Article by Heidi Ronquillo, Reiki Master
It is said that our outer world is only a reflection, a representation of our inner world. If we are conflicted with stress, anxiety, fear, corruption then that will be represented in our daily lives in our work, personal, and everyday life.
In order to have peace in our outer world we need to bring peace into our inner world so it reflects to our outer world. For this we need to work meditate and heal. The way to do both is meditating on a mantra. Mantras are powerful forms to bring about healing, filled with energy. Along with Reiki they are great for removing karmic blocks and bringing healing to our souls. Reiki and Mantras are powerful energy healing techniques that can have a profound effect on our well being. Each mantra has a specific vibrational quality to bring healing to certain areas of our lives. This healing won’t happen right away, it takes time, work and patience.
Below are two mantras with translation to help heal our inner selves, our outer world and to bring peace to the world. While repeating these mantras let’s send Reiki to the world or anyone who needs help finding peace or simply repeat these mantras while performing self-Reiki. Enjoy!
OM SHANTI, SHANTI, SHANTI (OM peace, peace, peace)
(May all beings everywhere be happy and free and my thoughts, words and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and freedom for all.)
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Heidi Ronquillo is a spiritual healer focusing on Reiki and crystal healing in Miami, Fl. She has always been told she has one foot in the physical realm and the other in the spiritual realm. Heidi has been a spiritual person all her life seeing & sensing departed loves ones and angels since she was a child. Her main goal in life is to make a difference in the world and the lives of others. She wants to help those on their spiritual path and bring healing light and love to others. Heidi is a Registered Healer, INHA, Reiki Master, and a 200 hour Certified Yoga Instructor. For more information on Reiki, Yoga and Heidi, call 305-301-9615, email [email protected], or visit
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