Self-blockage stops us from letting go and moving in the right direction. Temptation maybe initially alluring but gradually it will produce unfavourable circumstances and creates an abundance of new temptation. When this happens then one will search for a new way to rid oneself of these issues. Primarily, it is essential to remove all complications and make our hindrances our strengths to allow us to create long-lasting solutions to craft our dreams and desires.
These types of problems arise when our Third Eye Chakra is not working properly. Meditating on the Third Eye Chakra will allow one to gain new perspective. Reiki allows you to go back to your basic natural instincts and enable you to remove all hindrances that are barriers to your progress to achieving excellence and enthusiasm as well as gaining wisdom to combat self-blockage.
Considering the stream of consciousness is an excellent tool if it comprises with sublime Reiki. Reiki sessions use visualizations of the goal to accomplish the required goal and combine passion into our curiosity with full awareness of the self-conscious. Effects of visual perception are considered essential in inspiring the unconscious mind and owing to the law of attraction. Visualization comprises with the same relaxation and breathing techniques as meditation except that it involves seeing or creating pictures with inner eye for the goal setting. It has a substantial impression on the unconscious mind and proper reflexes come out as and when needed.
Reiki symbols are to be used to visualize upon different chakras and repeating affirmations enhancing results; purifying, enhancing and improving the aura. Moreover, with so much emotional intensity the shielding layer of self-doubt will gradually crack as you access and control the mind. Refining visualization in this process will culminate in fulfillment of desire. It stimulates specific bio-electrochemical reactions finally developing an abundance to cultivate goals.

Image by BarbaraALane
The activities of the conscious mind and the cerebrum reflect the existence of life in a human body and the expansion of body in the fetus from the growth of the cerebrum; the latter controls the development and association of other organs. Visualization keeps neurons alive allowing you to do things effectively and gain a good memory along as well as longevity. The human brain is made up of more than one thousand billion neurons (a nerve cell with its processes, constituting the structural and function units of nerve issue) and each one then makes one thousand or more and linking to other neurons adding up to approximately one thousand trillion in total.
The pineal gland is the link between the body, mind and integral part of Third Eye, which acts as the centre of restraining power which controls the flow of thoughts. The Third Eye and Root charka complement and support each other. Root chakra provides the energy to the Third Eye and Third Eye manifests internal desires. Visualization is a double-edged sword, for example, concupiscence instigates in the mind and the body stirred thereby participates in sexual activities. Meditation, perfect visualization, and compassion keep away impure thoughts, emotions, and behaviour; whilst the five senses which produce pleasure and pain pass swiftly away and end only in destruction. A well-balanced Third Eye is able to refine Root chakra and clear all abnormalities regarding sexual issues accumulated in the cyclic journey of the individual soul from one life to another.
For refined visualizations one must first hone pineal and pituitary glands through apply appropriate Reiki symbols and then Root chakra (has four petals, base chakra, element is the earth, yellow with characteristic of smell and the sense organ is nose and mantra-Lam) simultaneously cultivate itself, and expand and give way to energy to move Sacral centre-Manipur chakra – Anhat chakra – Visudh chakra. This process continues all the way to the Third Eye chakra then spiritual experiments conducted on the conscious force become easy, as previously thought. A well-developed Root chakra and Third Eye offers perfect visualization.
The aspirant endeavours to cultivate a decisive intensive feeling of intimacy towards the aura of divine virtues whose presence is felt brings us close to supreme source divinity. Latent virtues and divine skills spring and eventually blossom into a mighty tree of embellishing powers. The basic and essential modes of experiments in spirituality are embracing of virtue from which transmute an ordinary moral power into an earnest human being.
Article by Jaswinder Bhalla
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Jaswinder Bhalla
Jaswinder is a full time teacher running his own Coaching Institute. He holds Masters degrees in Commerce, Arts(English), Economics. His passion for learning more and more took him to learn other languages like Russian, French, Spanish, and German. When not teaching at his Institute, Jaswinder Bhalla is a Reiki Master and Spiritual Teacher. He’s practicing Reiki for more than 14 years. Grand Master in Traditional and Modern Usui Reiki, he’s well versed with Karuna® Reiki, Magnified Reiki, Runic Reiki, Sahaj Yoga and different form of Meditation. Jaswinder offers courses in Reiki, Sahaj Yoga and Meditation as well as distance healing services. Born in the lap of Himalayas – Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, he now lives in Punjab, India.
very nice ji
Very Nice
Nice 👍👌
Informative.nicely explained that how virtual affect upon the major chakra and
how one could able to be solved . Thanks
Wow…beautiful article you sharing. I really impressed by your thoughts on chakra system. Adaptable one .thank you.