More often than not, word of mouth or a friend of a friend introduced us to our Reiki Master. Reiki appears in our lives at the perfect time for the perfect reason but what if we are looking to deepen our practice or further our practitioner status, that maybe moves beyond our original teacher or they are out of reach? How do we find the right teacher?
A great place to start is within our local Reiki Community, it may sound obvious or even unrealistic, after all, wouldn’t we already know all the teachers in our group?
Well, yes we would, but we are seeing these teachers as fellow Reiki students and practitioners. When we have conversations actively around progressing our practice, we may be surprised by the knowledge and experience that lies below the surface of our fellow Reiki healers. If they are not the right fit, they may well lead us to the perfect Teacher referral.
Once we have names and contact details, it’s a good idea to call them and have a conversation, or ask to meet with them in person. By doing this, we can experience a number of essential connections:
- Rapport – this is the natural ease in which the conversation flows, the pleasure we receive in their presence and the freedom we feel in expressing our thoughts and beliefs.
- Dedication – how dedicated are they to their practice? Ask of the form they practice and what their daily routine looks like. How do they deepen their own practice? Are you excited and intrigued by what you hear?
- Communication – discuss their preferred method of communication for teachings, assignments, and practice. Find out how often they intend to meet, and if in person, on the phone and electronically. What will occur during these times? It is important to discover if we can approach them with questions or to discuss experiences.
- Commitment – We expect our future teacher to be committed to their practice, we also want to feel a commitment to their students. Listen for hints of their commitment, are they committed for the duration of the agreed apprenticeship or lessons, or does their commitment go beyond? We are looking for lifelong commitment to the student, regardless what ‘level’ the student is working towards.
Listing our questions and ticking off as we go will ensure our confidence in our final decision, if we are talking to our perfect teacher, they will understand and encourage this. Asking any additional questions we have before committing to a class will instill certainty and enthusiasm for the new chapter of our journey.
Reiki is a spiritual practice, we are likely to have new experiences and our practice will deepen by discussing these with a trusted Reiki Master. The suggestions above will help in finding that trusted Reiki Master, coupled with intentional Reiki assisting the search, we are guaranteed to find the perfect Reiki teacher.
Article by Amy Brandon
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Originally from the UK, Amy Brandon learned Reiki in Perth, Western Australia, where she was initiated into Reiki 1, 2 and Master levels of the Usui Shiki Ryoho system. After a few years of treating and teaching Reiki in Houston, TX, Amy has returned to Perth and continues in the position of Vice Chairperson and Volunteer Coordinator for the Reiki Association of Western Australia, she enjoys teaching the Usui system of Reiki and her own course for Animal Reiki.
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