Article by Bhavna Bhosale
Everyone is trying to struggle to overcome this pandemic in their own way. It becomes at times difficult to keep the spirit really high. Today, I would like to share my way of overcoming this distress.
Here is the 21 days Gratitude Challenge for you all. I have shared the themes of each day. You can create an elaborate plan out of the theme given for the day. For eg. For day 3 I have mentioned Song I love, it could be one song or many songs. Humming the tune of the song or sing it along with your family. Tell everyone why do you really like that song, what changes it has got in your life etc. Spend that day thinking and connecting with the respective theme.
Those who are attuned to Reiki Level 2 can also connect with the situation using HSZSN. Else you can just give Reiki to each theme every day to uplift yourself.
You can see the changes in your vibrations each passing day of the challenge. You will feel more fortunate and grateful.
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Bhavna Bhosale is an HR professional and Reiki Master Healer based in Mumbai, India. An extreme positive person with an immense interest in the spiritual modalities. She is passionate about helping others by bringing the positive changes in their lives. Reiki has helped her to discover the purpose of her soul to connect with others and empower them by helping themselves. She feels that Reiki is not just a spiritual modality, but a way of life. She can be reached at for Reiki Learning or Healing Appointments.
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