Article by Shailja Kapur
The Gokai, five Reiki principles or precepts introduced by Dr. Usui Sensei, founder of Reiki is considered to be a secret method of inviting happiness by believing in it.
Do we live by Reiki principles everyday and abide it fully? To me there is always a possibility of improvement.
In some occasions, worries or repeated thoughts not only distort the aura but also create blockages in energy fields, which create a significant effect on overall health. Worry can be realistic or unrealistic but it is always a great idea to do Reiki healing along with the help of tools to recover at the earliest.
Tools play a significant role in shifting your consciousness by bringing awareness that makes you to live by Reiki precepts to some extent. I would like to share my lovely tools that play an important role to Keep Calm and Carry On, when anxiety or worry triggers. The list is as following:
- Breathing exercise: Take a few deep breaths. Gentle deep abdominal breathing with Reiki symbols and meditation greatly helps in bringing calmness as it supplies more oxygen to the brain. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. While inhaling visualize Reiki symbols entering through your nose, reaching the abdomen and circulating in your body. While exhaling visualise all the worries, anxieties and tensions are going out from your body.
Image by izoldat
- Grounding: Do any method you prefer but must do it.
- Heal the finger: Fingers represent the five elements of the body through which run meridians which in turn affect emotions. If worry is overpowering you, just give Reiki to the thumb and ring finger. It helps.
- Affirmation: Just for Today, Do not worry. ( Kyo dake wa, Shin pai suna is a Japanese version )
- Switchword: Take the help of wonderful switchwords; BLUFF, CANCEL
- Mudra: Perform Vyan mudra. Keep palms facing up; touch the tips of index and middle fingers with the thumb while applying a bit of pressure and the rest of the fingers straight.
- Crystals: Though there are so many to choose from but Black Tourmaline and Lepidolite are my favourites. Hold in your hands and visualise it’s absorbing all your worries and anxiety.
Chant the mantra as many times as possible; you can do it throughout the day if you feel like. This peaceful mantra makes you feel grounded and centred.
After the above practice, fill the space with love and light.
In general, we should try to develop a habit of living in the present as the past cannot be changed and worrying about the future can spoil the present moment. I hope these tools can provide you instant help in the time of need. Always believe and trust in the source (God).
Thank you for reading.
Thanks to all my Gurus for their divine guidance and blessings.
Om Mani Padme Hum
Love & Light!
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Shailja Kapur
Shailja Kapur is a Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master Teacher and a Certified Meditation Teacher. She conducts both in-person and online Reiki sessions, and her healing services include Distant Healing, Chakra Healing, Crystal Healing, Dowsing, Candle Healing, Magnified Healing, Breathing Exercises, and Guided Meditations. Shailja also provides personalized meditations depending on your personal needs and choices. She always felt a strong connection with Reiki and since the possibilities are endless when practicing this amazing healing modality, Shailja is enthusiastic to experiment with Reiki and share her experiences with the world. She believes self-purification, self-dedication, and selflessness enhance our Reiki experiences.
For any sessions or communication, Shailja can be reached via her e-mail address You can also enjoy Shailja’s content through her YouTube channel: Showers Healing.
This person (Shailja) is a font of knowledge with regards to reiki and the art of relaxation. God bless
Thanks Brian. Love & Light!
Thank you,
I will definitely try
Thanks Ati. Please share your experience. Love & Light!
Nice one
Many Thanks. With much Love & Gratitude!
Awesome!!! This article/book will give a positive impact on human life(hope every human read and follow same).????
Many Thanks. With much Love & Gratitude!
This is an amazing article Shailja! Thank you for sharing your wisdom and love!
Many Thanks. With much Love & Gratitude!
Thank you ~this article was beautiful and helpful~
Many Thanks. With much Love & Gratitude!