We have a beautiful Presence of a Siamese cat that came to our doorstep about 14 years ago. Lovely spirit and beautiful eyes.
Several weeks ago we all noticed something different about his energy and fur. He stopped eating and was just sleeping under the Futon in our music room.
We decided to take him to the VET in the area in their emergency. They ran blood tests and determined he was dehydrated and had a minor kidney problem. We had him injected with medicine and agreed to bring him back every other day for dehydration injection.
In the meantime during one of my prayer/meditation sessions about him, I asked what else could I do. I heard I could use a surrogate cat to do Reiki on that would represent him. His name is Dune (coloring of the desert).

Image by Paul Hanaoka
As I sat, I heard to purchase a little cat snuggly at the pet store no more than $5 and use it as a surrogate to treat him with Reiki. I looked around the whole store and there, was only one snuggly cat and only one for $5.
As I went to the register to pay, the counter person said “$.99, please. You have a store credit for $5 so all you do is pay $.99.” That was my confirmation that I was doing what was suggested to me do. Of course, you know how happy I must have been. I got in the car and started doing absentee healing to my surrogate Dune Snuggly right away. It felt great.
Dune didn’t want to be held by any of us so that was the divine choice.

I was so relieved to be able to help him and have it so convenient for all of us. I could do the healing sitting on the couch and I’d place the Snuggly on my lap. I could take it with me in the car as well and heal him while I was driving with one hand on the wheel and the other on the snuggly Dune bug. Believe me when I say it really is cute and helped me to focus on a 3D figure.
So in my sessions with him, I would, of course, do the absentee symbol and the symbol for harmony and peace for him. We had to take him to the VET every other day for a week and give him one pill broken into 4 pieces every day. Sometimes instead of using Snuggly, I’d use my right Knee and right upper thigh as a representative of his body and direct CHK to him. It was mostly more rewarding with Snuggly because I could seem to sense the energy flowing into him better.
Now we see him jumping up on the couch, sitting with us while we eat or watch TV with us in his favorite spot on the couch which is the arm of the couch or the back ledge of our love seat.
Article by Daya Devi-Doolin
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Daya Devi-Doolin, is a 500-hour E-RYT (Registered Yoga Alliance Teacher). She is Known as a “Doctor of Thought”. Daya Devi-Doolin is an Ordained Minister and the Co-founder with her husband Chris, of The Doolin Healing Sanctuary in Deltona, FL. She is an internationally known speaker and Award-Winning Author of metaphysical and self-help books. Her inspirational speeches share the secrets for a successful life. She is a Certified Reiki Master Teacher. The Doolin Healing Sanctuary was Voted among Top 5 Yoga Studios on Orlando’s A List in 2013 and the 2nd Top Yoga Studios of Orlando A List for 2014. They received Best Alternative Healing Business Award for Orange City and Deltona, FL in 2013 and 2014. Daya is the host of her own show at www.blogtalkradio.com/padaran and she’s going into her sixth year as host.
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