“Sunday is not a day of relaxation. It is a day to reawake.”
Are you one of those people who feel low on Sundays? Do you often have to put in plenty of effort to make it through Sunday? Many enjoy the pleasure of it but often enter into the loop of burdening it with chaos. Some of you may not feel it ever, and that is awesome. But if you are someone who does experience these low vibes on the Sunday issue, then you have landed the right place. In this article, we shall explore the powerful day for releasing the past, and forgiveness and that is Sunday.
Am I landing to some sort of judgment?
Not at all! In this world, we have nothing like the one size fits all kind of theory. It is not something that I have just experienced but something that I have observed since my childhood. It was not an experience only at my house, but wherever I went. I took this as the calling of my consciousness. And today, I have decided to put forward an important phenomenon that I have tracked and decoded about the low energies you or I can feel during Sundays. Thus, this article is no judgment, and I am not trying to put you all in the same circle but, I am trying to help those who need to understand this so they can improve this bit of their life.
Why Sunday specifically?
The first important thing you can try understanding about the day is that most people are at home this day. What does that mean? More energy! Every person is emitting the energy that is associated with their internal thought process. The thought process of every person reflects in their aura. When you come across such a person, it can be that you mingle into his energy. That is why when you have more than one person at your place, you can feel a cluster of energy surrounding you that could be sound or weak.
Thus, feeling down on Sundays could be a reflection of what everyone in your family feels. It can throw light on two different aspects. First, the kind of emotions you have for your family members and vice versa. Second, what is the kind of relationship each person in your family has with themselves? It is common where there are more fights taking place in families, especially on Sundays. It reveals an important facet of our lives today. At family or even at work, we cannot bear the presence of another person. Do note that it is not only your family but many families with such energy misbalance that could be around you.

Astrological Association
Sunday bears a direct association with the star, Sun in astrology, and Sun is directly associated with the force of life. As the epitome of power, the sun also guards your power chakra (solar plexus). Since the focus is power on this particular day, it is natural to feel low-spirited for folks who may be bearing the traumas of their past. Is there someone or something or someplace to which you have given away your power? The feeling of despair or depression is a calling to release those unwanted parts of your life. If you have been facing health issues, then Sunday is an important day to heal them.
If you have gone through authority issues in your life, it is natural to feel down around the senior members of your family.
Imagine this! It is a day of power. How do you feel if you have given your power to others? By, giving away I mean you allow the experiences of your past and folks around you to govern your life. The powerlessness can tap a little more on Sundays when you are around them.
What can you do?
The two factors are combined here. First, you can be surrounded by the energies of more than one person at your place. Often you feel surrounded by seniors in your family who may have unintentionally lowered your self-esteem. Second, the day unleashes your internal state of power. You have not, literally, given your power away. If you are free on the day, your focus shifts to all the undesired parts or persons in your life. However, you have already read that Sunday is governed by the Sun. Hence it makes it a powerful day for releasing the past and that could be achieved by Reiki and here is how-
- Create your space – Sit in a silent or undisturbed place. You can turn on some relaxing music.
- Meditate – Focus on your breath. Long enough to bring your attention to yourself. When you feel centered move on to the next step.
- Choose your releasing part – What is it that you wish to release? What is it that is taking away your power? You can think of anything and everything that you wish to release. So think! In which part of your past you are living?
- Energy ball – Now, create an energy ball with Reiki using your hands. Keep this ball in front of you. Focus on the ball and think of all anger, guilt, and resentment that you can send to this ball. Think about everything that is taking away your power. Send it all to this ball by visualising everything going inside it. Once you feel light and the ball becomes heavy then move to the next step.
- Release – Throw this energy ball to the white light pushing it like a basket ball with both your hands. Set this intention afterward – “I now release all that is holding me back. I forgive all those who have ever done wrong to me. I forgive myself for all wrong I did to myself. They desereve peace and I deserve peace. I am free.”
- Go with the flow – Allow the healing to work. Keep your eyes closed and focus on your thoughts. If you are shedding tears then great. You will feel very easy and light afterward. Once done then open your eyes.
- Finish – Lit a candle of cleansing and protection. Burn some incense sticks. Thank mother Reiki for healing your past. Put your hands and feet on Earth and ground yourself. Thank mother Earth afterward. You can take this healing session every Sunday. Do not forget to stay hydrated.
Since you have the Sunday for yourself make the best use of it. Pamper yourself with self-love allowing that love to penetrate through your aura in your entire place. Practice forgiveness and compassion for your past. I do not ask you to become Buddha in one day, but with time you can let go and claim your power as it is your birthright. You deserve to live in now. You can change and restart whenever you want. All the best!
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” Lao Tzu
Article by Aarti Seraphim
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Aarti Seraphim is a Certified Usui Reiki Master, Angels Therapist, and Tarot Card Reader. She has completed her Masters in English Literature from IGNOU Noida, India. Aarti is trained in Indian Classical Vocal Music and French Language. She works as a freelance writer. She idealizes love and peace as the sole purpose of the creator. She is inspired to enlighten the world about healing modalities and self-love. Her aspiration to restore love and peace in the world motivates her to use the blessings of lightwork for helping out those in need. You can reach her at [email protected] or www.facebook.com/AartiSeraphim777.
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