In difficult and fearful times, both for us and for our loved ones, we tend to do anything and everything to take suffering away and make absolutely subjective decisions, without thinking about the repercussions that our demands and actions might have on the person, and especially on the karma of that person.
Karma accumulates through action or inaction. All the decisions we make accumulate karma. Karma is not something negative or positive, it is rather neutral. Our energetic life is a balance of good and evil, of positive and negative. Karma balances energy. It does not punish or reward, it just is!
Reiki is an effective, simple, accessible “light therapy” system regardless of faith, race, social affiliation. Reiki is not a religion. Reiki is not a cult. Reiki is not a sect. Reiki is not a universal panacea. Reiki is not alternative medicine.
Human suffering, physical and mental, can be both accumulations of the present and past karma or lessons that should be learned in this life.
Intervening without the person’s consent, sending Reiki without the person’s permission, is an intrusion that can do great harm. We do good by force, and good done by force can turn into evil. For everyone. When we send Reiki to a person without their permission, we assume that we know what is best and, whether we realize it or not, we can interfere with a person’s karma. Moreover, we also accumulate karma, in our turn.
We never enter a person’s house or borrow another person’s things without first asking permission. It’s a matter of common sense and respect. In classical, allopathic medicine, the medical staff does not drag their patients to force them to follow a treatment (even the law totally forbids them to treat a person who refuses treatment.) Reiki is also about respect and this includes respecting the decisions and limits of other people, without judging, even if we do not agree with them.
Also, always when we send Reiki to a person, it is essential to mention that it is for what is most beneficial for that person, for his/her superior good and that of those around him/her! Intervening as a third party and sending with a precise purpose that we think is necessary, involves taking over the patient’s karma. Energy should always transmitted using the conditioning “For their supreme good, according to the Will of God and as much as is allowed to them.”
The person must want and ask (to be healed). By request, he/she opens the Throat chakra. When that person verbalizes the desire and we hear her/him say that she/he wants (to be healed), she/he sends the clear message to the Universe that she/he wants to change the current state, wants to change the current state of existence! Through this request, the person states a conscious decision to get involved in the healing process. As a Reiki healer, we are the channel through which energy flows and it is essential to listen and offer the services of a request from the heart.
The treatment of young children is done only with the consent of the parents, and when the session is face to face, only in their presence.
Reiki treatments shall not be performed for infections, appendicitis, tonsillitis, or other “itis”. No energy is transmitted to infections and cancer patients, because in these cases we are dealing with living organisms that are under the influence of energy and develop better when they are energized.
Reiki treatments are not to be performed and no energy is to be transmitted to patients undergoing anesthesia 24 hours before surgery. However, Reiki treatment is very effective in recovering from anesthesia.
It is not allowed to draw symbols on other people without their consent. It is considered energetic aggression. The only place where symbols can be drawn without the consent of the people is vertically, above the seventh chakra, but with the clear specification: “Only with Divine consent”!
Reiki is energy attracted, not sent, it is an energy that each of us attracts after initiation directly from the Source. Reiki works WITHOUT a focus on energization, being only attracted by intention. Thus, the free will of each person is respected, without the possibility of violating it. For this reason, I recommend that, each time, we ask in advance for the permission of the person to whom we want to give an energization or for whom we request a Reiki treatment. It is an ethical and common sense gesture to seek the other person’s consent for the transmission of Reiki and to agree on the Reiki message. This avoids mystifications, suspicions, fakes and fears related to this technique.
Reiki works only by the simple intention of providing energy and it begins to be attracted and we resonate with the Energy of Love.
Article by Patricia Lidia
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Patricia Lidia is a corporate engineer, writer, blogger, and coach on creativity and emotional balance. She is passionate about reading and writing, alternative therapies, and spirituality. She is a Reiki master teacher with over ten years of experience. Her aim is to help women find their emotional balance and create the life they’ve always wanted.
She resides in Timisoara, Romania. You can find her at or patricialidiaemotionalhealing
You have said, Reiki treatments shall not be performed for infections, appendicitis, tonsillitis, or other “itis”. No energy is transmitted to infections and cancer patients, because in these cases we are dealing with living..can you please elaborate
An infection is the invasion of an organism’s body tissues by disease-causing agents, their multiplication, and the reaction of host tissues to the infectious agents and the toxins they produce. Cancer is a group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body. In both cases, we are dealing with living organisms which affect the body. When we send Reiki in cases of cancer and/or infections, the energy is also transmitted to these living organisms, which can multiply, improve resistance and develop better under the power of the energy. However, when treatment for cancer and/or infections is finished, healing is needed to help patients live with the ensuing uncertainty as they redefine normalcy and strengthen their well-being. It should be offered as support for overcoming anxiety and general well-being.
I found this article very interesting but the part about not using reiki on cancer and infections really surprised me, I was taught reiki only does good, how could this intelligent energy energize the very thing that is making you sick?
I found another article on here which says this:
“Some Reiki practitioners may have fears about giving Reiki to people with cancer, concerned the energies may help the cancer to grow. There is no evidence to support this fear. Rather, when the intention is to bring healing energies to the client for his/her highest good, the client will not be harmed.
Reiki always heals”
I understand the articles are written by different people and opinions vary but this one worries me a lot, there are a lot of cancer patients receiving reiki, can it really be true that after all these years that this is causing more harm than good?
Hi Patricia as Reiki is an intelligent energy wouldn’t it always act in our highest and greatest good and avoid activating organisms or abnormal cells which will act against our best health? As you say, whatever our condition, Reiki will improve our wellbeing and facilitate speedier recovery. Perhaps we should give Reiki anyway in a spirit of trust that the best outcome for the receiver will follow?
I wonder if in the above cases, one should maybe send reiki to the Situation with intention voiced ” to do no harm for the good of all”