Humanity has been through so much pain and sacrifice from the beginning of recorded time until now, and our souls hold the record and memories of that pain and suffering. This is part of the reason why I have begun to access my Akashic Records prior to conducting healing sessions.
Accessing my Akashic Records prior to the Reiki sessions that I conduct for myself and my clients has opened a new intuitive resource of information for healing not just for current lifetime ailments, but also some of our past life traumas.
In my personal experience in working with Reiki and my own Akashic Records, I discovered that the hip pain and stiffness that I have been suffering from for several years now not only comes from working in a seated position for many years, but it is also a soul remnant from a past life when I was hurt in an accident. Now, when I self-administer Reiki, I send healing to any past lives in which I suffered from pains and stiffness or injury to my right hip.
For my clients, I open my records before they arrive. They often claim to see angels during healing attunements. Since I have been working with angelic energies for many years now, having my clients see angels during sessions is confirmation that my angels join me during healing sessions. I do not actually go into the past lives of my clients during our sessions, I simply interpret what my own Akashic Guides recommend during a healing session.
Using the Distance symbol, I can assist my clients in releasing old patterns or constrictions that come from past lives and affect their current lives.
I can pose questions to my Akashic Guides before a client arrives such as, “What may I know at this time to prepare for the healing session for [client name]”, or “What may I know about which healing technique is required for [client name],” or perhaps even, “What divination tools would you like me to use for [client name] after a healing session, if any.”
During a healing session I can have an open dialog with my Beings of Light and Teachers of the Akashic Records if I would like, but I do not rely solely on asking them questions during a session. My mind is typically quiet during a Reiki session as I listen for simple messages from my guides or angels and watch for the changes in my client’s body position or in their energy field.
After a healing session or after I have finished seeing clients for the day, I am able to ask my Beings of Light and Teachers of the Akashic Record what energetic cleansing is required to clear my space of any residual energies. I can also ask questions about my practice for that day and if there were any lessons I am meant to learn from the sessions to further develop my practice.
While I am still in the learning stage of accessing my Akashic Records, I am using the information I receive as it applies to my practice for my own transformation and healing so that I may be of better service to my clients. My Akashic Guides have been very generous during this time of personal growth by giving me permission to access the records during healing sessions for my clients for this purpose.
It is amazing and beautiful work to employ these two healing modalities at the same time.
Article by Reiki Master Judy Camblor
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Judy Camblor is an Integrative Holistic Wellness Specialist and a Certified Reiki Master Teacher and Crystal Healer. She is a certified affiliate member of the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT) as a Reiki Master/Teacher in the Usui Shiki Ryoho style of Reiki and has authored articles for the ICRT. Judy is also certified in Crystal Healing and works with other energetic and vibrational therapies such as sound, color, and essential oils. Judy has trained in astrological chart readings and in providing Akashic Records consultations. Judy enjoys teaching Reiki and attending speaking engagements where she can share her personal journey and bring forward connection, knowledge, awareness, and empowerment to all her clients. Judy also enjoys participating yearly in the Nurse’s Week events at a local hospital in South Florida providing free chair Reiki sessions and educates participants about the energy healing work that is her passion. She works with clients from all walks of life and provides in-person and virtual sessions and training workshops. Judy has been authoring articles for Reiki Rays since 2013.
Facebook: @Judy.emeraldhous
Instagram: @judy_camblor
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