When you feel that you have poor circulation on a physical level, you lack empathy on emotional level and you cannot show devotion on a spiritual level, be sure that your Heart chakra is blocked.
The Heart chakra is clearly in the heart area and is related to love and will. When the Heart chakra is open, it allows you to express love for yourself and others. It is a transition chakra that makes the connection between the lower, earthly energies (the first 3 chakras) and the higher, spiritual energies (the last 3 chakras). With air as the corresponding element, the Heart chakra symbolically occupies a middle position between heaven and earth. The more we become able to love unconditionally, the more the Heart chakra opens up and allows more energy to pass to the organs it supplies. The parts of the body associated with this chakra are the heart and the circulatory system, with the Solar Plexus, the lungs and the entire chest area. The physical sense associated with this chakra is the tactile sense.
The imbalance of this chakra can generate inability to forgive, exaggerated expectations from others, judgments of value, anger, critical thinking, dissatisfaction, resentment, fear, lack of love for life, unsatisfactory relationships, inability to receive and give love, disappointment, sensitivity, transition, loss of confidence, panic. So when this chakra is blocked, we tend to feel disconnected and have a problem loving other people or even ourselves.
Other symptoms that reflect the tension in this chakra are those that appear in the chest or spine, in this chakra. If we think logically, breastfeeding and any problems at this level for women means that the woman has cut off her femininity. The reason for her harshness is quite clear: she needs to get something out of her chest, a certain resentment that she held in her heart.
How to heal and balance your Heart Chakra?
Love heals. Anything can be healed through love. Healing begins with the emotional acceptance that there is something that needs healing. Otherwise, there is such a great negation that the resistance to the situation gives a different orientation to the attention and energy that were initially directed towards healing. If we accept that something must be healed, we allow the manifestation of self-love, through the desire for healing to occur. Acceptance of healing allows acceptance of the state of consciousness in which the symptom is removed and no longer exists. It can also be used as a way to remind us that the love that surrounds a person must also be accepted by the person, in order to have the expected healing effect.
Opening the Heart chakra can be a process of self-acceptance, of replacing self-judgment with self-love. Parents and life partners tend to connect to the Heart chakra, because such a connection can be masked and enter the chakra as “love”. Sometimes it is a deceptive cord, because it enters through the heart and sneaks in the form of conditioned love. “I love you, but I want to have control over you. If you accept this, I will love you.” Do you consider that you have an accentuated “spiritual” side, an open, loving and LIMIT-FREE heart? Stifle such a belief! To show love and understanding towards ourselves means to set some limits, to create our capacity to love. If you act through the Heart chakra, it does not mean that you have to be permanently overwhelmed by affection or that you have to be in a large group of people, to walk from one to another embracing everyone and never separating from them! This is not how you do something “from the heart”. Sometimes this happens, but when you feel it, you make a difference.
The active color of the Heart chakra is green, any energy visualized during Heart chakra meditation is usually perceived as green. People who strive to improve the balance of the Heart chakra often wear green clothing, eat green foods (healthy, natural, salad, spinach, greens, kiwi, avocado, etc.). The crystals that help balance the Heart chakra are ruby, emerald, rose / pink quartz, jade, aventurine, malachite. A tea or tincture of gooseberries (berries) increases confidence in the process of life and encourages you to feel safe. It also helps to strengthen the heart and blood vessels. For a healthy heart you can use jasmine, lavender, rose, basil, sage, thyme, coriander, parsley.
Many different mantras, prayers and songs were composed to honor the Heart chakra and help in the efforts to balance it. As with each of the primary chakras, the Heart chakra has a one-syllable mantra that is useful in meditation and other forms of healing practice: YAM. This can be repeated vocally or subvocal during meditation.
Some of the flavors that can be used to activate the fourth chakra are mint, sage, ginger, musk, rose, lavender.
Heart chakra sum-up:
Active color: green
One-syllable mantra: YAM
Flavors: mint, sage, ginger, musk, rose, lavender
Crystals: green aventurine, pink quartz, green jade, fluorite, malachite, kunzite
Reflexology: the point on the roundness under the big toe
Suggested activities:
- Contemplating a pink flower
- Massage
- Contemplation in the mirror
- Charity acts
- Creating a notebook with the wishes of the heart
- Giving yourself permission to cry whenever the need arises
- Put your palms together next to your chest, relax your shoulders and stay in this position for 1 minute
- Rub your hands together as fast as you can for 1 minute
- Offer as a gift an object you care about
- Take a deep breath and feel your lungs filling
Suggested exercise:
Choose a comfortable Lotus position on the floor, place your right palm under your left arm and your left palm under your right arm. Close your eyes and feel your heartbeat. Synchronize your heartbeat with your breathing. Visualize a bright green light growing in a spiral shape. Repeat the exercise nine times.
Soothing music:
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DRwXnqHZfQ
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXbax5qveo4
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1_vIK1u-z8
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8jCKzpwS34
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMmYokGt0cE
Article by Patricia Lidia
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Patricia Lidia is a corporate engineer, writer, blogger, and coach on creativity and emotional balance. She is passionate about reading and writing, alternative therapies, and spirituality. She is a Reiki master teacher with over ten years of experience. Her aim is to help women find their emotional balance and create the life they’ve always wanted.
She resides in Timisoara, Romania. You can find her at patricialidia.ro/ or patricialidiaemotionalhealing
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