Article by Ananya Sen
I woke up this morning and did my regular meditation and was feeling calm. I then checked my emails and trust me, I lost my calm state of mind! A few of the clients who are taking healing from me, had sent me emails complaining about various things. It is not that they are not making progress in their lives, but they are still complaining about the way they are making progress!
They were really stuck in their lives, blocked when they had come to me, but now they are healing and still complaining! I am not saying that life will be fair or has been fair to us, but how long can we grumble about it?
The reason I am saying this, is that our thoughts and words are very powerful. The moment you say something, anything in fact, it goes out to the universe for processing. Thought travels faster than light! So, if you are looking for a job and you are constantly telling yourself or others, “I don’t have a job” or “I know I won’t get a job” etc, you have already decided not to have a job. The universe is intelligent, not emotional please understand. The universe picks up on the vibrations that your thoughts create.
Whatever it is that you don’t have in your life, it is natural that you will grumble about it. So what you can do is every time you say something negative about yourself or your life, immediately correct it by saying “Delete Don’t Process !” Trust me this works. If you forget to say this, at least do it every night before sleeping saying “whatever negative I said throughout my day for myself and others, delete don’t process.”
The other thing I want to explain to you is, complaining about others’ behaviour. You cannot say things like ‘he should have done this or she shouldn’t have done that.” These don’t make any sense! My wise Reiki teacher had once told me that life comprises of seven parts. One part out of seven is our free will, the other parts include destiny, divine timing, laws of nature, planetary alignments, soul contracts, other people’s free will etc.
Since you can control only one part of your life, don’t complain about the other parts. You are not in control. You can’t hand someone else their lines and expect them to follow through. However, if you wish for someone to act in a certain way, send healing to the situation or to their higher self. This does not mean they will act in the way you expect, but it will be in a mutually harmonious way. Stop complaining!
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Ananya Sen
Ananya Sen is a crystal healer gifted with claircognizant abilities. She lives in Bangalore, India, but she can offer distance crystal healing all around the world. Ananya also gives mantra diksha and offers free pendulum readings.
You can reach Ananya via her email address:
Today itself a friend (whom I have given healing at times )said she has another problem, don’t know why for the first time I felt she was being irresponsible…i think I’ll follow your advice, give healing to the situation, for the highest good.
Thanks and Namaste.
Wonderful article.
When the session is over, I remind my clients they need to work on continuing the healing. I have witnessed Reiki do miracles but…we can’t do it all. They need to remove toxic situations or food. Some people I’ve treated are, sadly, energy jukies. I’ve had people say to me, ok can you get like 9 or 10 Reiki people to come and maybe we can really fix this?
Better yet, remove the situation…
Article very fine mam
Really inspiring! Thanks for sharing!
I also am a Reiki master/ teacher & i am constantly telling my clients that when they wake in the morning to think positive thoughts & believe.
All the universe wants is to please us & so of course, what you put out there manifests.
Believe, have self worth & always think positively because if your life is crap & you keep saying it is, it will be until you change your thought pattern.
Love & Light
Thank you Ananya. Lovely article. I find each of your posts very informative.Thanks for sharing your experiences with us.
I too believe in ‘saying and thinking’ positive things even in the worst of situations. This I had to consciously bring into my being as I was a very skeptical and negative person once.
I used the phrase “Cancel,Clear,Delete”to rectify. I still do!! But ever since Reiki became a part of my life, I am only growing as a person. All negativity is gone and if ever any thoughts do come my way I now know what to do.
Best regards
The biggest reason we start complaining is because we start building our expectation on Reiki. We tend to think that reiki would help us meeting our desired goal ignoring the fact reiki always goes for our highest good… Nice article
Thank you Ananya,for this wonderful article explained in beautiful way…….
Love and Light to all…..
Really nice article. It made me realize how much negativity i spread by my words and thoughts whenever am disappointed. I’ll start by deleting all of them every night. May reiki guide me towards positiveness. Thank you
Love and light
delete dont process is suchh a great idea! Hope it works until i heal my paranoia 😀
I have 2 people in my life who smoke & drink too much which upsets me but they’re quite happy. I’ve tried sending Reiki to to stop their bad habits but am wondering now if I’m trying to hard. Should I send it to their higher selves & trust in Reiki? This is a wonderful article, thank you.
Hi Angela. Remember, as Reiki healers, we just make the energy available to others to use as they wish, and always for their highest good. Of course, always ask their higher self for permission to send Reiki, then send it, and let it go. Release your attachment to any particular result or you risk creating energetic attachments (cords) to those people that will have to be removed later. Hope this helps. Love & Light!
Do not worry Ananya. People always blame the rest for all the misfortunes in their personal lifes……. Bé happy.
That’s beautiful thoughts, Ananya! I do suffer from this problem of complaining many a times, of how people are, what they do that’s not right, and so on. And I can see the ill-effects it has brought in my own life. Many a times, I have found myself suffering from the same issues I complained about in others. So there are definite learnings for me there.
What I am unable to make myself understand is when these thoughts come to my mind, which I feel very strongly about, should I just curb them then and there? Will that help me? How liberating it is to express your feelings to someone, and get done with it. Unless of course it forms into a nasty habit. But sometimes, you need to talk about the ways people hurt you or offend you. Curbing your feelings may harm in such cases.
What to I do that such thoughts do not even come to my mind? Is there a way to ensure that?
The problem is that when you get appreciated for speaking your mind, and not ‘toeing the line’, you get so encouraged that you forget where to draw the line. So everytime you get into a complaining mode, you actually think that you are speaking your mind, and that’s a good thing to do!
Can you please help me how to differentiate between the two, and get out of this constant complaining mode that I feel I am getting into?
Thanks, Anisha.
Love the ‘Delete, don’t process’ tip! I find myself saying & thinking things that just pop up but I don’t want to cling to.
Dear Ananya,
Always loved your articles but this one is ace
Thank you for sharing
Thank you, Master Ananya, for your light guidance again! As a Mental Health Counseling student, I can guarantee the truth and wisdom behind your enlightenment! We need to understand the self-blockages that impede our growth and transform them into positive affirmations that motivate for progress rather than pull back to the Dark side.. God bless!