Herpes is something that Indians are very dreadful of not only for the agonizing pain it causes but for the myth, Indians believe in. In India Herpes is considered to be in shape of a snake and if the mouth and tail meet, the person dies.
My client’s dad was suffering from this ailment for a month and he was in unimaginable pain. When the pain used to strike, it would make him go crazy with tears in his eyes. He was having the prescribed medicines; he was hospitalized twice but everything went in vain. It accelerated to a point, that after a few days, he contracted Trigeminal Neuralgia. The infection was spreading inside his facial nerve. Now the pain used to begin from inside the ear to the lower part of his cheek. It was worsening with every passing day. After few days, he was not only struggling with pain, but he was also experiencing a severe burning sensation in his face.
It was not only the client’s dad who suffered but the whole family was suffering, as the attacks were making everybody emotional. Then one day, my client was feeling helpless and messaged me about his dad’s condition. And all of sudden, he just asked, if Reiki would help him and if I could guide him as he himself is a Reiki level 2 practitioner. I gave him a thumbs up, but he requested me to do it in the initial stages as he was not very confident about his healing powers as he doesn’t regularly practice it.
And the Reiki healings began for him. We also took help from one dear friend of mine for giving him kundalini Reiki for 3 sessions. He started feeling better, the pain was less and most importantly, it was for lesser time. The frequency of attacks started decreasing. When it became manageable, my client took over. However, after a few days, the pain accelerated all of sudden, and he had to get hospitalized for the second time. Again my client requested me to do the needful. So I started sending distant healing energy.

The process I adopted while initiating Reiki.
- Invoking the Reiki energies along with the masters, spirit guides and guardian angels.
- Expressing gratitude for their presence.
- Invoking AA Michael to shield us both completely.
- Invoking all AA, Angels, Shiva, and other divine beings to be there to support me.
- Putting intentions:
- Dear Reiki Energies, please help “Clients name” Herpes be fully healed, whole and complete with total ease. Please heal the root cause of this.
- Dear Reiki Energies, please help “Clients name” Trigeminal Neuralgia. Please heal the root cause of this.
- Dear Reiki Energies, please help “Client name” pain and burning sensation because of Herpes and Trigeminal Neuralgia be fully healed, whole and complete with total ease. Please heal the root cause of this.
- Dear Reiki Energies, please help “Client name” be fully healed, whole and complete with total ease. Please heal the root cause of this.
- It is so. Thank you. Thy Divine will be done.
- Connect with the help of Master’s symbol.
- Initiating the flow of Reiki continuously to the intention as long as you feel it is flowing. I approximately do it for 30 to 40 minutes for clients depending on the flow.
- Close the session by expressing gratitude.
During one session, I started imagining that the client was in front of me and my hands are moving on his face, removing all the energies that were causing pain. This process was something, that I haven’t learned or known about it. I was just following my intuition and doing whatever I was been guided to. After the session got over, I rubbed my hand in a bowl of salt. Within half an hour, my client messaged me that the pain disappeared all of a sudden but the burning sensation was still there. Thereafter he got discharged, however, his burning sensation was still making its presence felt and one fine day, again I was guided to do the same process that I did for pain. And that also went successful. We did Reiki healing for the next two days just to be safer but luckily, he was completely relieved of the pain and the burning sensation.
This was something, he had attracted because of his past karma in past lifetimes and to undo the karma, he has to offer milk and water to Shiv for 11 Sundays. This was a purely intuition based ritual that I have given to him.
This case actually makes me believe that MAGIC is everywhere, we just need to tap in Magical energies and we all have lots of gifts that we haven’t tapped in.
Article by Amisha Vasant Haria
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After 6 years of corporate job as Equity Research Analyst, Amisha Vasant Haria took a break for her marriage. After settling down in her new home, she started organizing events in 2012 at orphanages, old age homes, street schools, and on outskirts of Mumbai once every month for 5 years. While she was satisfied doing social service she was looking out for something which would give her financial independence and ended up getting attuned to Reiki. As she always says, Reiki chose her and she started the journey of healing. Afterward, there was no looking back for her. Along with her healing and attunements in Reiki, Money Reiki and Karuna Reiki, she also runs Access Bars for her clients. She also makes customized candles and provides with programmed crystals for healing as required by other healers. She has her own whatsapp group called Soul_Reeconnect where she sends inspirational posts, shares tips on various matters, helps with techniques, etc. Reach Amisha Vasant Haria at amisha.haria@gmail.com or by phone at 9820852076.
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