As we journey further into the Age of Aquarius, we have an opportunity to align with the ancient Hermetic/Universal Principle of Mentalism and ‘knowing’ along side the Yoruba Spiritual Transformation Principle of ‘Understanding’ and it’s keyword ‘Clarity’, as the scope and target of any focal point that mind attends to. The mind in our understanding that “ALL is Mind”, means all of creation exists in the mind of God/Creator/Divine Mind, and by extension our lives exist in our minds, first/foremost. Everything that happens, always happens first Spiritually in/as thought. And the Yoruba adage, “where the mind goes the behind follows” is more relevant than ever.
Yet to always keep this in mind is key, literally and figuratively (even though mind is not just located in the head, mind is the consciousness, all throughout the body in all sentient beings). Having a highly relatable symbol (because the subconscious mind relates to/communicates via symbols and is very literal so always be careful how you speak to it/yourself as it is always mentally recording everything) such as say a head/skull as a consistent reminder would be highly beneficial and keep us mindful. An even more perfect, and way beyond just reminder may be a crystal/gemstone skull, and even more specifically a ceremonially/ritually activated crystal skull.
Thanks to companies/organizations like Crystal who state “several prominent experts and researchers in the field of crystal skulls are dedicated to bringing out the greatest potential in their own crystal skulls by connecting them with powerful crystal skulls and sacred places around the world. Activated crystal skulls have experienced a great deal of conscious activation through meditation, and through interaction with other powerful skulls, many of them ancient crystal skulls”.
To explain further Jaap Van Etten, PhD researcher/explorer states, “Crystals can be seen as the most pure form in which consciousness can manifest itself in this reality. This means that they are the best tools in existence to awaken, activate and stimulate our awareness. Being aware, being conscious, is of prime importance for our personal evolution. Crystals can help us to evolve and to transform everything that prevents us from evolving. What is true for crystals is of course equally true for crystal skulls. However, crystal skulls offer even more. They create together a unique field, that to some degree can be compared to the collective (un)consciousness of mankind. This energy field, the collective crystal skull field, has its own unique characteristics.”
And organizations like, which features Grandmother Flordemayo, Mayan Cosmology and crystal-skulls wisdom/lore and offers a variety of unique ceremonially/ritually activated crystal and gemstone skulls for adoption.
The metaphysical and physical science regarding crystal skulls dates back beyond our known timelines and has been and continues being discovered as more practitioners/seekers and enthusiasts’ experiment with vast potentialities of what possibilities await their intentional amplified energies/ vibrations/ higher frequencies thanks to crystal skulls.
One of the wisest and best ways to choose a crystal/gemstone skull for the ultimate compatibility, is based upon choosing one carved from your birthstone/and the gemstones co-relating to astrological/zodiac sign which every individual has a certain unique type of alignment with based upon astrology and metaphysics.
To connect with a crystal skull there is a simplicity. Utilizing the crystal skull begins with literally establish a “friendship/kinship” with your crystal skull(s):
- Simply breathing (taking deep breaths) with your skull in hand. First take a deep breath and breath in the thought of love for someone/something that makes you smile. Holding your crystal skull in both hands or just your right hand in front of your face keeping the clarity of an intentional thought of what you’d like in mind. As you deeply breath, your energy/intentional thought out and the crystal skull’s energy in, you are sharing your sacred life force, as a start to an effective way to begin building a relationship/working with a crystal skull.
Each crystal skull carries a unique name which may be revealed as a relationship with a crystal skull is developed. Personally, what I’ve discovered from working with my crystal skulls is that they perform based upon the relationship established and consistently nourished with them, offering “information downloads” and multidimensional perspectives on thoughts held and expanded upon in their presence. Meditating with a crystal skull is quite an experience as well and I highly recommend people who enjoy meditation to give it a try too.
With one powerful common denominator regarding the above mentioned ‘clarity’ being, when clarity is amplified as an intention, we can figure out pretty much anything, that would otherwise remain muddled with detached desires and fear. Simply because clarity is the total absence of delusion. When working with crystal skulls we must be grounded energically, have clarity of intention of what is wanted and why, because our intentions are amplified and reflected back at us. And activated crystal skulls are tools of ‘Awareness’, which is yet another Yoruba Spiritual Transformation Principle which is the opening of mental and emotional faculties to the spirit of truth and spiritual principles, also known as “knowing”.
The knowing is a gift offered for the discipline/efforts in continuing our practices along our journey throughout the Age of Aquarius.
Now when we reconsider that Reiki is spiritually conscious universal life force energy, works with our intentions and makes uses of sacred symbols, we can see how it offers opportunities of a whole new paradigm exploration in healing and countless metaphysical applications, based simply upon the awareness and clarity of what can be imagined.
The topic of Reiki, Crystal Skulls and Yoruba Spirituality deserves to be looked into deeper as we continue this journey, and I personally am excited at the prospects of what is to be revealed. I will continue working extensively with and curating a collection of crystal skulls for the rest of my life incorporating their use in Reiki and shamanism practices because they truly are an ultimate resource, that I Am extremely thankful to have discovered. I confident others will feel the same in their crystal skull adventures as well.
Article by Writeously
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Writeously is a certified Reiki Master/Teacher, a shamanic practitioner, and an avid (Yoruba-inspired) Spiritual practitioner. He shares powerful, daily astrologically-aligned, herbal magick/aromatherapy and also serves as functional wisdom. He makes it an integral part of his overall intentional daily continuous seeking/studies/practitionership.
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