Article by Mireille Hammal
What is Reiki? Reiki is love.
Why? Because Reiki is a hug for your soul.
How? With divine holy energy embracing your whole essence.
When? Whenever you are ready to say ‘Yes’ to yourself.
Where? Wherever you choose to remember who you are.
That was in 2010 when Love found me, hugged my soul by enveloping my whole essence heavenly the first second I said ‘Yes’ to myself, I choose to remember who I am. And yeah, It was a wonderful love at the 1st sight. A love-struck that has shaken and awaken my whole self.
Am I talking philosophy here?
No, I am actually speaking the language of love.
I fell in love with Reiki and with it I felt home.
Yeah, I found my way back home.
And what a relief, what a joy, what a warm euphoria!
Am I exaggerating here?
No, I am being loyal to my love.
How can that all happen in this World, with all the challenges, the pain, the suffering, the struggles?
By simply shifting our energy and surrendering to the divine guidance of love.
But how? Literally how?
By choosing to surrender, to let go and to release all those struggles and pain and accepting to look inward, to heal and to start making space for what really matters.
By choosing to take responsibility and say ‘Yes’, I choose to free myself and then start expelling what is not serving you anymore.
By choosing with a totally free will to accept that it is okay to send away the pain that was shaping all your reality.
By choosing to agree upon creating a new reality with a new perspective.
Wow, this seems so interesting but really difficult, how can we do all that? It is challenging and also doable. All that you need is to proceed step by step without precipitation and without resistance.
But, I really want to finish with all that pain… It has been horrible… How can I do all that at once and end all this pain?
Of course, it is painful and frustrating and also full of learning. The truth is that we have the choice and the power to end it not at once but gradually, layer after layer. And the more we choose to heal and release, the more we feel relaxed, free and detached from what is not serving our highest good anymore, hence more connected.
Because love heals, love is real, love is the answer. Therefore Reiki is Love.
This is how my journey started with Reiki. It was a real love story that led to more love and light in my life. I did not meet Reiki by coincidence, it found me when I was ready through a well planned divine synchronisation.
Back then, I was still a TV Producer. I met a life coach who told me in a pre-interview interesting stuff about Reiki. I decided to make a segment about it and I went to meet the lady who practices Reiki. The pre-interview was like music for my soul. While filming the segment, no one of the crew accepted to lay down on the Reiki table to film the hands-on position on every chakra. I decided to lay down and again all this was divinely planned. Although I was not fully relaxed, the experience was so interesting to me! The Reiki Master told me later on that I have some blocked chakras and named some issues I might be suffering from and again this was the answer I received through her from the Divine.
I decided to go and dig more and here started the real love story that shaken all my life. Reiki became a regular monthly routine to me to go dig, release, let go and heal. The love I was feeling after every session was beyond any dimension. It was a pure and unconditional love received through the energy and through the Reiki Master offering the Reiki session.
You might ask, and then what? Your life was free of pain? Did you find happiness? Do you retrieve yourself?
Yes but not in one step and not from one side. Reiki was the key and I chose to respond. Reiki helped me digging deeply by triggering and surfacing all old pains not serving me anymore and I said ‘Yes’, I choose to let go. It did not happen overnight. It did not end in a week or a month. It was a process, a healing journey. It was an awakening that helped me understand myself, my pain, my emotions, my anger, my insecurities, my fears, my worries. It was the love that lit my life and my journey and paved the way towards a path of peace, of self-love, of forgiveness, compassion, kindness and more.
In 2012, I left Lebanon to Qatar for a new job in the TV field. There I tried to find a Reiki Practitioner. And Again, Reiki came to find me so beautifully through wonderful Reiki people and teachers, and a beautiful Reiki Master who became later on my Reiki Teacher.
From 2010 till 2015, Reiki was my savior. Reiki was my love. My best companion in my healing journey. It helped me reconnect with my inner self, with my inner child, with my higher self. It helped me step by step making peace with myself. It taught me a lot about myself, about my emotions, my old wounds, my scars, my pain. It gave me the tools to start loving myself, accepting myself, forgiving myself, forgiving others and remembering who I am. This did not happen in one session or two, it happened throughout those 5 years, with many many sessions and one-on-one consultations sessions followed by an intense self-work to help myself heal.
Reiki energy was helping to surface the pain and then soothing it with love. It was helping me understanding the reasons behind this pain and accepting to release it.
In 2015, Reiki showed me the way to became a Reiki Practitioner and later on a Reiki Master. It taught me how to become the Master of my life and how to take responsibility for my own path.
I left the media field. I returned to Beirut. I started a new career based on love and light. I created my Reiki Room and started giving Reiki sessions.
Reiki did not stop surprising me. It was so generous with me and still till this moment. It kept teaching me lessons, It kept showing me the way every day. Even though I started practicing it, teaching it, and giving courses of love and light, Reiki kept helping me healing deeper and deeper and this is the beauty in this love. It never stops. It never ends. Even though I became a Reiki Master, even though I receive people to offer them healing and coaching, I also keep practicing self-Reiki, I also keep learning from people who visit me for Reiki.
