Article by Isabella Dove, Reiki Master
The benefits of receiving a Reiki treatment can be illustrated by many examples. One example we like is feedback received by those individuals who can be quite skeptical about healing technique per se and may reach to Reiki with a slight resistance in mind including even attempting to track any single little weakness or flaw in the treatment itself. The wisdom to answer any questioning is in the practitioner ability to explain how healing may take time and how indeed the mind may operate as a shield rather than an enhancer to facilitate healing.
In this article, I would like to elaborate a bit on what actually occurs beyond Reiki, meaning what actually is at play when deep healing occurs beyond the manifest benefit of treatments. A decade of practice and several years of self-treatment led us to observe various subtle changes that may occur and in the long run facilitate access to pure consciousness energy itself. In this article I will use a recent personal experience as an example.
Since I started to practice Reiki in 1999 I never missed a daily treatment and integrated Reiki into my daily life quite smoothly and at a range of 360 degrees. Actually for as long as 12 years I had two self-treatments a day: one in the morning and one in the evening. Meaning holistically Reiki is all over my life, lifestyle, past, present and future. Becoming a mother and giving Reiki to both the pregnant self and the new mother is also an enlightening experience, not to mention using Reiki for all the children’s regular ailments. Becoming a Reiki Master Teacher in 2009 transformed that experience in to an even deeper energetic vibration as sharing knowledge and experience and acquired wisdom with students is a fascinating journey.
It occurred to me to observe and experience a complete turnover of my whole life and lifestyle and in conjunction with energetic shift at the level of the electromagnetic field of the earth few more vibrational changes occurred. Amongst those shifts I can mention loss of interest in certain types of entertainment, loss of interest in certain types of foods, loss of interest in maintaining un-satisfactory relationships both private and social, loss of interest in old-fashioned corporate structures and so forth. Corollary to these losses, were quite a few significant and invaluable gains such as i.e. heightened mindfulness, substantial increase in weekly hours of Zen meditation, search for answers to human propensities such as anger and depression and a profound search for accessing deep pure consciousness awakening. The latter has been a passion of mine for decades, I guess though with Reiki, meditation, Yoga and heightened search for living my life as whole as soul dictates, I found myself travelling in a vortex plane of some sort that connects to cosmic energies. Examples started to abound in my daily life of weather empathies, sensing Gaia and Earth-bounded energies reaching out for shifts often manifested in earthquakes that I could sense about to occur, not to mention significant, abundant, invaluable, as well as progressively recurrent synchronicities taking many forms.

Image by donjd2
First at awe and with several questions about these frequent events in my life, I started to accept them, using Reiki Self-treatment, Distant treatments, Re-attuning of myself as Reiki Master Teacher, reading and connecting with like-minded individuals. A substantive increase in hours of meditation also helped cleansing the mind [and the body] of its toxins and eventually started to live a lighter, refreshed life running my newly – established Healing studio with as much grace and commitment to help people help themselves as possible.
As recent as August 2013, I suddenly ended up in the hospital after having attempted for a week to heal myself and treat the worsening conditions of my guts with natural remedies and positive thinking. I actually asked to be brought to the hospital to prevent kidney failure and went there with a stronger mind as ever determined to keep the pace of healing even within a typical African hospital. After the first three hours of rehydration drip I was ready to return home and asked to be discharged. They almost laughed at me and said that since I had traces of malaria in addition to the gut ailment I better continue the treatment overnight. My resistance to spend the night at the hospital was met with wisdom and I subsided. Now that I am standing on the other side of that night I can say with great confidence that I definitely had to spend that night there and experience what was given to me as an awakening gateway.
Within the weakness of my physical body under heavy drip treatment – something it never experienced before – I found strength, spontaneous healing intention and a deep experience of access to pure consciousness. Let me explain. That very night under treatment I was in self-healing mode. I had sent Reiki to the past, present future, to the drip, to my body, my mind and everyone involved around me. I could not use one hand due to the drip so all I was doing was through the use of my mind’s eye, including at some point talking to these lights that kept hovering around me and calling on to G.O.D.
Voices answered my call, explain to me quite clearly that something was at play and that as they were operating a deep change in my DNA I had to be patient and even G.O.D. replied to my call by insisting for me to be patient and let the work be done and complete. These were voices from outer space, metallic and in sci-fi movies, voices from afar now so close I could hear them whispering in my ears.
Patiently waiting for the DNA operation to be completely I let it go. I told them how exhilarated I was to be in such a deep pure consciousness experience that I would help in any ways possible. In the morning though to the great astonishment of the doctors, I asked and begged to be discharged. A few days later, while recovering at home, and during a self-treatment, the voices reached to me again with their metallic resonance and announced that the operation “DNA change” was complete and I was now ready to spread the light and undertake my mission in that country. Since then, I found allies all over, deeper connection with cosmic energies and a Reiki journey that has embark on an even deeper and fascinating journey! I bet I had to spend that night in the hospital to secure great portal awakening! Maybe the old say, No Pain No Gain was still valid? Who knows! In any event, since then, my life has taken a fabulous turn! Stay blessed.

Isabella Dove
Isabella Dove founded Healing Mudras a small studio acting as a hub for holistic artists and healing arts in Vientiane, Lao PDR. She practices Reiki since 1999, lived in 15 countries over 4 continents and brought Reiki as an ally to experiences several realities. After becoming a Usui Reiki Master Teacher in 2008 she travelled to Hawai’i and studied directly with William Rand, Founder & Director of the International Center for Reiki Training (US) and trained as Karuna® Reiki Master Teacher in 2010. This was a breakthrough and a further leap in the practice as Karuna® Reiki brings a firmer alignment and synchronicity with grounding bodhisattva energies. Isabella is a Certified Personal Integral Coach and teaches Reiki, Yin Yoga and DancEnergetics. Visit Healing Mudras at or
I like happy stories……♥