“Life is a journey, with problems to solve, lessons to learn but most of all experiences to enjoy”. -Anonymous
Namaste to All,
I wish everyone on earth health and love. Today I want to share the experiences that I had during my spiritual journey. It’s been few years since I have chosen the path of spirituality. And there is no looking back. I am thankful to my sisters who introduced me to Reiki which is as pure as motherly love. When I started practicing Reiki on myself, I used to see a wizard-like figure always with closed eyes. Once my connection was built with Reiki, I asked who is that wizard appeared during the self-healing session. He told me that he is my spirit guide though I was not aware of his name he was always there with me giving me the knowledge and helping me recognize my powers that the Divine has blessed me with. After few months I attended a workshop where I came to know about master Merlin, the Wizard. Soon I realized that he was the same wizard whom I met during my Reiki sessions. My spirit guide, the wonderful Wizard, Master Merlin.
Since then Master Merlin has been an important element of my healing session. I always used to call him before my sessions and things got to change magically. Master Merlin can help humans with his magical powers. Results are always divine and magical with his presence.
Here you must be wondering when and how you can connect with Master Merlin. You can connect with him using the Reiki symbol HSZSN (if you are attuned to) or can simply call for help.
During your healing session, you may ask him to be there by your side to enhance the results of healing. You may visualize him with his magical cauldron with fire where he is collecting all the negativity, lower energies, and dis-ease. Once you are done, ask him to pour this negativity far from you into Divine’s white light where it will mutate for positivism and pure love.
If you need protection ask Master Merlin for the same. Ask him to give you the protection you need either from negative energies or anything that is not aligned with the Divine’s pure light. You can infuse your Reiki session with energies to Master Merlin to give it more magical powers. Master Merlin is also closely associated with dragons. Hence you may ask him to send his dragons to protect you. Dragons (of Master Merlin) work magically to protect children. Once you will start connecting with him you will start to experience the presence of dragons often.
Master Merlin is also known to bring justice. If there is a matter that needs to be resolved where justice should prevail, you can seek his help. He might not listen to a person who himself does injustice to others. He only helps those who are innocent and in cases where truth should prevail.
He is associated with Owl too. You can find most of his photographs with Owl. Owl represents wisdom, truth, and transformation in spirituality. If you are stuck with an idea that how to execute it well or you need an idea, seek the help of Master Merlin. His wisdom works very well with writers. You can seek his guidance whenever you feel lost or do not have enough knowledge to go ahead.
Do remember to be grateful to Master Merlin. Always close your Reiki Session (or other sessions where you have invoked Master Merlin) expressing your Love and Gratitude to Mother Reiki along with Master Merlin. Also, be respectful to mother nature and its elements to express your love towards him.
Stay blessed always.
Love, Light, Gratitude.
Article by Rene Mic
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Rene Mic is a Post Graduate and worked in corporate profile as an Administration Manager for over 10 years. She is a Reiki Master, Angels Practitioner, and Tarot Card Reader. She finds Reiki as the best gift of Divine that taught her to heal not only self and others. Reiki enables her to heal mother nature and its elements too. It connects her to his soul and mother earth as well. Her aim is to spread love and light to this planet for the well being of all. She resides in Delhi NCR, India. Her email ID is reenabhartiya@gmail.com
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