“What you have claimed in consciousness as yours cannot be lost or stolen”, has been my philosophy since twenty-five or more years. I have shared this with my two sons. Last night the youngest son who is now 21, got separated from his phone. This morning hubby heard through Spirit how to locate it. We got a location and we drove to the location which was in Orlando about 35 miles from our home. So, near the location was a 7-11 store. We got help from a 7-11 employee/mgr. where Joseph was nearby last night. They let him/us, use their phone to ping Joseph’s phone. A worker in a nearby Jimmy John’s place heard phone pings in their safe. Opened the safe saw where the pings were coming from and called 7-11 store where we were. They brought the phone to Joseph proving once again in our lives all that you claim as yours is yours. Neville Goddard tells you the same thing in other words but the truth is the truth no matter how the words are spoken.
As Joseph searched the area to hear his phone ring back to him, Chris and I waited in the car in downtown Orlando. I suggested, since I am a Reiki Master Teacher and Chris 2nd Degree Reiki Practitioner that we Reiki Joseph’s phone and we did. I also envisioned in my mind and placed the phone on one electron that would travel at the speed of Light back to us on this day.

Image by TanteTati
We all had prayed together before leaving the house and affirmed we would find the phone today. We all gave thanks for the invisible help in dowsing for the phone and we gave the young lady at 7-11 a tip of $5 for her unconditional love for helping Joseph recoup his phone. We thanked the Jimmy John’s worker as well.
Chris and I recently saw a Russell Crowe movie where he dowsed for the remains of his two sons who were missing since the war. He stood fast in his faith that their remains would be under the soil where he had “heard” their bones would be. The bones of his two sons were right where he claimed they would be and authority of that country could not believe it. He also intuited where his third son who had been captured and imprisoned would be and he got him out of prison. So today I said to Chris, let’s do a Russell Crowe today and so it was!!!
It is Done! Joseph was so proud at his success AND thankful when he got back to car and showed me his phone in hand.
Article by Daya Devi-Doolin
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Daya Devi-Doolin, is a 500-hour E-RYT (Registered Yoga Alliance Teacher). She is Known as a “Doctor of Thought”. Daya Devi-Doolin is an Ordained Minister and the Co-founder with her husband Chris, of The Doolin Healing Sanctuary in Deltona, FL. She is an internationally known speaker and Award-Winning Author of metaphysical and self-help books. Her inspirational speeches share the secrets for a successful life. She is a Certified Reiki Master Teacher. The Doolin Healing Sanctuary was Voted among Top 5 Yoga Studios on Orlando’s A List in 2013 and the 2nd Top Yoga Studios of Orlando A List for 2014. They received Best Alternative Healing Business Award for Orange City and Deltona, FL in 2013 and 2014. Daya is the host of her own show at www.blogtalkradio.com/padaran and she’s going into her sixth year as host.
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