Reiki is a wonderful stress-reducing modality and a puissant healing system. In part due to social media, it is more commonly accepted and, with research, proves to be scientifically beneficial for healing. The possibilities of how to use Reiki in your life are endless, and you are only limited by your imagination.
One way to incorporate Reiki into your life is within the dynamics of your family. Reiki can assist in bringing harmony to sibling relationships. As a parent, you will observe your children as they interact with each other through many different situations over your lifetime. These feelings between siblings can appear in the early years of the sibling relationship and can be carried on into adulthood, from the oldest to the baby of the family.
Children face many situations nowadays that are very stressful from pressure from family, friends, school, and constant connection with social media. This can add tension to the family dynamics. Personality conflicts, moving, illness, and divorce can cause frustration, anger, or even jealousy can arise and take its toll on a sibling relationship.
Being a child and especially a teenager with hormones increases anxiety, resulting in behaviors of acting out and defiance. Acting out can affect the sibling relationship. One incident in the family could change a sibling’s view and attitude toward the other. These feelings can continue if not addressed or resolved into adulthood. You, as a parent, may find yourself in a situation where your one grown child refuses to attend a holiday gathering if the other sibling is in attendance.
A conversation I had recently with a gentleman in his eighties who found himself still angry that his parents, in his words, enabled his younger sibling. This caused tension in various situations as this gentleman was the oldest in the family, and his perspective was that he worked very hard for everything he had accomplished with little or no help from his parents. It appeared to him this younger sibling was handed everything by their parents.
I had an opportunity to speak to that younger sibling as well, and she was frustrated with her older sibling, who always made his opinion and frustration known to everyone in the family. Over the years, frustration built to the point each avoided family gatherings, and they would often go for years without speaking, only speaking to let someone know of any family news.
One sibling in their 70s and the other in their 80s still very angry with each other. This was a family of four siblings, and over the years, the two other siblings found themselves in a situation of peacemakers between the oldest and the youngest.
When I heard his story, I realized that these siblings had been holding on to this anger for decades. Both their parents have been deceased for more than 25 years; how long do you hold on to this anger?
What could assist in a sibling relationship? Perhaps one resource is Offering Reiki or taking Reiki training together to learn techniques to help with resentment and frustration, bringing harmony into a relationship.

One of the wonderful benefits of being a Reiki Master teacher is being a part of the healing journey with families and offering ways to support each other within the family, especially your own, whether it is offering sessions or providing Reiki training to help them learn the history and the techniques to incorporate into their own lives and their healing journey.
Here are some techniques to assist
- Every morning, Give yourself daily Reiki. Each day, bring in one Reiki principle and use it regarding your sibling or siblings. Just for today, I will not worry. Just for today, I will be kind. Healing your relationship with yourself first.
- When you find yourself in those challenging moments with your sibling or siblings, and you find the frustration or anger arising, place your hands on your heart, close your eyes, breathe, and invite the Reiki to flow through you. You can use the distance symbol and emotional/mental symbol to assist you during the situation. Do this for a few minutes, and if you are limited on time, ask the Reiki to flow if you or the situation needs it.
- If you are meeting your sibling in advance or need to talk to your sibling or siblings in advance, by using the distant symbol, you can send Reiki to the meeting ahead of time, asking for the highest good and outcome for all involved.
- Place your Reiki symbols on your tongue/mouth. Ask the Reiki to help you watch your mouth and how you speak to your sibling/siblings. Remember, it’s not the intent it is how it is being received. Ask the Reiki to help you guide your words toward understanding and harmony.
- Find a childhood picture and hold that photo in your hands. Using your symbols sends Reiki back to that moment in time. Ask Reiki to heal your relationship and strengthen your bond with each other.
- Take a moment to visualize a tree. If you can’t visualize a tree, draw or find a photo of the tree. Make this your family Reiki Tree. On the leaves, imagine your sibling or siblings’ name. On each leaf, you will write visually or physically any issues or concerns with you and your sibling. You can also write any hopes or dreams for the relationship. Once it is written on the leaf, it is the intention to stay there. Every night, send Reiki to your family tree. You can continue to fill your tree up with your intentions. Make sure before you send Reiki to your sibling, ask for consent even if you are not speaking to this sibling, and ask the universe if this sibling is accepting you would like to send my sibling Reiki.
- Family Reiki Box. Have a box or container that you use specifically for family members. Place a photo of the sibling. Write on an index card your intentions, hopes, and dreams for the relationship and your sibling. You can add your siblings’ family as well to the box, asking for their entire. Give the Box Reiki either daily or as long as needed for the relationship. You can continue to add items to the box.
- Make sure to thank the Reiki. The universe loves working with humble hearts.
Learning and incorporating Reiki into your life helps with stress, anxiety, and, especially when emotions arise such as resentment, jealousy, and anger. It will help you Just for today so you can arrive at a place where you can communicate and deepen or repair a relationship.
Having the option of asking Reiki for assistance can be an option for a gentler and kinder approach to healing the deep-down resentment and anger between siblings.
Signing up for Reiki training will give you the tools to help you navigate with emotions and help you release old grudges and feelings of resentment. By healing, you can help open the door to the opportunity to create a more supportive and understanding relationship, even between your siblings. Reiki can help siblings interact and communicate in a more considerate way.
It is with the understanding that we are human, and we will have moments of frustration however, with Reiki, we can acknowledge and be proactive and ask the Reiki to assist in navigating through those emotions in a more kindhearted approach.
Perhaps you are at a loss for how to navigate or help your sibling’s relationship, or you are seeking a resource to assist your children in their sibling relationship: Reiki may be an option. Studying the practice of Reiki together can help deepen the bond and open opportunities for healing to avoid holding on to a lifetime of anger.
Reiki is a wonderful tool to assist in reducing stress and anxiety. A way to help you forgive yourself and forgive others. I believe that every family should have at least one Reiki Practitioner to offer and guide ways to help reduce stress and anxiety. A wonderful way to help your child spiritually is to learn Reiki with them. It allows you to work together on something that is widely accepted as scientifically beneficial for healing.
Article by Tracy Searight
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Tracy Searight is an educator, Yoga Instructor, Reiki Master Teacher, Reiki Grandmaster Teacher, Author, and creative energy behind the podcast Ready Set Reiki. She is the owner of Feather Sister which offers Yoga and Reiki classes and training online and in person in the El Paso, Texas area. She lives in El Paso with her husband Kevin Dibert and their cavalier king Charles Spaniels.
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