Article by Charuta Rajadhyaksha
Last year almost 50% people who approached me for tarot or angel card reading, healing, law of attraction coaching and coaching sessions were seeking guidance on how to attract a right partner in life or manifest love relationship in life. They were curious and eager to know when will they get married or will they ever get married to the person they love? They were wanted to know tools or techniques to deal with stress and pressure they were going through regarding this topic.
Any healing or manifestation is co-creation process, it all about striking a delicate balance of allowing Universe to play its magic by you being in allowance mode as well as you taking required actions and having strong intention to manifest your desires.
This is how I usually conduct Reiki healing sessions by combining angel prayer method to deal with such issues.
- First of all, I encourage them to think, talk and visualize more about what they want to experience rather than what they don’t want to. This is the first step of coming out of any trauma, victim zone or negative thinking.
- I make them write briefly about what kind of life partner and relationship they would like to have in life. This doesn’t include cast, religion, location, looks or physical appearance of that person etc. This also doesn’t include the name of a specific person they love or would like to get married to, but more of a how they would like to be treated, qualities of that person, what can they offer to this relationship, how this relationship will make them feel… etc. The reason is to tap into innermost desires and come up with own unique definition of the perfect love relationship. If that specific person matches those vibrations then he or she will show up any which ways!
Image by ljcor
- While offering Reiki healing session whether distance or in person I request them to hold this paper in their hand or place it under their cushion.
- I usually activate all symbols. A master symbol empowers them to make the right choice, CKR offers them the courage to understand and face the situations they are going through, SHK heals all emotions. HSZN to attract or connect to right, contributing life partner in their life.
- I also request Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Chamuel to be present during the sessions and offer their blessings and energy to this situation. AA Michael cuts all unhealthy attachments or cords and give courage to the client. AA Raphael brings emotional healing. AA Chamuel helps to connect with the right life partner.
- I usually give them this prayer to practice at home.
“Dear Universe and my guardian angels
I desire to have life partner and experience wonderful relationship. Let contributing life partner show up in my life. Please heal all blocks. Please heal any kind of resistance. Please intervene and help me. Please guide me. I now release all form of control and surrender this situation to you. Thank you.”
As a result of this practice, different clients have reported different experiences
- Better control over their emotions and clarity about situation
- Increase in faith in divine and reduction in stress level
- Release in anxiety or feeling that time is running out. It is getting too late
- Feeling empowered to make choices and decisions
- Intuitive feelings after meeting prospective person whether this will work or not
- Actual manifestation of contributing life partner, getting married to the person they love or totally different person than their practical or logical expectation yet experiencing fulfilling relationship
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After pursuing an MBA in finance and having worked at corporate sector for eight years, Charuta gave up her finance career to pursue her passion for spirituality and swimming as full time career. Former national level swimmer now working as coach in Mumbai. She was highly intuitive and psychic since childhood. She realised these gifts and entered the world of healing. She is a Tarot card reader, Teacher and Angel card reading practitioner. She practises Reiki, Violet Flame healing and Angelic healing. She is also cofounder of Urja holistic healing along with a few fellow founders. She can be reached at +91 9619 661 368, or, Charuta’s blog – Mind power.
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