Article by Ranjini Rao
Ranjini’s own Mandala paintings for Self-Protection and attunement to God and Goddess energy
The Process to Use Mandala Yantras with Reiki Cellular Reprogramming and Affirmations as a 30-day Emotional Healing Process
Please make a printout of this or any customized Mandala Yantra and keep it near your altar or in a place where no one will see it or remove it. You may also place it in a Reiki Intention box if you wish.
Have an open mind and free yourself from any doubts. Have faith and patience.
You can start this process during a New moon or a Full Moon with equal effect.
1. Choose a suitable time during the evening and morning when you have a few minutes to spare for yourself (preferably between 6 am to 8 am and 6 pm to 8 pm) near your altar or in a quiet room.
2. Place the Mandala Yantra picture in front of you or display it in your mobile.
3. Light a candle, incense stick, or a lamp and sit beside it. You may sit in a chair or on a mat.
4. Invoke your favorite God or Goddess and gurus and say a small prayer like, “Dear __________, <Spiritual Guide / Guru name> __________ and ____________, <Divine Goddess name> please fill me up with your light. Come into me shining in your fullness, that I may use your power for my good, and for the good of all.”
5. Focus & concentrate on the mandala for 5 minutes. Breathe in and breathe out 3 times.
6. Using a piece of paper and pen, start writing what you would like to banish from your life. Write one statement a day. For example, “I wish to banish bad thoughts about myself from my head” or “I wish to dissolve resentment about this person from my heart.” When you write your statement, take a deep inhalation and exhalation of letting go.
7. Then choose an affirmation and write it as a wish or ‘I AM’ statement, as though it has already happened. For example, “I am Creative” and visualize yourself being so. How would it look once it has happened already? Take a deep breathe in and feel as though it has been changed within you.
8. This is a very powerful process. You will visualize that these positive affirmations are manifesting into reality.
9. Offer thanks and gratitude to your Goddess and guru and thank them for their presence.
10. As you quietly and deeply thank them, offering your gratitude, allow yourself to become peaceful and happy within and pray for grace and inner joy. Bow your head to the ground for groundedness.
11. Thank the four directions (East, West, North, and South) and say “Blessed Be” and feel the presence of these words inside you.
12. Gently get up and then continue with your daily routine.
Keep a record of your thoughts and feelings for 30 days. Write your personal thoughts and feelings in a journal or diary if anything starts to emerge or surface in your mind. Reflect on these the next day. Note down any magical experiences and good experiences also.
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Ranjini Rao is an independent wellness counselor, who imparts Reiki knowledge and other self-empowerment techniques to individuals looking for serving their life’s purpose and to unlock the potential of their mind. She coaches on mindfulness practices through NLP, meditation, and mandala art painting. Prior to this, she was serving as a Marketing strategy Consultant @ IBM Interactive Experience & Mobile, Global Delivery Services. She has served in several roles within IBM India over 15 years and has over 20+ years of Industry experience and her specialization is Digital & Social Media Marketing Strategy coaching and consulting. Her personal experiences around Reiki have been life-changing and transformational in nature.
She has been a pious person and spiritually inclined soul since a young age. She was an intuitive channel since 1995 even before she realized it. She has been associated with various philanthropy community activities and developed her interests in holistic healing since 2008. She is a Usui and Karuna® Reiki Certified Master, Certified Holistic Well-being Counsellor, TA101 Certified by ITAA, Angel therapy practitioner, Certified NLP practitioner, self-taught artist, and Silva Method Practitioner.
You can reach her at and on Twitter @iampositive2k, Facebook page Srishti Vataa Healing & Art Studio and by email to
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