Article by Vrunda Moghe Dev
During my practice and teaching of Reiki of over 15 years, I have observed some significant aspects of this gentle but effective healing method.
The Ajna chakra or the Third Eye chakra is a key vortex which guides the practitioner through difficult situations. For this chakra to be active, special attention should be given to its honing specially in women. To substantiate my point, I can briefly say that today women are multitasking and at times this very capacity gets worn out and they reach the end of their tether. It is not just physical aspect but also mental and emotional angles which reach a burn out point in modern women as multiple demands on their energy grow by leaps and bounds.
Intuitive powers among women are inherently sharp but get suppressed or blocked due to the daily grind. Reiki energy to the Third Eye chakra will clear the inactive energy and propel you to take proper decisions. Also, it helps to foresee some crucial aspects and helps you to tread the right path. It also helps in seeing some foreboding aspects which can prepare you for a contingency.
Some of the many roles that a woman plays are that of a student, young wife and mother, home-maker and what have you. The situations get complex towards midlife when children grow and resist or rebel against laid out norms.
Care of elders when your own physical energy is not at its best, are negative indicators. Angst and worry about children living away for studies or jobs also take their toll on women’s health. In such situations, if the Third Eye chakra is strengthened, not only is the confidence level of a woman is restored but the mind works in a balanced manner, I can cite several examples where personally I have received guidance to do the right thing at that time. This guidance comes in the form of a hunch or an inner voice which if you try to analyse has no rationale and you ignore it. Only when something untoward takes place that you wish you had listened to this inner voice.

Image by JoanDragonfly
Besides the power of ESP that the Ajna chakra gives, it also helps you to program your subconscious mind methodically. As you all know the power of the subconscious mind is limitless. ‘Ajna’ means order and when you order your subconscious mind, it follows your orders. Hence, it is of foremost importance to affirm properly and in positive notes which would be of great value.
The powerful symbols to hone the Ajna chakra are Sei He Ki, Dai Ko Myo along with Mara. Accompanied by meditation, they work wonders! Keeping a pyramid of Lapis Lazuli before you while meditating is rewarding. The focus of meditation should be on the mid-brow point – bhru Madhya drishti – to get the best results. Affirmations should be made by bringing the mind to the alpha level. For distance programming for your near and dear ones start with Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen. The exercise not only makes people take the right path but take it without losing any mental peace.
Women especially should take note of the value of this vital chakra in every aspect of their lives.
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Vrunda Moghe Dev is a Mumbai-based writer and journalist of over two decades. She has been a Reiki teacher and healer for 15 years.
Thank you for very much for this wonderful writing on third eye chakra. What do you mean by the power of “ESP”