Article by Reiki Master Supriya Nair
I CHOSE to write on a topic very close to my heart – parallel lives – and I have CHOSEN to specifically highlight the verb as well because this is where a parallel life begins – at the crossroads, the moment of decision, of CHOICE!
I always wanted to be a dancer in my life, and I am, but not in this current timeline. Confusing isn’t it?
It was a moment of decision when I had two options before me, either to pursue dance or to continue with my job, and I chose the latter for all practical reasons. So what happened to the energy that I had expended in painting the other possibility in my consciousness? Did it just extinguish on the canvas of my imagination? Or did it also come live on another screen in a parallel space-time-continuum?
Well, the other choice was also manifested, by another part of me. I started getting access to glimpses of the other parts of my soul in my dreams. So I decided to experiment with it more. And a whole new multiverse of parallel lives poured forth. The other parts of my soul are simultaneously living a life of a naval officer, wildlife conservationist, surgeon, entrepreneur, actor, hodophile, and a housewife taking care of kids – all at the same time!
Parallel Lives – Are They Real?
The concept of parallel lives dates back to 1952 when Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger asserted that even though the equation that won him a Nobel prize seems to be describing several different histories, they are “not alternatives but all happening simultaneously”.
In the late 1950’s, American physicist Hugh Everett III postulated the ‘Many Worlds Interpretation’ (MWI) to explain the ability of quantum particles to be in two states simultaneously, that is, each version of reality branches into a set of new realities, which exist separately and can’t interact with each other. Quite recently, Griffith University scholars challenged the foundations of quantum science with a radical new theory ‘Many Interacting Worlds’ (MIW) as it speculates that multiple parallel universes can overlap and influence each other.
The versions of our reality that we are not consciously aware of – that we are not “observing” right now – exist on a different vibrational level. Like we can’t hear ultrasonic sound waves just because its frequency is beyond the range of humans’ perception, similarly, parallel lives vibrate at different speeds that are normally invisible to human eyes. Each version of our soul experiences their life in as real way as we do in our current timeline.
Even though we’re not consciously aware of it, we are constantly communicating with and are in continuous energetic exchange with our parallel selves subconsciously and in our dreams. We are like a team working on the same project, learning from the ways they explore their essence, and they learn from us. This might show up as unexplainable attractions toward particular types of music, foreign countries, or foods.

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So, When Is A Parallel Life Created?
According to past life regressionists, Dolores Cannon and Mira Kelley, when we are presented with two choices which involve intense emotions or inner struggle, our timeline splits into at least two different paths. This fork in our path would create two completely different lives – and these split realities allow us to experience two completely different versions of our lives on two different timelines, in a linear sense. So, in my current timeline, I am a Reiki Master creating my reality as a healer, while on the other timeline I am an artist expressing my creativity through art.
Why Can’t We Normally Access Our Parallel Lives?
Lunatic! That’s what we call a person who doesn’t speak or act sensibly, right? Imagine, I wake up at 4.00 in the morning for physical training but find that I am not in a barrack in the remote areas of Africa but instead besides my family, so I decide to get ready for a surgery due at 8.00 am and I realize I am supposed to prepare my kids for school but at the same time I remember about my business meeting, however I start searching for my backpack for my next excursion instead… Sigh! Overwhelming isn’t it? Or maybe paralysing too!
How confused our ego consciousness would be if they were able to simultaneously receive input from all of our parallel realities! We are only able to tune into the present life as it helps us maintain a coherent sense of self.
Can Reiki Help Us Access Our Parallel Lives?
Don’t we feel at times that we have heard, met, known or experienced some events, places, people; they seem familiar even when we haven’t known them at all – déjà vu – this is our current reality recognizing a parallel reality. We all have access to our other realities but this generally happens during sleep or meditative states when our ego consciousness is in the state of rest. So to gain access to these parallel realities, the primary task is to quieten the mind. A level of amnesia is required to tune into the other realities.
Reiki, as we know, removes blocks from our chakras and auras. As the blocks are cleared, a passage is created for the universal energy to flow unrestricted and uninhibited through our chakras making our physical bodies capable to carry energies of higher vibrations and allowing our intuitive channels open up. As we adjust our frequency and vibration, our mind perceives chaos and slowly the parallel realities merge, intermingle and connect.
Metaphorically, our awareness of the current lifetime is limited to sitting in a roller coaster and experiencing the joy, fear, anxiety, pangs, and thrill of the ride all at the same time. As we move away from the ride and observe it from a distance, our experience is the collective sum of the experiences of all the people who are mounted on that one ride. But the farther we move we are the observer of the innumerable experiences of the hundreds of people on each of the rides present in the play area. Likewise, our awareness of the collective experiences in the parallel lives and multiverse broadens as we go farther up the ego consciousness, which is possible with Reiki.
Significance of Accessing Our Parallel Lives
- Accessing our parallel lives help in the growth of our consciousness. Parallel lives provide our soul multiple experiences and possibilities. More the lessons, more is the learning; the soul can imagine, create & manifest all it needs for its greater good in different timelines. When we can consciously incorporate our parallel lives we shall have a very well-rounded knowing.
