Reiki and Spells – two powerful and different ways to heal, manifest and send your prayers to Universe. There are many people who loves to do spells and rituals (not black magic please). The spells that are done for good and harms none. How about merging spells and Reiki energy and see what the outcome is? As we all know, Reiki works for the highest good and hence no chance of going wrong anywhere.
Let us see how we can merge Reiki and spells. Most common things used in Reiki are candles, crystals, oils, herbs, tarot/angel cards and intention slips.
Space Clearing – Before starting any ritual or spell, cleanse your altar or the space you are going to do the ritual/spell. There are many ways to do that but since we are talking about Reiki here, let us go with the Reiki method. Draw Cho Ku Rei on your palms and let the Reiki flow. Imagine multiple Cho Ku Rei coming out of your palm filling the room with divine light. While giving Reiki to the room, state This room is cleansed from all kind of negative energies and lower energies and only positive energy is allowed here, this or better. Thank you.
Candles – In most rituals/spells, candles are used as fire element to send our prayers to Universe. Take your candle and roll and rub it between your palms. This will infuse the candle with your personal energy. Next, carve your wish on candle- Love, Wealth, Health or whatever it is. On the other side of the candle, carve Reiki symbols that you are attuned to.

Image by draconianimages
Essential Oils – Now that your candle is ready, next thing to do is anoint it with oil. Take few drops of oil on your palm, draw Reiki symbols on it and give Reiki stating your intention. So now you have oil infused with your intention.
Crystals – Always use cleansed crystals. Take crystals in your palms and draw Reiki symbols over it. State your intention and visualize or imagine the desired outcome. Hold your intention for minimum 68 seconds, for when a thought is hold for 68 seconds, manifestation has begun. You can also anoint the stones with essential oils.
Angel/Tarot cards – Before using any card in ritual/spell, remove negativity from it. Draw Cho Ku Rei and give Reiki to it with the intention to remove negative energy and bring in Divine light. Next, hold the cards in your hand and meditate and see what message it has for you.
Intention slips – When you write your intention slip, draw Cho Ku Rei on four corners to seal the energy. On the back side of the paper, add Reiki symbols and give Reiki to this slip for few minutes.
Once all your set-up is done, spell is done, make a Chi Ball to energize the spell/ritual and release it over the spell/ritual set-up.
I know this makes your method lengthy but it also makes your spell/ritual more powerful and with the surety that it will work for your highest good.
Article by Rinku Patel
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Rinku Patel is a Reiki Master Teacher, Doreen Virtue certified-Angel intuitive, Fairyologist, Realm Reader, Crystal healer, Angel card reader, and Indigo card reader. Other than that she is a Certified Tarot card reader and spiritual writer. Rinku can be reached via her email address and on Facebook at Magics n Miracles
Can this spell be done before tarot card reading?
Good article but never send it to the universe other forces could be waiting to take your hard worked energy for their selves. Instead place the chi ball in yourself or aura do that what you want will manifest to you. Or place the chi ball in an object and carry it with you.
Ahhhhh yes, thank u 🙂
Thank you for sharing Rinku
Thanks dear Rinku for sharing your wisdom also thanks to Sean for v important tip
Wonderful info, but I would caution anyone to use undiluted essential oils directly on the skin. It is recommended for spiritual work to use no more than a 1% dilution in a good carrier oil.
Do you do any shamanic practices with reiki?
Thank you! very much.
If you are doing Reiki correctly, you do not need to be doing spells! If you know how to use Reiki correctly all of these things are no longer necessary. Be very careful when mixing these types of things in with Reiki. A lot of people end up with unintended consequences for two reasons (A) A very precise, clear and specific intention is not used and (B) People never consider the consequences it may have in the wider outer world – there is an old saying – Be careful what you wish for as you might just get it!
Whatever you wish for, whatever you brew, always remember, comes back to you.
Law of three-fold witchcraft
Spells should always contain “For the good of all, with harm to none”
Great reply. Read and heed.
Can someone cast a spell on another to make them fall in love with them? Just wondering, as I suspect this has been done to me.
I was disappointed to read this article title. As a Reiki Practitioner, I know I would not want anyone associating the light healing work I do with anything that could be considered witchcraft. Not saying witchcraft is bad, but these are two entirely different things which shouldn’t be lumped together for any reason. I agree with a former posted comment that if you are doing Reiki how it is intended you don’t need “spells.” The general public is still struggling to understand energy healing and what Reiki is and is not. I think as healers we need to do our best to keep it simple.
Hi this looks great. Could you provide some more information on the “intention slip”? Is this where you write what you want to occur or something else? Thank you.