We are not alone!
When faced with challenges, it is all too easy to forget that we are loved and supported; that we are not alone in this mysteriously vast Universe.
For those of us on the Reiki path, Reiki practice acts as one of the primary catalysts in the journey of soul awakening. As we awaken, expand and evolve, there are tasks we need to fulfill and lessons we need to learn. During the course of this journey, we can reach out to the energies of the Higher Planes for guidance, assistance and mentoring. When we become conscious of the fact that we are awakening, it is good to seek continual guidance and support from the Higher Realms. This is not with the intention of being overly dependent or placing responsibility on another but with the intention to empower ourselves spiritually. It is similar to the process of being mentored by knowledgeable and experienced individuals on the Earth plane.
On the spiritual path, we can seek the mentorship of the Higher Beings of Light such as Spirit and Reiki Guides, the Ascended Masters and the Angels and Archangels. This training is subtle in nature. It is received in the form of energy imprints through direct communication with the Higher Realms.

Image by JanBaby
One of the best ways to connect with the Higher Beings is through the heart centre. Here’s how:
- Sit in silence and centre yourself through a few seconds of deep breathing.
- Bring your awareness to the heart chakra. Visualise a soothing pink light filling your heart chakra and overflowing from it. This pink light resonates with the energy of love.
- Allow yourself to breathe in this love.
- Visualise this light enveloping you and helping you relax deeper.
- Raise your palms to the level of your chest. This is with the intention of receiving the energy imprints the Higher Beings send your way.
- If there is a specific issue that you need help with, state it verbally. Speak from your heart. This is key. When it comes to communicating with human beings, we often struggle to speak the language of the heart However, the word that is spoken from the heart carries power. So, ensure you speak from the heart and do not mask your feelings. The Beings of Light are non-judgmental.
- Request assistance, healing or mentoring from the Higher Realms.
- If what you seek is general guidance, you may ask to be guided and assisted as you progress on the path.
- The minute you ask, you will begin to receive, even if you cannot process the information consciously. Just intend to receive and it will be done. You may understand this information at a later point in time or you may just find that inner (or outer) shifts occur in your life in positive ways.
- Continue to receive for as long as you feel guided to.
- Once done, join your hands in ‘Namaste’ position to express your gratitude to the Beings of Light.
- Drink some water.
- Go about your day or retire for the night, knowing that help is on its way and that you are loved and supported.
Article by Haripriya Suraj, Reiki Master
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Haripriya Suraj is a Reiki Master, Angel Healer and Starseed Lightworker. Reiki is her constant companion from which she derives peace and contentment. She is deeply connected with the Stars and Angels and they form an integral part of her Reiki practice. Her core mission is to help bridge the worlds of Spirit and Science and to help people connect with their unique soul missions. Haripriya offers Reiki healing sessions and training programs in Bangalore, India. Reach Haripriya at lightworkersonearth.com, whenspiritmeetsscience.com on email at angelhealingbangalore@gmail.com and on Facebook at Angel Light.
This is a beautiful and inspirational article. I am certified Reiki 2 ( hoping to complete Reiki 3 soon). I thought the heart chakra was associated with the color green. I have read several articles telling to visualize pink light. I am asking why? I have not asked this before and I hope you can clarify for me.
Love and light!
Colleen, good luck on your Reiki higher path. The official chakra colour for the heart IS green, but pink is also used for this chakra, incuding the pink of Rose Quartz which is all about love as you may know. Many pink crystals are associated with loving healing of the heart emotions, but also various green crystals.
Its similar to me always being told that green (Archangel Raphael) is the healing colour, but other people have said blue – so it does cause confusion. We’re all different, so I like to .visualise what comes to me best, as you will in time. What ‘comes’ to you is perfect for YOU.
Blessed Love & Light
Thank you for clarifying since I have always thought that green has generally been associated with the heart chakra. The article was clear and inspirational as stated. We go with what resonates with each of us as individuals in our practice. That’s what I understand. Again, thank you deeply.
Inspirable article. Thanks for sharing
Thank you! 3x
This is very beautiful Guidance Haripriya Suraj. I Thank You… C.