Karuna® Reiki is known as an evolved form of Usui Reiki. The word karuna is derived from Sanskrit that means “compassionate action”. In ancient Buddhist transcripts, it is mentioned that with the combination of (Karuna®) compassion and wisdom (prajna), right effects can be created to enhance spiritual levels of a person. It was developed by William Rand. Karuna® Reiki is considered as an advanced form of Reiki that can be used by only Reiki Masters. It is believed that to access its new healing tools and full benefits, one must be completely ready as a Reiki master. This means that your energies are already cleaned and balanced. Only those who received Reiki treatments are believed to get benefit from Karuna® Reiki as with already cleaned and balanced energies, it is easier to access higher spiritual potentials available.
Healing Effects of Karuna® Reiki
As a Master or a practitioner, you can also use Karuna® Reiki and its new healing tools in the best possible way. Healing energies are said to be relatively stronger and more influential as compared to normal Reiki. These stronger energies can be used to heal wider set of difficulties that are more complex in nature. The experience of energy transfer is also different from normal Reiki. The energy does not transfer from the body and arms of the Reiki practitioner, but it surrounds the whole body and can cover the practitioner from outside when transferring to the recipient.
Karuna® Reiki awakens the energy that helps us in awakening Universal compassion. Many people in this world are compassionate to people around them, but find it hard to have compassion for their own selves. In spiritual awakening, this is considered as an obstacle in spiritual healing and our unity with Divine. Karuna® Reiki can help Reiki Masters to self heal their complex and deep thoughts including less loving thoughts for them, self criticism, judgments about them and what they think of themselves. Karuna® healing can help people in gaining higher self esteem. It helps people look at the world from the eyes of a Divine, with more compassion.
Karuna® Reiki deals with the more powerful transpersonal chakras that are activated by practicing it. These transpersonal chakras allow our body to integrate with the higher frequency energy waves that revolve around us in this Universe. You fully activate the powerful transpersonal chakras that enhance your transpersonal energy system.
Symbols and Procedures
There are number of different procedures and symbols that are used in Karuna® Reiki. In total, there are 4 master symbols and 8 healing symbols, with each having its own vibration and purpose. The use of these symbols during Reiki is mostly similar to normal Reiki and other forms of Reiki. Reiki Masters believe that working with Karuna® Reiki and enhanced energy levels can help them in connecting with higher spiritual figures and can increase their spiritual awareness to a new level.
One thing to note is that, as with most systems derived from the standard Usui Reiki, even though their practitioners say it has enhanced energies, most people agree that just using traditional Usui style is enough and pursuing one style or another is a matter of personal preference.
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I want myself to grow in reiki with all my potential and strength so that I can heal whole world with the help of divine reiki energy which makes different to lives what we are looking for.
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