Article by Lisa Koester
Those of us who have been practicing Reiki know how deep it goes. We see and feel the energy and we want to share it with the world. Each practitioner experiences the energy in her own way, just as each client does. It is therefore natural to want to talk about something that is so simple, yet so difficult to describe. It’s almost as if by formulating words around it, the magic of Reiki diminishes.
We also don’t know how the person or group we are addressing feels about metaphysical healing. Rather than get into a philosophical debate, here are my 4 tips for talking about Reiki to those who may not know anything about it (of which there are many).
1. Talk about the benefits of receiving a Reiki treatment rather than the process of how it happens. Many of us who have been practicing for years do not always understand the process ourselves, so trying to explain it to a lay person may only confuse them or push them away from being open to receiving. If they are experiencing stress, anxiety, grief, depression, or illness, talk about what specifically Reiki treatment can do to alleviate or balance those symptoms. Give them 3 things they can benefit from by having a session.
2. Tell about the changes you have seen in others after experiencing regular Reiki treatments. Use examples of clients without divulging details or the name of the client. Give specific examples, and use numbers or percentages, such as, “After only 3 sessions, my client’s doctor was able to reduce his medication for PTSD by 75%. “Or, “After working with me for 2 months, my client was able to conceive and carry her baby full term.” Of course we never make any medical claims as Reiki practitioners, but do talk about the results your clients have experienced and how it changed their lives. Use your clients own language to describe how they feel to others. Make sure you do not violate any privacy agreements in the discussion. And never, ever give out private information on clients.
3. Share your personal story. Tell how your life was before receiving Reiki treatments or attunements, how it changed you and why you are so passionate about sharing it. People are very curious to know why you decided to pursue Reiki as a profession or treatment. Tell them about your illness, how you were stuck, what blocks you had and how your life has changed since.
4. Ask them about their vision for themselves. Get them to share as much as possible what vision they hold for their life, what specific changes they want, and how it would be to get it. Very often we are so busy talking about what we don’t want, yet very few people ever talk about what they do want. I once had a client tell me, “No one has ever asked me that before!” Because Reiki works with intention, it’s important to set intentions for what we want in our lives. Get detailed. If they want to lose weight, ask how much, by when, and how they will feel once they do. What areas of their life will change as a result? The more detailed the better. Ask your clients to journal about these in-between sessions. Give them 1 thing to focus on, that they can feel accomplished when they achieve it and want more.
Now that they have a clear vision of what a Reiki session can do for them, hold that intention and vision for them. This often means staying silent. Let them talk and tell YOU what they want from their Reiki session. When they have finished, say, “Well, thank you so much for sharing all that. I can see that vision for you. I can’t promise you you’ll get the exact results you want, but I can promise that you will be glad you did it. “
Using language which separates people when they don’t understand it is intimidating. Meet them where they’re at, by using a language they “get”, and show them the results are tangible.
I hope this helps shed some light on the language of Reiki. I have struggled with it myself for years and want to share my experiences in what has helped me.
May your ride be joyous and blessed!
In Service,
Lisa Koester
Teaching Reiki Master
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Lisa Koester
Lisa Koester is a trained Teaching Reiki Master and Meditation teacher based in Marin County, CA. She helps Reiki practitioners and Reiki masters grow their practice. She speaks at events, leads workshops and retreats, and sees private clients in person or via Skype.
Lisa received Level I initiation in 1998 and continued her metaphysical and spiritual work incorporating Reiki practice into yoga and other modalities. In 2009 Lisa became a professional Teaching Reiki Master, helping people to heal and working with other practitioners. She works with Angelic healing, Ascended Masters, and teaches working with crystals and essential oils. Lisa teaches meditation to individuals as well as groups, and brings her unique style of Living Wisdom Meditation to corporate businesses and private organizations. Locally and globally engaged, Lisa teaches both in person and online, but does attunements in person only. She is available to lead retreats worldwide and speak at events. Lisa Koester may be found at
Nice article, Lisa!
Thank you Anamika
Great practical advice, thank you.
Lovely article. Thank you for posting.
Thank you Sean. I hope it was helpful
Excellent article, very useful. Thank you Lisa. Namaste.
Thank you, Una
Nice article Lisa, just a couple of points, Not all practitioners are female “Each practitioner experiences the energy in her own way”, and not just males who suffer from PTSD, “doctor was able to reduce his medication for PTSD”. Other than that, I found the article very useful..Please don’t take this as a negative comment, it’s just my observation.
Thanks for sharing
Very helpful Lisa. Thanks for sharing.