Animal Reiki has been such a blessing in my life. It has taught me so many things about myself, about life, about Reiki and the energy of all things. It goes beyond the loving intention to bring greater balance to any individual animal. It has led me to a greater understanding of our connection to the Divine.
Animal Reiki has been a significant part of my own healing by reminding me of who I am.
Now that I teach Animal Reiki to others, I see that it is a very healing journey for anyone who is open to the path. While I never prompt my students to have a particular experience as they work with Animal Reiki, certain things come up again and again. They often learn things that they did not expect to learn, just as I did when I began practicing Animal Reiki.
1. Animal Reiki increases your sense of childlike awe, wonder, and curiosity.
The first time you realize the deep way you interact with even the smallest creature when you open your heart during a Reiki session in the outdoors, your heart will burst in wonder and amazement! The birds and even the insects respond in very obvious and undeniable ways, which remind us of the Divine in all life.
2. Animal Reiki reminds you that we are all connected.
It is hard to deny our connection to each other and all of life when you work with wildlife, send Reiki to Nature as you work in your garden, or exercise outdoors. The animals respond in incredible ways that have to be explored to be believed.
3. Animal Reiki opens your intuitive capabilities.
I don’t think Reiki needs to bring intuitive insight to work at all. It works just fine without it. However, the more in tune we are with our inner selves and the world of energy around us, the more easily our life will flow. That isn’t something that can be forced, only invited and opened to. Animal Reiki is such a gentle and peaceful modality that seems to open that up in a way that carries over to all parts of our lives.
4. The animals teach us about ourselves.
Animal Reiki is even more deeply meditative than Reiki with people. There is less mental chatter with animals and they are very receptive and sensitive to the energy of Reiki. They teach us a lot about simply being willing be still and receive. They teach us to let go of our logical minds now and then and to drop into our hearts. They show us the balance between giving and receiving. Sitting in this meditative state with any animal for a Reiki session is deeply healing for both parties, as well as for the family of the animal.
5. Animal Reiki gives you a fuller understanding of compassion.
Working with animals in such a deep way, you begin to understand that there is a huge and important difference between pity and compassion. We may confuse these two, with the best of intentions, offering pity to those who we seek to help. Pity looks a lot like compassion, but it places an imbalance between you and the client—animal or human. Pity looks down at the other as if they have no inner power and are incapable of returning to balance. Yet we all have the capacity to find our inner balance and we all have inner power—even if it doesn’t express as such in the world. Compassion sees the pain that another is in and holds loving space for them to find inner balance in their own way.
If you haven’t yet explored the world of sharing Reiki with animals, I encourage you to do so! You can begin to share and receive the benefits of Animal Reiki even if you don’t currently have a pet of your own. It is as simple as going outside and opening your heart to allow Reiki to flow to any animals that wish to receive. Let go of any expectations, relax and notice what happens. It is a wonderful experience that you won’t soon forget!
Article by Angie Webster
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Angie Webster made a significant contribution to the Reiki community, with a particular focus on Animal Reiki, which she had a deep affection for. As a knowledgeable Reiki Master Teacher and Author, she conducted online courses on energy healing, herbalism, flower essences, and personal growth.
She is the author of “Animal Reiki: How it Heals, Teaches & Reconnects Us with Nature” and “Reiki from A to Z”. Currently, Angie has decided to retire from her professional life to devote more time to her health, family, and the little joys of life.
Hi Angie Webster just wondering if you ever get over to the UK?