Article by Writeously
Funny and yet sad, that the reason, the how, the intentional act of love making, denominated and demonstrated with the sense of touch is what grabs us firmly in this physical reality. This world, this you and that I AM in living form, in agreement in and with life, so under acknowledged, way under sought-after and under utilized to it’s full advantage of ease and effortlessness as simple as saying, “Reiki on”!
As if to null a sacred contract of fulfillment agreed upon beforehand and then after birth. Before our manifestation as a baby, both within the womb and again upon being born into the 3D world of a hand rocking a cradle of it’s own world of illusions like forgetfulness of the power of the magick of our sense of touch.
The sad part is in this illusionary world of wary, the intentional act of love making is also known by other names with games. Games all of it’s own undoing being played and won against the heart, mind, and soul in favour of the illusion of illusion being ignorance is bliss. Bliss as this pleasurable yet misguided scenario, is always temporary gratification void of love and intention, which may in addition serve as the best definition of sex, as being when love and/or good intentions are missing from the blissful act itself. When love and good intentions are missing from one of the ongoing most highly energized emotional events during our life, then healing isn’t just a good idea, healing is a must. Yes, a must so easy to begin trying to fulfill simply by saying “Reiki on”.
So why aren’t we way more motivated about healing the intentional act of love making and perhaps even more importantly the issues surrounding the act’s after-effects from the time of our conception right up to right now and going forward. Right here and throughout our entire physical life the healing process is like a filtering by which we are Spiritually purified, cleansed of negative/limiting thoughts, emotions and life lessons via human experiences, posing as challenges and so-called problems. Especially healing our perceived human experience as being a separation from Source. Again, sadly believing we are separate from what is actually in fact within us and the true resource of what supports our physical life, what supports procreation, what supports Reiki.
The wonders of how we all got here never cease nor cease to amaze. The wonders of the sense of touch amaze even more. The wonders of the intentional act of love making are perhaps the most amazing. The wonders of Reiki and the role it can play in healing during the intentional act of love making are beyond amazing. The sad and yet funny thing is we all are here thanks to the intentional act of love making and should all already know this.
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Writeously is a certified Reiki Master/Teacher, a shamanic practitioner, and an avid (Yoruba-inspired) Spiritual practitioner. He shares powerful, daily astrologically-aligned, herbal magick/aromatherapy and also serves as functional wisdom. He makes it an integral part of his overall intentional daily continuous seeking/studies/practitionership.
how right you are.