As a child, I found the world to be a harsh, negative place. Fearful and alone, I struggled to find peace in my faith. Lacking the tools and experience to unlock my spirituality, I eventually began to self medicate to ease my discomfort. This was a temporary solution, that as you probably can guess, did not provide any real healing or create a positive lifestyle. Eventually it stopped working altogether and I slowly began the process of rebuilding what I had spent years tearing down. I married, built a successful career and raised some awesome kids.
Through it all, having animals in my life was a constant for me. I don’t know if I could have done it without their quiet love and support. One animal that made an enormous difference for me was a big brindle pitbull named Carmen. She belonged to my oldest son, Matt, and she had to stay with me for a while due to housing issues. At the time, I was afraid of pitbulls, having fallen victim to media sensationalism. On the day Matt dropped her at my home, I was nervous, but Carmen jumped up on my bed, snuggled next to me and with a big sigh dropped her head on my shoulder. At that moment, everything I had ever heard about pitbulls simply fell away. I had a friend for life.
My relationship with Carmen was like no other I have ever experienced. She was remarkably intelligent and loving. We connected on such a deep level. Suffice it to say, I adored her.
Carmen lived to be 15 years old. When she developed lymphoma I was desperate to help her. Before my eyes, she grew weak and withdrawn. Soon she was so gravely ill that her beautiful strong body became skeletal and I knew she had days to live. In an attempt to find some comfort for her and assist with her transition, I scoured the web for a holistic solution. Here I found Reiki. I called a local practitioner and had her visit the house. It was clearly apparent that Carmen was interested in the treatment and for the first time in weeks, she perked up a bit. I was encouraged! Because I could not afford to treat her several times a week, I immediately found a class and became attuned to Reiki I so I could treat her at home. To my amazement, Carmen went into remission! Within a couple of weeks, she was running around my backyard like a six year old. Miraculously she grew happy, healthy and strong again. It was like the lymphoma had never happened. She remained the picture of health for nine more months and I got to spend precious time with her that I would have been lost to me otherwise.
Her transformation was all I needed to see. I began my Reiki journey in earnest. I obtained my Reiki II and then my Reiki Master Teacher. I practiced daily and read every book I could find about energy healing. I took Violet and Purple Flame Reiki, DNA Activation healing, and Kundalini Reiki. I became acquainted with the Arch Angels and learned crystal healing. My connection to the universe grew stronger with each attunement. As I practiced self-healing on a daily basis, I felt released from negativity – protected and blessed with my connection to spirit. Reiki completely transformed my life. Fear fell away. I am able to influence my world in a positive way and assist others as never before. I learned amazing things about the world I live in and other worlds that exist also. I tapped into wisdom and knowledge that I never dreamed existed, learning about how energy travels over space and time. I am able to join with other light workers worldwide to send healing to the earth.
During the past two years I have experienced amazing spiritual growth. My understanding grows on a daily basis. I am so grateful to Carmen for sharing her inspirational healing journey with me and opening my eyes to this beautiful practice of energy healing. Though she is gone from this world physically, she is always with me in my heart, my dear friend, my teacher.
Article by Patti Deschaine
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Patti Deschaine
Patti Deschaine is a traditionally trained Usui Reiki Master, Lightarian Reiki Master, and owner of Maja Energy Works and Reiki Healing. She resides and practices in Wilmington, NC. She enjoys all types of Reiki and particularly loves using Reiki on animals. Patti can be found at MajaEnergyWorks.
Love the story. Very inspirational. Love & Light.
I like happy stories….. happy ending (not saying the passing of Carmen was a happy event (which was brutal in it’s self))…. peace be with ya
How fantastic, I have been using Reiki on my animals since I started. My dog absolutely loves it, and is always present when I give family Reiki, usually snoring in the corner 🙂 I would like to develop this side of Reiki more 🙂
What a great story Patty, I too found Reiki though desperation and yet I now know it called on me. I am also a Reiki Master/Teacher and I love this work. Everyday I find another amazing aspect about this work and it’s healing abilities. thank you for sharing your loving story about Carmen I’m sure she loved you just as much as you loved her.