Becoming a Reiki Master was never about a title, it is about learning how to master my life and I am so grateful for my Reiki teacher who taught me that. It does not mean I don’t ask for help, it does not mean I don’t feel pain, It does not mean I don’t pass through tough moments, worries and insecurities. I learned to call them challenges helping me to heal and to let go of old wounds not serving my highest good anymore. It does not mean I reached completion. It only means I started mastering how to see the bigger picture, how to be more compassionate with myself, less judgmental, more loving to myself, less critical, more kind with myself and less harsh.
This ongoing long path from 2010 till 2019 has been my almost #10yearschallenge. It has been the wonderful love of my life that transformed my whole life upside-down.
Reiki was the candle that lit my whole path with more and more candles. Along with Reiki, I got to learn many other healing and coaching modalities. I got the chance to receive different kinds of healing as well. I am so grateful to each one of those modalities completing Reiki. I am grateful for every Reiki teacher and or person I got to meet during those 10 years. I am grateful for every situation that came up to the surface with Reiki and was healed through Reiki. I am grateful to every person I shared Reiki healing with, to every beautiful soul I offered Reiki to. With you all and with every one of you, I have learned a lot about myself too and about Healing.
Why? Because Reiki is loving to the point that keeps on sending us mirrors to keep understanding ourselves and healing deeper and deeper. Yes, for all those reasons and more, Reiki is love. For all those reasons and more, Reiki is light.
Reiki does not go against anyone’s beliefs. It does not go against anyone’s religious beliefs. It does not hurt, it does not cause harm. Love can never cause harm and pain, love helps us soothing our pain, ending and putting boundaries to whatever is causing us pain.
Reiki doesn’t mess with anyone’s life, it puts everyone on the right track. Reiki can’t punish anyone, it can’t obstruct anyone from evolving. Reiki offers protection and solutions, it brings the energy of love, light, abundance, kindness, protection, and peace.
Reiki respects us and we have to respect it too by never messing with it and pretending we know Reiki and go offer it to people just to make it a business, by never practicing it just to have more money and to become famous, by never allowing ourselves as Reiki Practitioners or Masters to send Reiki to people without their permission, by never using Reiki as a badge for our ego, by never considering it is us offering the energy – it is actually through us that the divine energy is reaching people, we are the mediums here – by never controlling people coming to ask for Reiki, by never giving false hopes, by never forcing people to do Reiki and/or to make decisions they are not ready for, by never obliging them to go stop medicines or other therapies, by never projecting our issues on them.
Why? What will happen?
Because we will be betraying the Reiki Principles and what will happen is that we will reap what we planted. Reiki is a free will, a choice. We are not here to take people’s power away. Reiki won’t punish us when we mis-use it, we will simply get back the energy we put out because this is how energy works in life. Love doesn’t punish us, Love shows us the best ways to learn, to correct and to restart.
With all love, I choose to keep offering Love through Reiki and by being accepting to remember Reiki a to re-practice being a ray of light.
With all love, I chose to share my love story with Reiki trusting it will reach whomever is ready to be found by Reiki and to learn more about it.
Reiki Blessings to every reader.
Reiki Blessings to all my teachers and to all souls I work with every day. Peace, Love, and Gratitude.
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Mireille Hammal
Mireille Hammal Kassir is a Reiki Master, Practitioner, Teacher, and Writer. Her career path is about Healing, Coaching and Empowering. Believing that life is meant to be beautiful, abundant and rewarding in all areas, she facilitates empowering workshops for moms, parents, men, women, and children providing them tools to start believing in themselves as creative beings able to shine, to create and to achieve whatever they wish to accomplish in their life journey. The variety of the workshops she give helps people of all ages re-mapping their life and creating a new belief trusting that it’s never too late to follow their dreams, to bring their talents to light, to change, to release and let go of what does not serve their body and their soul anymore.
Mireille can be reached via her e-mail address and can be followed on her Blog at, on Facebook at Mireille Hammal and on Instagram at Mireille_Hammall.
Beautiful article, and story.
Thank you Dear Sean 🙂
Thank you 💗🙏
So beautiful and thank you for sharing. Reiki is a journey.
I am on my Reiki journey!
I like an analogy of helping yourself first i.e. “air mask on an airplane”
This would be putting Reiki in a nutshell! Love and light Genny
Wow! The most authentic discourse of truth I’ve seen in a long while! Thank you for sharing!\ Please note… I tried the Facebook link you provided in your profile above, and it didn’t work… Your Instagram link did, which led me to your blog site; which is as amazing and real, as what you shared above…\ Question: Have you considered creating a website where anyone in the world could reach you and your services?! Thank you for being real, sharing the light and love that is available to us all! Blessings and Namaste…
Thank you so much Dear El.
I appreciate your beautiful words.
Thank you for taking the time to check my blog too.
I am reconsidering for sure creating a website soon. And this is my email if you wish to send me any question: Mireillee.
Many Blessings 🙏🙌
Light and Love always.
Wonderful, thank you for sharing your inpiring and authentic article
Thank you so much Dear Abdo.
Light and Love always 🙏💗
Thank you so much Dear Genny.
Enjoy your journey💜
Many Blessings 🙌🙌