.
- Lack of exercise.
- Lack of fresh air and sunshine.
- Addictions of all kinds- food, sleep, sex etc.

Image by Sponchia
High Vibration Triggers
- Fresh air and sunshine.
- Freshly cooked food that is light on the stomach.
- Fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Walking , dancing, swimming ,yoga and other exercises.
- Fresh flowers placed in your home.
- Incense.
- Soothing/ Melodious/Foot tapping Music.
- Comedy movies and meaningful movies with a message for the soul.
- Spiritual books.
- Meditation and deep breathing.
- Daily Reiki practice! (very important)
- Company of babies, children and pet animals.
- Taking a shower.
- Spending time in nature.
- Loving yourself and being gentle with yourself.
- Honouring your passions and living them.
- Adequate time for rest and relaxation.
- Attitude of non-judgement.
- Positive outlook and trust in life.
- Connecting with Reiki Guides, Angels and Archangels.
- Smiles and laughter.
- Being well grounded.
- Company of people whose vibrations resonate with love and peace.
- Seeing the divine presence in everyone.
- Pampering and massage.
The lists are virtually endless. Almost everything we do from moment to moment has the power to alter out vibration. But the greater power is in our hands. External factors don’t have the power to control us unless we give our power away to them. Rather than being negligent by giving in to triggers that lower our vibration, we can make a conscious effort to spend much of our time living in ways that keep our vibration positive.
Have fun but draw the line when necessary. So, the next time you feel like grabbing an extra cup of sugary coffee, ask yourself if you can choose healthier instead. When you feel tempted to watch yet another episode of the news and crib over the state of affairs in the world, pause and take a deep breath. Ask yourself how YOU can make the world a better place in your own small way. Then go do it!
Much love and positive vibes to you ☺
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Haripriya Suraj is a Reiki Master, Angel Healer and Starseed Lightworker. Reiki is her constant companion from which she derives peace and contentment. She is deeply connected with the Stars and Angels and they form an integral part of her Reiki practice. Her core mission is to help bridge the worlds of Spirit and Science and to help people connect with their unique soul missions. Haripriya offers Reiki healing sessions and training programs in Bangalore, India. Reach Haripriya at, on email at [email protected] and on Facebook at Angel Light.
very nice dr. thank
Dear haripriya, i am one of your reader, i always love read your articles. This article gives clear picture and very easy to understand. thank you so much .
Thank you Bobby and Hema 🙂
Simple and so informative.. Thanks for your service.
Haripriya I love reading your articles.Always so beautifully and precisely explained. Please continue writing articles for us 🙂
Thank you
Great article and very helpful.Thanks
I’ve learnt level 1 & 2 of reiki. When I ask for reiki I don’t get sensations in my hand. Can you please advise correct way of doing it.
Gratitude for sharing wonderful information.