Usui Reiki is one of the most scintillating form of healing modality which helps us heal everything and anything under the sun. Not only does it extend its hand to cure the issues of the past and future of this lifetime, but it also helps in unraveling the facts and truths of the previous births and helps in healing them in that lifetime.
It’s our fortune, that we have so many different forms of Reiki and other different healing modalities in form of Angels, healing codes, Access bars, etc which help us curate specific areas of life. It’s like we are mastering over that spectrum of life with the help of Usui Reiki as well as the new symbols of that modality. For instance, we have Money Reiki to heal the problems of finances, Karuna Reiki to address the complications of varied relationships, Karmic Reiki to get sorted the baggage full of karma accumulated throughout lifetimes, etc.
It’s been a while since I am teaching different forms of Reiki, Angels, and other modalities, and a common question that pops into most curious minds is the reason behind learning so many different modalities when USUI Reiki heals every aspect of life. And this is my reply to all my students.
- Every modality has its time frame in your life too just like we have in our relationships.
- Every modality will open the gates to other modalities to make our situation better and elevate our consciousness.
- Different modalities help us move forward without getting stuck to the mundane routine of the same healing process, thereby helping us keep our interest intact in spirituality and our healing process.
- And most importantly, when we combine different modalities creatively and correctly, results are quicker and better.
I love being creative with symbols and I have learned that when we combine symbols, the Magic is stupendous. Recently I learned Karmic Reiki and when I was cleansing, a unique idea popped up of combining it with Money Reiki. Why not remove the karmic blockages for finances with the help of Karmic Reiki symbols? So I started brainstorming on the same. But this time I had a lot more creative yearning than I usually am, and I decided on clearing all past life as well as this life from issues related to Money that had been created by me or others. Moreover, I thought of resolving it across time, space, and dimension as we have other parallel universes as well. On further contemplation, I appended knowingly & unknowingly, and intentionally as well as unintentionally because there are innumerable times we do or say a lot of things without knowing or without any intent. In addition to all the above clauses, I also zeroed down on anything that has been passed by our forefathers and others to us in all the lifetimes.
![Practicing Money Reiki with Other Healing Modalities [Exercise]](
I saw quicker results than anticipated. I started taking action steps as I was procrastinating a lot. I saw things falling in place more easily than ever before and I felt free from my financial woes. I highly recommend all Reiki practitioners who are regularly cleansing and practice on a consistent basis to try this method and share their results.
Step 1:
- Invoke Reiki energies, Money Reiki energies, Karmic Reiki energies and along with Grandmaster Dr. Mikao Usui.
- Invoke all the Divine Beings you wish to seek blessings from.
- Invoke AA Michael, AA Chamuel, AA Raphael, AA Ariel, AA Uriel and AA Zadikel.
Step 2:
- Express your gratitude to all
Step 3:
- Request AA Michael to shield you and the healing session completely.
- Request all to bless this healing session.
- Request Money Reiki to connect to you and help you receive these energies.
- Once you feel connected. Take it inside your body and extent it to cover your aura in it.
- Request Money Reiki energies to release all the negative energies that are in and around you which have been created by you or others in all the lifetimes including the current one knowingly & unknowingly and intentionally & unintentionally across time, space, and dimensions.
- Request Money Reiki energies to clear all negative energies that have been passed to you by your ancestors, grandparents, and parents in all the previous life as well as in this life that have been passed to you knowingly & unknowingly and intentionally & unintentionally across time, space and dimensions.
- Request AA Chamuel to heal your relationship with Money and AA Raphael to heal all your financial problems.
- Request Karmic Reiki to let you use its symbols.
- Draw Taois Grace and request it to release all repeated behavior regarding Money in form of thoughts or beliefs and opinions. You can visualize any negative thought and see it getting released.
- Request Money Reiki energies to give you spiritual vibrations of money for your complete prosperity and abundance.
- Calmly let the clearing happen and when you feel guided, move to the next step.
Step 5:
- Now draw the Clearing symbol and request AA Ariel and AA Zadikel to clear, transmute, release, remove and dissolve all the karmic blockages created by you, for others or others have created for you knowingly & unknowingly and intentionally & unintentionally throughout all the lifetimes including this one across time, space and dimension.
- Draw MeiKuDo requesting it to clear all karmic blockage from your aura and body till guided.
- Thereafter you can use MeiTuNyo to wipe out any shadows left.
- Let the symbols do their work and move ahead to the next step.
Step 6:
- Now draw the Affirmation symbol.
- Request AA Uriel to help you manifest your money, business goals or represent you new opportunities.
- Start chanting your affirmations, healing codes, or Switch-words.
Step 7:
- Now draw the Grandmaster symbol and visualize that you are attracting money from all directions. You can use clearings of Access Bars if you wish to. Be in this visualization for at least 10 to 15 mins.
Step 8:
- Express your gratitude to all and thank them for blessing you this healing and end the session.
This Session takes normally on an average 24 to 35 mins depending on the time it takes to clear in different steps. I humbly urge that only those practitioners who have learned Usui, Money, and Karmic Reiki should be taking up this healing method. It’s totally at the discretion of the practitioner to invoke angels or not.
Reiki blessings!
Article by Amisha Vasant Haria
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After 6 years of corporate job as Equity Research Analyst, Amisha Vasant Haria took a break for her marriage. After settling down in her new home, she started organizing events in 2012 at orphanages, old age homes, street schools, and on outskirts of Mumbai once every month for 5 years. While she was satisfied doing social service she was looking out for something which would give her financial independence and ended up getting attuned to Reiki. As she always says, Reiki chose her and she started the journey of healing. Afterward, there was no looking back for her. Along with her healing and attunements in Reiki, Money Reiki and Karuna Reiki, she also runs Access Bars for her clients. She also makes customized candles and provides with programmed crystals for healing as required by other healers. She has her own whatsapp group called Soul_Reeconnect where she sends inspirational posts, shares tips on various matters, helps with techniques, etc. Reach Amisha Vasant Haria at or by phone at 9820852076.
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