Article by Justine Melton
Manifesting is something that is gaining in great popularity these days. It is a great way to ask the Universe for what you want and follows the, “Ask, Believe, Receive” theory. Reiki is something that can dramatically accelerate the manifesting process! There are so many different ways to use Reiki to do this. Here is an easy way to manifest love into your life that I have used on myself and routinely use with my clients. It is so simple, beautiful, and it works!
Step by step guide to manifest love with Reiki:
1. Begin by thinking of something that you really want. If this is a soul mate, picture that person in your mind.
2. Ask the universe for this in the present tense. For example, you could say: “I am happy that I am presently in a happy, healthy, loving, committed, harmonious relationship with my true companion.”
3. Allow yourself to then feel the feeling as if this is ALREADY in your life. If you need help feeling positive here think of something else that makes you happy (favorite song, good memory, etc.) that will get you in that positive mindset. You must match the vibrational level of what you want to attract into your life! Allow yourself to feel this feeling of already having what you are asking for. Let it radiate through your whole being.
4. As soon as you are allowing yourself to feel this feeling make all of the Reiki symbols in front of yourself that you are attuned to. After this do two Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen’s side by side.
5. Sit in this space of feeling that you already have this great love in your life for 10-20 minutes. Imagine and visualize this new reality. Allow yourself to feel how amazing it is. This is very important. The manifesting will not work if you do not do this step!
6. Tell the Universe that you are asking for this or the equivalent or better for the greatest good of all.
7. Give thanks.

Image by Millzero Photography
Do this Reiki Manifesting method for a good 1-2 months. A great time to do it is before bedtime when your mind and body are relaxed. During this time be sure to write down any positive evidence you see that this reality is beginning to manifest into your life. Make sure to trust the process. Focus on what you are creating and not on what you are currently unhappy with in your life. Remember that manifesting brings change into your life. Allow change to happen. Sometimes a shakeup is needed to create the new reality you are seeking. Know that through this process whatever change you experience is leading you to what you are seeking!
Wishing you all love and light.
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Justine Melton is a Reiki Master/Teacher and an Intuitive Counselor. Reiki came into her life and changed it in amazing ways. It is her passion now to bring Reiki to others and help them to heal in a holistic way. Justine is lucky enough to be an Empath, Clairaudient, Clairsentient, and Clairvoyant. She is able to use these gifts with Reiki if asked to give extra messages during a session for the client’s highest good.
Hi Justine,
I am a stage Reiki Healer and I have a question for you? You said in your article above to use all the symbols you were to. Are you talking about the main symbols like Dai Ku Myo. Hon Sa Jai So Nen, Say Hey key, and Cho Ko Rei!
I would be most grateful if you could advise.
Hi Beatrice,
Personally I like to use Dai Ko Mio and Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen for manifesting! The reason I said to use whatever symbols you were taught or work or you is that there are a lot of different forms of Reiki being taught now with different symbols. I think that each person will be guided with what they feel would work best or them. I have a friend who likes to use Choku Rei for everything she does and it works great for her. Hope that helps! 🙂
Hello Justine,
I have some thought and I hope other Reiki Practiociners will read and maybe comment.
There are some things like manifestins, Reiki Box, etc etc where you need to focus every day for 1, 2 or 3 months.
On the other hand, the Law of Attraction/Abundance tells us to focus about it and then let it go.
Which one is it ?
Focus everyday and let the Universe sense that you arer not believing he’s working for you ? Or let it go and let the Universe work ?
The free challenge with Deepak Chopra tells the same (focus and let go)
it’s difficult to find out which one is the “right” process for manifesting
Thanks a lot for your lights and help !!
my relAtionship with my hubby is getting sour.we never had we have a child who is visually impaired .i am going in depression and feel loveless and alone…
I would like to thank Justine for sharing this wonderful method of attracting love.
I would also like to reply to Tiziana:
My understanding is that you sould spend some time everyday focusing on the energy, emotions, visualisations of what you want in your life.
But then let it go in the sense of not thinking about it during the day don’t think e.g when is it going to happen and how.(of course during the day you can affirm it)
Basicly take time everyday to focus on the energy and then let it go after that trust in the Universe, God or who you believe in.
As we are masters of our own reality, I do think that it is important to take regular time to focus on the energy we want but then letting it go and carry on with our day.
Mona try to write down al your emotions on a piece of paper and then do a little ritual where you burn the paper and say I now let go of al negative thoughts and emotions.
Take time everyday where you focus on your thought and only repeat positive thoughts.
Write down every morning and evening al the wonderful beautiful things in your life and feel gratefull for it.
Ask Archangel Michael every morning to cut al your negative cords and attachments.
Also you can look on the internet for a site called dhn healing.
There are volunteer healers on the site that will send you some distant healing.
Lots of love.
Thank you Anemi !
thanks anemi