The Angels are high vibrational beings of love and light. They are playing a pivotal role in the awakening of healers and lightworkers around the planet. They are also helping lightworkers fulfil their life missions.
If you have felt a resonance with angelic energy at some point in your life, connecting with them could very well be your path!
Angels are the sweetest of light beings who are ever ready to hold unconditional space for all of humanity.
While the Angels can certainly help you with concerns of the material world, their assistance is most pertinent for matters of the heart and soul.
You may connect with the Angels in meditation. You may write to them. You may simply converse with them. Another way to connect with the Angels is to tune in to their energy and to download messages of love and wisdom, in other words, channeling.
Channeling is a powerful way to receive ongoing angelic guidance for yourself.
If you are regular with Reiki practice/energy work, channeling angelic messages should feel easy and natural to you. All it requires is a willingness to tune in and trust the intuitive insights that come to you.
Channeling Angels
What to Channel
- You may channel a message for yourself every morning or before retiring for the night.
- You may channel guidance for a specific question you may have or for a specific area of your life.
- You may also channel guidance for your clients.
Channeling happens effortlessly when your personal energetic space is clean and clear. If your mind feels heavy and your energy scattered, channeling is likely to feel harder than it should. Before you attempt to channel an angelic message, make sure you help yourself feel centered. You may do this through deep breathing, meditation or by invoking a column of white light (
A Reiki self-healing can also help you achieve a state of calm and centeredness. You may find yourself receptive to channeling towards the end of a Reiki self-healing session.

How to Channel
Once you are in a calm and centered frame of being, bring your awareness to your Heart chakra. Place your palms over your heart and set an intention to tune in to the Angels. The Angels resonate with unconditional love. Therefore, the Heart chakra serves as a powerful portal to connect with them.
Put forth your question or request for guidance. You may do this mentally or on paper. At times, you may not have a specific question or request. You may still channel by asking the Angels to give you any information that will help you on your path. What you receive may surprise you!
Take a few deep breaths and just be.
Allow yourself to receive.
You may receive messages in the form of words, images or just as a knowing.
Trust the information you receive.
Remember, you do not have to make this happen.
It happens spontaneously when you are in a receptive state of being.
If you prefer to write or draw, you may begin to do so as impressions begin to stream into your awareness. Writing down whatever comes to you is strongly recommended as it can help you remember, absorb and integrate the guidance received.
Characteristics of Channeled Angel Messages
- True angelic messages feel loving and empowering. Even if the guidance that comes through sounds challenging, it always has an empowering feel to it. If what you receive feels frightening or uncomfortable, rest assured that it isn’t authentic angelic guidance and can be dismissed without second thought.
- Messages are received spontaneously and you do not have to strain to channel them.
- The more often you do it, the easier it gets, until it begins to feel very natural.
Channeling the Angels is a wonderful way to connect with them. I hope you enjoy it!
Article by Haripriya Suraj, Reiki Master
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Haripriya Suraj is a Reiki Master, Angel Healer and Starseed Lightworker. Reiki is her constant companion from which she derives peace and contentment. She is deeply connected with the Stars and Angels and they form an integral part of her Reiki practice. Her core mission is to help bridge the worlds of Spirit and Science and to help people connect with their unique soul missions. Haripriya offers Reiki healing sessions and training programs in Bangalore, India. Reach Haripriya at, on email at and on Facebook at Angel Light.
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