There is a powerful exercise that I use with my clients with amazing results. It is called duel letter because it´s like a goodbye, it´s an effective way to say something to someone that you don´t dare or you haven´t had the possibility to do it.
When you do it you can´t write again for the same person( I mean that the issue that you have written and to whom is written can´t be written again). You can write as many letters as you want but not with the same information.
Once it´s done, you burn it and release it to the universe, the sea, wherever you feel guided to. That letter removes a lot of issues, even the hidden ones. You may feel that some things change. (I have made twice and I release a lot with them)
You have to write the first and second paragraphs in the same way it is written here. And in the third one, you have to write the little sentence I give and then everything you would like to say to that person. It can be from your family to anyone who is not with you yet, from a relationship, from a job.

Image by Scott Cyrus
The letter goes as follows: (it´s important to copy as it is)
“I am writing this letter as a gift for the family I belong. With the help, love, and presence of Gods and Goodness, Ascendant Masters, Spiritual guides … I bless my family and I forgive. I liberate my family and myself from it. I liberate my grand grandparents and I liberate myself from them, grandparents, parents, uncles, cousins, brothers, sons, and daughters (it doesn´t mind you don´t have yet), friends or enemies from the family, any person from my surrounding or any person in any time that has been with me of all the unconscious programmes that I have inherited. I liberate and liberate myself from any offence that another family has made to me, and I ask for their forgiveness for those who in any time has offended my family.
Today I liberate my family and acquaintances and myself, from memories of economical lost, inheritances conflicts, wastes, murders, sudden or violent deaths, suicides, mental illness, physical illness, accidents, violations, adulteries, non-birth sons, non-loved sons, abandoned sons, incest, beats, physical violence, emotional violence, infidelities, deceptions, betrays, bad luck in love, curses, uprooting, hard labor, slavery, wars, non-revealed secrets, memories of pain, sadness, cry and everything which causes me shame and limitation. Today I liberate myself and all my family to those which have affected my family, so that these memories won´t be inherited through me, and won´t go on in future generations.
Today I liberate myself and … (my father, my mother ….. anyone you want. You have to put the name and the surnames) of …. (make one full stop for each person you want to liberate from)
Today I cut all the ties with that memories and I liberate from the loads that aren´t mine. For my goodness and all the ones involved. Today I thank God, Goddess, Universe, Ascended Masters, Archangels. Today I know I´m free and I get my freedom. Now it´s done. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you”
After having read in loud voice and burned it, you can do self-healing with Reiki. Mainly Heart chakra – as this letter brings many feelings related to emotions and Throat chakra – as you are not able to speak out many of these feelings and with this letter, you’ll be able to do that.
Depending on the issue that you have released, you can send Reiki to that part. You will feel which area of your body needs to be healed with Reiki after reading the letter.
Article by Cristina Barcenilla
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Cristina Barcenilla is a naturopath and biodecoder in Vilanova i la Geltru (Barcelona) Spain. She became Reiki Master in 2013. She has a strong connection with Angels and Archangels. Also as she has dedicated all her life to teaching it is for her very easy to connect to people. Cristina is certified in Usui Reiki Master, DLA Master, Angelical Healing Master, DNA Strand Activation, Karmic Reiki, Karuna® Reiki, Excalibur Reiki, Angel Reiki, Lavender Flame Reiki, Deep Healing Reiki, Unicorn Healing, Violet Flame Reiki, Angelical Akashic Registers, Angelical Attunements, AA Gabriel Master Symbols, Dolphin Trilogy Healing, Acureiki, Chakra Flush, Meridian Flush, Aura Flush, Subconscious Flush, Happiness Flush, Shaman Power Reiki ...… Reach Cristina at, on Facebook and her blog:
One of my favourite.. Really helped me.. Thanks for sharing..!!
Yes, as guided by you Cristina, I have been doing duel letter since 7 months, had intense release and cleansing.. Thank you cris di, for sharing this valuable healing tip 🙂
Thank you so much for this valuable tip!!
If I write this letter to a person. After burning this, will I still stay as friend or this will end our friendship?
Please clarify doubt.
what you are solving is the issue between that person and you. Not the relationship. But it can happens that if you solve the issue, the relationship can change.
Thanks for the wonderful article
Can this even be used for health issues?
yes, of course, for any issue
Thank you for this wonderful method.
Can this method be done on behalf of a family member like parents or siblings?