Article by Chanchal Mishra
Getting what you want is the deepest desire of your heart, isn’t it? The law of attraction and your angels are there to help… the ingredients you require are faith and an intention! Have you ever imagined a life full of miracles and frequent manifestations? If you believe in angels and would like your dreams to manifest, be ready to be enchanted!
Start with the area of your life that you would like to improve or a desire that manifests into reality. Just so you know what is it that you want in the first place.
Gratitude – Start your day with being thankful for what you already have. No matter what stage your life is, you always have something to be grateful for! It could be a friend, siblings, parents, materialistic thing or if you please you can say thanks for the air you breathe, food that keeps you alive or the clean water that you drink.
To start here you call upon Archangel Michael… “Archangel Michael, I call upon you this day to safeguard me from lower vibrational thoughts and block all negativity that might come my way! Thank you”
Now, angels love the people who have love, gratitude, and kindness in their hearts. This is the first step towards manifesting with angels. When you focus on gratitude your vibrations rise! The most important factor in bringing your manifestations to reality. Gratitude increases the level of happiness and satisfaction in your brain and so your brain starts “signaling” your body on a cellular level! If you have ever heard someone saying thank you to you for a kind act, remember how you felt! You felt good about yourself as well as the one who said it to you. This is exactly how the universe and angels react to your gratitude. They feel appreciated.
Desire – Desire is another factor that plays another big role. How specifically you want something to happen? Just like Paulo Coelho once said, “…when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” The idea is to have such a strong desire of what you want that it has no option but to manifest in your reality!
We ask our angels to guide us towards the desire that brings us our highest good. Here you call upon Archangel Gabriel… “Divine Archangel Gabriel please help and align me with my goals, help me establish positive desires that take me to my best reality.”
When you are in constant alignment with the vibrations of gratitude, positive desires, now you are ready to proceed towards finally asking your angels to speed up your manifestation even more.
Here you call upon Archangel Raziel the master of magical manifestations… “Dear Archangel Raziel, I call upon you now to assist me with manifesting my desires. Please help me learn the divine universal magic of manifestation so I can create the best version of my reality and manifest (name your desire here). Help me manifest and take note of the miracles that are being created in my life. Thank you!”
Manifestations and miracles are not limited to the mentioned three archangels, but in order to get you up and running, you must have some kind of discipline in your life and thoughts. You want to manifest something that is in order and not chaos. This is why you are being given a series of “tasks” to follow so you get in tune with the universal energies.
I hope this helps you bring your most desired manifestations into your current reality for your highest good.
Love & Light
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Chanchal Mishra
Chanchal Mishra is a Certified Reiki Master and Angel Therapist. She also practices Kundalini Reiki, Crystal Reiki, Angel card reading, Money Reiki and Karuna ki. Chanchal completed her English Literature Master’s degree from Delhi University. She also completed her Post graduation in Fashion Marketing from California, USA. Chanchal loves to read and write. In her free time, she empowers others and provides guidance to those in need. Reach her at
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