Article by Magalí Giménez
We Reiki practitioners use many wonderful resources in our healing sessions. I absolutely love doing Reiki attunements in crystals and stones to use them in Reiki sessions and I loved reading the article “Reiki and Candle Healing” by Haripriya Suraj, which invites you to do attunements in candles to use them in Reiki healing. When these tools are attuned, they become another source of energy that flows to the person being treated.
In my place of healing, I also like to attune the chair or treatment table and the art (paintings or sculptures) that I have in place, in order to create an environment of high vibration energy towards the patient and towards me as well. But one of the most wonderful tools that can be used are toys. If you do Reiki sessions to young children or people with autism you will find that it is very important to have an object that keeps them entertained and happy. That is why it is very positive to choose a few toys and attune them to become our helpers in these cases. You can use a stuffed animal, a doll or a toy car. You will find that even adults can feel comfortable hugging a teddy bear during their session.
When your client is a small child or a person with autism, they will surely not sit still and quiet. Then you can let them play with the tuned toys while you send them distance Reiki with the strong intention that the toys are also a source of vital energy. You can also play with your patients or show them how you do Reiki to a toy and children will put their hands to give Reiki to toys with you. It is a wonderful experience.

Image by MirelaSchenk
If you did level 3 of Usiki Reiki, you will have already learned the method of attunement. Although objects are toys, we must treat them with the same seriousness as when we attune stones or candles. You can attune several toys at the same time. Make sure that the toys are in excellent condition and very clean. Perform an energy cleaning in the way you are used to, you can use your pendulum, aromas, Reiki symbols or send them energy with the intention of cleaning them. Then prepare your space for an attunement, invoke the Angels, Masters, and guides as you would in any other attunement ritual and continue with the routine that you usually carry out projecting the symbols to the toys. At the end, show gratitude to your guides and fill the toys with love and energy, they will be beautiful healing companions.
Infinite love
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I am Magalí, I am a Molecular Biologist, I have a PhD in Biological Sciences, I specialize in plant genetics and epigenetics.
I am a Master in Usui Reiki and level two Karuna Reiki®. I am a reader and healer of Akashic Registers.
You can visit my meditation channel in Spanish @ElMayorBien, and you can contact me at
Wow wonderful topic and good knowledge.
Thank you so much for this easy technique.
Gratitude 🙏🙏💜