Article by Chanchal Mishra
Do you believe in the law of attraction? Manifestation techniques are an integral part of the law of attraction and are a way to bring your desires to your physical reality. But what if you are struggling to bring your innermost desires closer to you. There are plenty of ways that you can follow to bring the desired materialistic wishes into your life.
Manifestations are a doorway to our deepest desires, however, this is not as easy as it sounds for everyone. If you too are having difficulty manifesting what you love the most, then this article is for you. Today we explore 5 most powerful techniques for you to step one step closer to your desired materialistic wishes!
5 Tips For Manifesting your dream life
The Pillow Method
In this method, you write a letter about your desire (focus on one thing you want the most). Be as detailed as possible. The idea is to visualize most accurately. After finishing the letter you need to read it aloud and know it is coming to you. Now thank universal divine energies for your “gift” it is sending to you. Put this letter under your pillow while going to sleep. The idea is to rewire your subconscious thoughts and fill your mind with positivity and thankfulness – Do it every night starting today!
55×5 Method
Numerology suggests that 5 is the number of manifestation. In this technique, we bring the powerful vibration of the number to help speed up our manifestation. You write your desire 55 times in a row in one sitting. It is believed that you have to do this with full dedication for 5 days continuously. The main point is to focus on one intention and act as if you have already received it.
Acting as if
Would you be equally desperate if you already had what you want? Probably not! When you send out a vibration of desperation, you send out a signal of “not having” that particular desire. The idea here is to let go and act as if you already have it. Imagine how satisfied or fulfilled you will be if you had what you wanted. Let the universe know that you are complete by yourself and are already thankful for it.
Manifestation Magic Box
Start putting your desires, written on a paper, in your manifestation box. Choose a glass or wooden box that will store your desires for you. You must add a piece of citrine raw crystal to this box to further amplify. Add Reiki symbols (if you are attuned) to this box to magnify your gratitude and manifestations further. Add a gratitude note in this box as if you have already manifested your desires.
Affirmation Mantra
Affirmations are a perfect way to manifest what you want. Choose an affirmation that suits your desire and positively rewires or tricks your subconscious to be positive and see the best in most situations. Here is an example that you might take inspiration from “I am prosperous and wealthy, how does it get better than that.”
Manifestation techniques are a way to bring your most wanted materialistic desires closer to you. Each of the shared manifestation techniques has its own way to help you manifest your dreams. The idea is to thank the universe for all it is bringing to you, your faith and dedication acts as the biggest game-changer in your manifestation process. The only thing that you need to take care of is: never use these to harm anyone.
So keep your spirits high and never stop believing in the most powerful force of our existence, the Universe!
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Chanchal Mishra
Chanchal Mishra is a Certified Reiki Master and Angel Therapist. She also practices Kundalini Reiki, Crystal Reiki, Angel card reading, Money Reiki and Karuna ki. Chanchal completed her English Literature Master’s degree from Delhi University. She also completed her Post graduation in Fashion Marketing from California, USA. Chanchal loves to read and write. In her free time, she empowers others and provides guidance to those in need. Reach her at
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