Reiki is a spiritual practice of healing. It is based on the idea of Universal Life forces. Our bodies have Qi or Ki, which is the Universal life force that flows through every human body. Our vital energy keeps us psychically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually in alignment within our self. Qi/Ki has to flow freely in our bodies and emanate…
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What Is Reiki Attunement?
Reiki Attunement is the process for a Reiki Master to pass on the Universal Energy to their Student, so that they can use Reiki to heal themselves and others. Through the Attunement process, a person is able to access the Universal Life Force in order to heal and balance a person, place, or situation. Attunements can only be done and…
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Detailed Explanation of Seven Main Chakras in Reiki
There are Seven Main Chakras used in Reiki. These Chakras reside in our subtle or spiritual bodies, which are mirrored by our physical body. The Chakras are capable of giving and receiving energy. It is believed to be in optimum health physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually and the Chakras have to be purified and balanced for the purpose of energy…
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Reiki Symbols: History and Significance
In the practice of Reiki, sacred symbols are used in the transferring (giving and receiving) Universal Life Force Energy. The symbols in Reiki serve as a focal point in which the universal healing energy is channelized through symbols to the practitioner, in order for them to heal someone. The symbols enhance energy and increase its flow; as well as heal…
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Relation between Chakras and Reiki
Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means ‘wheel’. Based on Yogi Philosophy, the Chakras are spiritual energy centers of body. According to the Eastern Indian Healing Practices, the Chakras exist in the esoteric double of man, which is the spiritual part of human being. Our spiritual essence mirrors our physical body. Chakras are energy centers spinning like vortexes that radiate…
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