Article by Haripriya Suraj, Reiki Master
Archangel Gabriel is considered a ‘Messenger Angel.’
Many people associate with the masculine side of Gabriel. However, I have experienced a greater connection with her feminine side. Hence, I refer to this Archangel as ‘she.’ You can connect with Archangel Gabriel in whatever way resonates with you.
Gabriel is the angel to work with if there is a message you feel guided to deliver to some people or to the world at large. This message may be written or verbal. As healers and lightworkers, many of us have healing messages to deliver as part of our life’s mission. Archangel Gabriel can offer us great assistance in this regard. Her energy can literally clear our energetic channels and allow higher messages to stream through us with ease. She can also help with getting these messages out into the world in perfect order and timing.
I have been working on and off with the beautiful Archangel Gabriel for some years now. However, my connection with her reached a whole new level during the compiling of my book “When Spirit meets Science”
The seed for this book was sown when I had a vision of it during one of my morning meditations. Around the same time, I felt the energy of Gabriel emerging strongly in my work with the Angels. The vision that I received for the book was exciting and unnerving at the same time, for it showed that this project would involve not just me but my scientific and rational medico partner too.
Through this book, I was guided to share the learning my partner and I had experienced on our soul journey together and to work towards bridging the domains of energy healing and medical science. I had to reveal this vision to my dear husband, unsure about the response it would receive. But I felt the inner strength to be authentic and open up to him about this. I reasoned that if Higher Will had brought this idea to me, it would also offer me the support I need to get the work done. And to my delight, the conversation with my partner was a breeze and he agreed to co-author the book!
Before commencing work on the book, I connected with Gabriel and told her to use us as instruments of Divine will. This helped me work from the consciousness of flow and surrender. During the course of my work, I had the oracle cards of Archangel Gabriel next to my computer. They reminded me of Gabriel’s support for this work and helped me to tap into Divine inspiration. I also had these cards around whenever it was my partner’s turn to write. The work on the book began to flow and the book almost wrote itself in less than a month’s time! And the best part was it did not feel like work at all. As my little son often likes to say about his school projects, it was “easy as pie!”
There were days when I forgot to connect with Gabriel before commencing my work and then happened to feel stuck in my writing. At such times, I reminded myself to connect with Gabriel again. And every time, without exception, the words began to flow again! This was a very emotional time for me. I knew something much beyond normal writing was happening. I got a taste of Divine love, support, and inspiration at a level not experienced before.
If there is a message that you feel guided to share as part of your mission, I hope this article inspires you to connect with Gabriel. Your message does not have to involve writing a book. It may simply be a message you wish to convey to someone with ease and clarity. It may be an empowering article or blog post. It may be an inspirational speech that you’d like to give to an audience. No matter what, as long as the message is Divinely inspired and for the greater good of all, Gabriel can help. Try it to experience it!
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Haripriya Suraj is a Reiki Master, Angel Healer and Starseed Lightworker. Reiki is her constant companion from which she derives peace and contentment. She is deeply connected with the Stars and Angels and they form an integral part of her Reiki practice. Her core mission is to help bridge the worlds of Spirit and Science and to help people connect with their unique soul missions. Haripriya offers Reiki healing sessions and training programs in Bangalore, India. Reach Haripriya at, on email at and on Facebook at Angel Light.
Hi Haripriya.
I don’t know why but mind is always thinking about Angel with Hindu names
and connect with Hindu God.
If you know then could you please share with me I will appreciate 🕉👏
Do you know any