Mama Earth – She is our beautiful Earth Mother!
We are all children of the Universe. But in our present incarnation as humans, we are also children of Mama Earth.
Mama Earth is the bearer of life, the nurturer, the grounding force.
Many of us on the healing path have no problem feeling connected to the Universe as a whole. Yet we have a hard time feeling connected to the very planet we are currently incarnated on – Earth. We may find it more pleasant to keep our consciousness focused on higher realms, as we have a hard time relating to much of what happens on Earth. However, this can leave us feeling unstable and ungrounded. Imagine a plant or tree not having its roots firmly in place. It will not receive the nourishment it needs from Earth. That’s exactly what can happen to us when we become ungrounded. Not only do we miss out on the splendours of being human but we can also end up feeling restless, unsupported, and discontent as we move through life.
We don’t have to relate to the unpleasant and often ‘weird’ happenings on Earth. However, we must make an effort to remember why we are here. If you feel there is a purpose to your incarnation on Earth, it is important to make the most of your time here. And this can only happen when you allow yourself to receive support, not only from the Higher Realms but also from Mama Earth.
Honour your connection with Mama Earth. She needs you as much as you need her. As a Reiki channel, you are here to share your love and light with the planet. So allow her to share her love and light with you.

There are several ways to connect to Mama Earth. Spending time in nature, walking bare feet on grass, hugging trees, gardening, etc. are all great ways to ground to Earth. I received inner guidance to explore another grounding technique and it seems to be working well for me. Do try this if it resonates with you and see how it feels!
Connecting To Mama Earth
- Pick a clean space in your house. Lie down on the bare floor, with your spine straight (skip using mats, rugs and pillows if possible).
- Relax your body and let it loose.
- Just breathe and feel the floor under you. Visualise or feel a cord emanating from your root chakra and going all the way down through the floor and into the core of the Earth. This will help you feel connected to Mama Earth.
- Continue to relax and breathe normally and just soak in the energy of Earth.
- Do not expect anything to happen during this process. Just allow yourself to feel and receive Mama Earth’s energy, much like a baby would receive loving energy from a mother, simply by being held close to her. Nothing dramatic unfolds between mother and baby, yet the baby feels nurtured and supported by the simple act of being held by its mother. This is the kind of relationship you can aim to build with Mama Earth.
- As you connect to Mama, move your body as you feel guided to. After sometime, you may even turn over and lie on your tummy. This will allow the front side of your body to also experience a deeper connection with the energy.
- Continue to breathe and receive until the process feels complete.
- End the process by expressing your gratitude to Mama Earth.
- Drink some water and gently resume your routine.
How often can you do this process?
It depends on how grounded you are. If you mostly feel stable as you go about life, you may not need to do this too often. But if you tend to feel restless and ungrounded easily, you may choose to do it every day or as often as you feel guided to.
Enjoy connecting to Mama Earth!
Article by Haripriya Suraj, Reiki Master
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Haripriya Suraj is a Reiki Master, Angel Healer and Starseed Lightworker. Reiki is her constant companion from which she derives peace and contentment. She is deeply connected with the Stars and Angels and they form an integral part of her Reiki practice. Her core mission is to help bridge the worlds of Spirit and Science and to help people connect with their unique soul missions. Haripriya offers Reiki healing sessions and training programs in Bangalore, India. Reach Haripriya at, on email at and on Facebook at Angel Light.
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