Article by Ranjini Rao
Worrying about your bills…wondering if you’ll get by…stressing about your job? Feeling like there’s never enough money? I am sure it can all be extremely overwhelming.
Do you ever feel like no matter what you do, there’s still a part of your brain that is always worrying and stressing about money? There’s a reason why money is the #1 topic that people always want to work on…it’s because it causes a heck of a lot of stress! And it has a huge effect on all areas of our life. When we’re stressed about money, our brains literally don’t function to full capacity.
Have you ever had a situation where you were completely stressed and went completely blank?
Well, that’s because when our brains go into stress…they literally shut down. And when you compound day after day after day of stressing about money, health, relationships and other areas of your life, it can make life feel, well…not fun!
What I want, and what I know my colleague wants, is to help you to reach the level of abundance that you want and to be happier than ever when you get there!
The below story as shared by a colleague of mine (she preferred to remain anonymous) is a testament to the fact that “The Secret” is for real and the financial abundance and manifestation is POSSIBLE through one’s conviction and belief in oneself.
Read the story and hope this helps you in your journey of wealth creation & financial abundance.
How to Attract Money Abundance
Magic happens …one just needs to be in a state of “Allowing”
There was a colleague at work whom I got acquainted with while I was in Mumbai for several years. We were in different business units and the interaction would be restricted to general discussions. Sometimes a cup of tea and that’s about it. I relocated to Bangalore and she quit and moved on to another company. This silent friendship never bloomed until August 2013 when we chatted on both being strong believers in “Reiki”, “The Secret” & apply Law of attraction.
This is exactly what she did almost for a year. She took a color print out of Magic cheques for some time and came out with two goals short-term financial goal and long-term financial goal. In short-term financial goal, she set a value equal to her yearly salary package and entered that value on a cheque. She set the intention for herself that this is extra amount she would like to have that year apart from salary. (In the long term, she included a bigger value which can come through any resources magically.)
She kept this in her Reiki Box and put Reiki Symbols – Cho Ku Rei, Sei Hei Ki, and HSZSN.
Every day before sleeping and after waking up in morning, she saw cheques. She took them in her hands, felt the energy, believed unconditionally that it is with me, she just had to go and encash them.
For first few days she had doubts, but slowly she could believe with all her heart that she had this money with her.
She believed a few things were important:
- To feel the energy in form of that cheque.
She told herself “At this very moment the Universe is arranging to send me this money to me“, “I have a millionaire mindset”, “ I am grateful to receive this money “, “ Every day I am leading a prosperous life “. She used to give Reiki to the cheque on a weekly basis. Thank Angels, Reiki Masters, Divine Universal energy to help achieve her goals. - To imagine, let your thoughts be free, imagine you have the money.
Have you had that money with you? What will you do with that? Imagine you are living the life you want with that money. In her case she wanted to complete her mother’s dental treatment. She imagined she was giving her best possible care in a posh Dental hospital and she could actually do that. Imagine what are those long-awaited things you want to gift your hubby – a vacation, “APPLE “ products, investments… go to as much details as possible. Within first two months, you will feel as if you have already achieved these goals! - Continuity and belief are important.
Every now and then, we will question ourselves, does this really work? That’s the time to go back watch a cool positive affirmation video on Youtube. - The Outcome
The amount she received was around INR 21,000 less than the cheque value she had imagined. But do you think she complained? No way. She was truly grateful for magical things that happen in life! Initially, she programmed it for a period of three months and then extended the same for a year.
Gratitude to my colleague for sharing her success story and enlightening the power of Reiki, Visualisation, Law of Attraction and Affirmation techniques.
“Reflect upon your present blessings of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes of which all men have some.” Charles Dickens (1812-1870)
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Ranjini Rao is an independent wellness counselor, who imparts Reiki knowledge and other self-empowerment techniques to individuals looking for serving their life’s purpose and to unlock the potential of their mind. She coaches on mindfulness practices through NLP, meditation, and mandala art painting. Prior to this, she was serving as a Marketing strategy Consultant @ IBM Interactive Experience & Mobile, Global Delivery Services. She has served in several roles within IBM India over 15 years and has over 20+ years of Industry experience and her specialization is Digital & Social Media Marketing Strategy coaching and consulting. Her personal experiences around Reiki have been life-changing and transformational in nature.
She has been a pious person and spiritually inclined soul since a young age. She was an intuitive channel since 1995 even before she realized it. She has been associated with various philanthropy community activities and developed her interests in holistic healing since 2008. She is a Usui and Karuna® Reiki Certified Master, Certified Holistic Well-being Counsellor, TA101 Certified by ITAA, Angel therapy practitioner, Certified NLP practitioner, self-taught artist, and Silva Method Practitioner.
You can reach her at and on Twitter @iampositive2k, Facebook page Srishti Vataa Healing & Art Studio and by email to
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