I’ve been sitting here and contemplating why I haven’t managed to write an article for Reiki Rays in what feels like a long time and it comes down to procrastination and putting other priorities ahead of my article writing, including my latest book Spiritual Enlightenment – From Prison to Spiritual Awakening. I know my article writing is important and very dear to me and yet I still haven’t put pen to paper, so to speak to write any. I’ve been writing other things also dear to my heart.
“My advice is to never do tomorrow what you can do today. Procrastination is the thief of time.”– Charles Dickens
So following the words of Charles Dickens, here I am writing my article, doing it today, right now as I think of it, because there is no time like the present, and just to clarify the meaning of procrastination according to dictionary.com is :
“The act or habit of procrastinating, or putting off or delaying, especially something requiring immediate attention: she was smart, but her constant procrastination led her to be late with almost every assignment.”
How many of you have done this and why do we do this? What it boils down to mostly is fear. We fear something, and in my case, it’s “do I really have something different and worth while to write for Reiki Rays” and “will people like it?” You might be procrastinating about starting a new spiritual business and blocking yourself because you don’t think you are good enough or feel you need to learn even more before you could possibly open a business and have paying clients. If we dig deep enough the stuff we are putting off has some element of fear!
Fear is an emotion and the best symbol for emotional relief (from the traditional symbols is the Sei He Ki) and from the 13 non-traditional symbols which I train people in, it’s the Tamasura (photo below).
What I have done today after realizing my issue was with “fear” of inscription for articles, is I wrote on a piece of paper:
“Dear angels, Reiki and the universe, please help me find my motivation to write articles again for Reiki Rays again because I do love it and I know it’s been FEAR blocking me.”
I then placed this piece of paper on the table with the heart chakra card with the Tamasura on the top of it and I also drew the sei hei ki in the air over this please for help. Quite honestly it has not taken long for the Reiki to kick in and begin to work, because I did this exercise this morning, and by lunch time I’d sent an email to Reiki Rays, saying I was getting back into my writing, and then this afternoon this article popped into my head, “Why not write about what you’ve just done today with reiki and procrastination.”
Your situation could be completely different, you might be delayed in a house purchased or car purchase or you might be taking your time to make a decision on some other important event or situation, which is important to you, but there is an element of fear. I truly believe under all procrastination is fear. So what is your fear? Are you aware if you do have a fear? Regardless you can use the same principles, write the situation out on paper and if you are unaware of the underlying issue, first ask for help with that.
“Dear angels, Reiki, and the universe, please help me find what my actual fear is and why I’m procrastinating on it. Please help me move forward and take action.”
Then use whatever symbols you are drawn to, as long as you use the Sei Hei Ki as part of your ritual.
I guarantee you will either have an epiphany out of the blue, or in a meditation or through a dream and then you’ll be able to move forward. It might not happen right away, but reiki energy will certainly help to clear and remove the blocks and you will find your way forward, through using this technique.
I trust this article gives you ideas on how to use Reiki and your symbols to help you with overcoming procrastination.
With love, light, and harmony.
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Dear Tammy,
yes. you are correct. i took my first level of reiki in 2004 and done my master level in 2014 but never managed to practice regularly. i stop practicing reiki after 5 or 6 days of continuous meditation and again starts after one or two months. i was blaming my circumstances, work loads etc etc… it took long 14 years for me to understand that fear was stopping me . i was afraid of change..however i came out from that situation and doing regular meditation. thank you for writing..it is a simple problem but can make big impact on life.
I’m glad you resonate with the article Sreekanth.k.g and for taking the time to write.
wonderful article……..came to me at the right time as my question got answered.