- Many of us develop some fears and phobias. Accessing our parallel lives can bring our consciousness in close proximity of those unknown fears, thus letting our soul free from them.
- They can give us the explanation for our unexpected talents. Our parallel lives can inspire us and give us strength.
- We feel more at peace. Some choices lead to a calm and stable life, in which few notable things happen. That timeline can emit certain calm to other timelines, where life occurs in a more turbulent way.
- Experiencing parallel lifetimes not only enriches the soul, it also adds value for our daily lives. It connects us with the beneficial aspects of those lives.
- Accessing our parallel lives is an opportunity to heal the other parts of our soul from any burden or agony they might be facing. We might thus end up giving a much needed nudge and accelerate the momentum of the other selves’ growth and evolution.
- It allows us to experience the multi-dimensional beings surrounding us.
- We don’t feel lonely anymore. When we access our parallel lives consciously, we find there are many souls not only from the current lives but also from other unknown dimensions assisting us on the other side of the veil.
- We comprehend the infinite reality of our selves, the ‘I Am’, ‘Aham Brahmasmi’. We can see the cosmic web from a higher level, wherein, the universes are not in isolation and the souls are not in separation but in symbiosis, in a constant give and take equilibrium.
Working with Our Parallel Lives with Reiki
- Before you start to relax, take some time to comprehend on a time or moment in your life where you made a critical or life-changing decision or choice.
- Relax, ground and centre yourself by any breathing technique that you are comfortable with. Call in Reiki to assist, guide and shield you during the process.
- Once you feel you are nearing or in a state of no thought, state your intention clearly (that you would like to connect with a parallel life/ lives linked with the decision that you had comprehended on or any other life that you are supposed to know about) and draw the Usui Power Symbol on both your palms (to sow the intention thoroughly) and on your third eye (to be able to get related visions and/ or dreams).
- Opening a portal to a parallel timeline is done through our High Self. Connect with your Higher Self by drawing the Usui Distance Healing Symbol and the Master Symbol above your Crown chakra.
- Draw Zonar and Halu on the Solar Plexus (in golden yellow colour). Zonar helps in opening the gateway to a particular dimension without perturbing the energies in either timelines while Halu is an entrée to the nitty-gritties of our sub-personalities and other parallel selves.
- Imagine the other self in front of you and send your love to them by drawing the Usui Emotional/ Mental Healing Symbol and Harth on their Heart chakra. This will help you embrace their personality without judgement and shall provide a deeper understanding of the other selves’ life.
- After you feel you are ready to complete the connection, draw a Reverse CHK to draw out the energy flow and offer gratitude to Reiki.
Note: Intention is the most important aspect of accessing parallel lives. Access can be gained without using Karuna® Reiki (as my journey into parallel lives began even before Karuna® Reiki), however, Karuna® Reiki will highly expedite the process.
Pay close attention to any visions, feelings, and vivid dreams during this period. With practice, you can gain access to more than one timeline at the same time as well. Observe the people, messages and energetic exchange that you are getting from the other timelines. What is it that is there for you to learn and imbibe in the current timeline? Is your other reality inspiring and motivating you?
Do let us know about your experiences.
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Supriya Nair
Supriya Nair is a Reiki and Kriya Yoga practitioner since 2008. A conduit between scientific and spiritual worlds, Supriya is professionally a researcher and has a fascination for the healing arts. Apart from being Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Supriya is certified as Health Coach and is a practitioner of more than 30 healing and divination modalities.
Supriya can be reached at or connect with her on and on
Best article read so far on Parallel Lives.. Just Mind blowing.. Everything covered, no doubts, no questions.. Thank you Supriya for this fantabulous article, really enhanced my knowledge..
Thank you so much Charisma for your kind and encouraging words… 🙂
This is a really beautiful article on a subject which is dear to my heart.
This bears out some of my recent, very joyful experiences in my Reiki practice, too.
Thank you so much Supriya…Namaste.
Thank you Carmen. I am glad you could resonate with the experiences. Namaste.
very informative article. thank you so much supriya
Thanks Sreekanth. Glad you found it useful.
This is very helpful. I have recently come to the realization that when I die in my dreams, it is actually another “plane” dying and the soul fragment is returning to the source-to which I was in tune enough to see. I also theorize that the Mandala Effect is actually the earth or universe doing the same thing, and when it merges with its fragment, it sometimes changes reality to what it was merged with. I appreciate the guidance above to help with viewing and researching this more, with my own personal life. 🙂
Thanks Saundra for the insight!
Namaste Supriya Nair
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Thank you for this article.
I have access to some of my parallel life from some years by now, it happened “random” (without Reiki and without dream, but just in a meditative state of mind) and it is very beautiful to know someone else has these experience too.
I’d like to contact you to talk about this argument, if my request doesn’t bother you. Please let me know if you will like to have a chat with me.
Thank you
Thank you. This explains a lot to me on how l know things. l knew when my youngest daughter was born we would only have her for awhile. She passed away at 35. l know l will be alone at the end of my time but now l am not sure it that is in this life or another. l often wonder what would be if l had taken another path in life etc. l have never practiced Reiki but did have a physic tell me that l should years ago. Maybe it is time to think on that as l am getting ready to retire.